Wednesday 10 February 2021

The EU's Dreadful Duo.

It's the subject on everyone's lips; I must say, that like most people, I've been extremely disappointed by the recent behaviour of two of the EU's grandees; Von der Leyen and Macron. Don't be fooled by their 'sweetness and light' looks, they would stab you in the back in an instant. Not nice people.

After years of negotiations between the UK and the EU, a Brexit deal was agreed and signed. What one thinks either of the deal itself, or even of Brexit in general, is of no unimportance here; it is the fact that an agreement had been made, then almost instantly rejected by Brussels.

But this has always been the case with the EU, they pass laws which the UK always abided-by, and mainland Europe ignored.

People don't forget two-faced hypocrites, and I doubt very much whether either German Von der Leyen or Frenchman Macron will be re-elected when they next go to the polls.

They must be careful. Boris is not a vindictive person, but if he decided to reciprocate it could hit both Germany and France's economies extremely hard. Wines, Cheeses, Cars, etc from France, and mostly Cars and White Goods from Germany could very soon be met with crippling border restrictions. 

Wee Ms Von der Leyen might soon discover that the country she describes as 'An insignificant little island' has more effing clout than either she or a certain ex-Chancellor (who's name I won't mention) could ever have imagined! 

George Eustace MP has already warned Brussels that they'll soon be 'boarding boats' if they continue to renege on certain export deals.

Don't mess with Britain!


  1. Smiling as I am reading this. Very good for Australia and Asian car makers.

    1. Of course; very good for all non-EU car makers.

  2. Junker pissed seemed slightly more competent than Leyan. I don't think she was elected so how they get rid of her could pose a problem. We are well off out of it.

  3. I was a remainer, but now watching I think we are better out. Boris has proven this simply over the covid jabs, we are in a much better place than Europe, ahead on orders and getting people inoculated. I feel we will make it as long as we keep the soft Labour lot out (sorry my view)

    1. I too was a 'remainer', for rather selfish reasons, but like you I'm now feeling that we'll be better off without them; even though I shall personally be somewhat inconvenienced.

  4. To clarify: Macron is the President of France; Ursula van der Leyen does not represent Germany. Her role lies in Brussels as the (elected by the European Parliament) President of the European Commission. Last time I looked Angela Merkel (and you can't say fairer than fair) was the head of the German government. I think it unhelpful that you indicate (to those of your readers not familiar with the intricacies of the EU) that Germany's government doesn't play ball.

    Since you mention "mess": Britain, or rather the British government, in the wake of the 2016 referendum, has given the EU (Brussels) the run-around for years; a fact well known around the world. British petulance (and incompetence) made much fun of. The prestige these isles once had diminished.

    The mistake van der Leyen made was re the vaccine rollout. A mistake she herself has admitted and apologized for. Try and get Johnson to do the same - in any sphere of his private, professional, political life.

    As to fishery - and I said it before: Rules are rules. Whether you agree with them or not. Red tape is not Brussel's invention. It's what borders are for. Borders that a touch over fifty percent of British voters wanted. And the outcome of the referendum does dictate those borders not some individual in whatever their capacity.


    1. I know perfectly well what their respective roles are, but this doesn't change their nationality or petulance. Britain has been a major net contributor to the Eu ever since it joined, the fact that it wanted something in return for its billions does not make them incompetent.

    2. Don’t ague cro she knows everything

    3. Cro, the incompetence/the mess I was referring to was the handling of post referendum leading to the final parting a few weeks ago.

      John, if you ever took the time to actually compute what I am saying you will know that I never claim to "know everything". I am putting a point of view. What's yours?


    4. I'm pleased to hear that you knew exactly what negotiations went on behind closed doors in Brussels. It really makes one wonder how we came away with such a good deal (which the EU are now obviously regretting).

  5. But I thought it was all going to be so easy.

    1. It is. They make stupid mistakes, they apologise, we accept their apologies.

  6. Smashing post Cro. I'm right behind you. I'm backing Britain.

    1. Good for you. After 47 years living over here, we're becoming seriously disenchanted with the French and German attitudes.

  7. They just love slagging us off whenever a situation arises ..... they are like two sulking children in the playground . I am sure that every country has made mistakes during the pandemic and, whichever way we voted re Brexit ( I was a remainer ) our country voted to leave so we have to get on with it. I’m sure that there will be both pluses and minuses. I get so fed up with the news media just wanting to blame everyone and anyone..... that won’t get us anywhere ! Jacqueline, News @ Ten, Hertfordshire. 🤣😂🤣 XXXX

    1. The more they act like spoilt children, the more the other countries of the EU see them for what they are. Expect numerous exits within the next 10 years!

  8. Those two are still there in the background but they aren't our main topic of conversation at the moment. Biden and some of his pals are warning Erdogan to back off . But main news is local news. Will schools close,what stupid shopping system have they dreamed up now. Click away, click inside, close em up altogether.

    1. We don't seem to be getting much Biden news; I suppose he's not as news-worthy as Trump. Erdogan is dangerous; especially to Greece.

  9. Instinctively I have never liked that smarmy little weasel known as Macron. It was his unbridled egotism that got him where he is today. Who does he represent? Only himself.

  10. I hear this morning that VDL has admitted she was wrong and apologised. That makes a change!!
