Tuesday 26 January 2021

Trainers (Gym shoes, plimsolls).

When I saw this (below) recently, I nearly fell over backwards!

Needless to say, I wouldn't be seen dead in any of these vulgar, clumpy, over-priced, training shoes.

Who in their right minds would spend over £700 on those ridiculous-looking pink shoes, or over £14,000 on those grey Nike shoes on the bottom row, or £2.7 Million on what I presume are diamond studded ones? And, who the hell dreams-up those prices?

I always thought that women's (and men's) feet should appear small and delicate. If you wish to look like a farmer with multi-coloured-mud-clogged gum boots, there's a far better way of achieving the look without buying any of the above.

Why anyone would want to wear such garishly ugly over-priced clod-hoppers; I really don't know.

Yes, I must be getting old.


  1. Why should men’s feet appear small and delicate? That sounds effeminate. Men should be large and muscular. They need big feet to hold up broad shoulders, muscular thighs and a deep chest.

    1. When I was younger it was said that women's figures should be like an hour glass, and men's like a carrot. In both cases tapering down to a 'point'. I don't think it was an effeminate look; more like 'elegant'.

  2. Do you mean daps, I dislike the size and shape of trainers of any type, give me a pair of deck shoes any day.

    1. Absolutely, and they probably cost no more than a bottle of Coke.

  3. At this point in my life, I want my feet to be comfortable. That's it. I don't understand the neon colored shoes. I don't lose my feet. I know right where they are without the bright colors. The shoes that I wear most are a pair of slip ons with a memory foam insert. They are gray. I can throw them in the wash when needs be.

    1. Yours sound like my summer shoes, at the beginning of every summer I buy 2 or 3 pairs of gray canvas slip on shoes, and they see me through to winter (or beyond). They cost about €6.

  4. Or what we called them when we were young, sandshoes. Before I read your concluding remark I was reading the same about myself. If such wastage can be spent by people, then perhaps they should thinking about how a similar amount of money could help the world directly.

    1. I find it all so silly. No-one takes any notice of them either, other than to think how ugly they look!

  5. The last line of your post was exactly what I was going to write.

    I think the older generation always thinks the fashion of the younger generation is: ugly, silly, fill in your own words. Think back to what people said about the mini skirt.

    1. I find skinny jeans, on most people, very ugly. I hate jeans that are torn to pieces. And don't even get me started about young men who wear their jeans below their buttocks.

    2. Haha...and don’t get me going about men with long hair and beads!

  6. The prices are pretty obscene as well. Also, Cruz Beckham, 15 year old son of the Beckham's, is selling one of his old Louis Vuitton hoodies on an auction site for .... wait for it .... £110,000 !!!!! It even has a draw string missing !!! I mean, they really need the money !!! XXXX

    1. Well, all I can say is that the boy's parents must be a pair of gullible fools.

  7. Bought by people who then say they can't save the money for a deposit on property???

    1. And they certainly wouldn't be able to afford their children's school meals!

  8. I think those big, clumpy trainers are ugly and very unflattering. As a person of short stature with small feet I shudder to think what I would look like in them. Coco the clown? 🤡

    1. They do look like Clown's shoes; and are probably mostly worn by Clowns.

  9. These days I seem to only be wearing my walking boots or my slippers.

  10. People are starving. Many people in The Third World struggle to access water. Babies die from diarrhoea. And yet here in the west horrible fashion shoes sell for those crazy prices. It is disgusting.

    1. You could say that about anything and everything, fancy cars, designer handbags, flashy TV's, and I often do.

    2. I suppose that's what got me going. The whole thing seems obscene.

  11. YP above echoes my thoughts - it's not just shoes it is clothing full stop.

  12. It doesn't look right seeing a woman wearing a pretty flowery frock and huge trainers on her feet. Whoever persuaded them it looked good was definitely having a "larf"!!
    Even pumps look better -I'm a fan of pumps - remember those?

    1. Delicate foot-ware always looks better on women. Pumps Rock!

  13. Where on earth did you get that picture from Cro, it can't be real can it? Hideous. People have obviously got more money than sense these days!

    1. It's real enough, it came from a newspaper's fashion page.

  14. Probably the most obscene thing about this is that when I lived in soul Korea, you could buy all sorts of name brand sneakers on the street for a couple of bucks. Factory seconds. These shoes are bought for virtually nothing, and then they are brought to our market and resold for obscene prices. And people pay the money for the name. It has never made sense to me. I'm not a label shopper and never have been.

    1. I presume all the shoes above are machine made, and cost almost nothing (other that the one covered in diamonds). Once some brand name is added it apparently makes them highly desirable, and therefore expensive. I find that crazy.

  15. OK, its an age thing. My grandkids love those sort of shoes. They are looking for new atheltic shoes now and they're all that sort and really bright colours. While they won't pay 700euros for a pair they will consider paying 100 . They are all atheltes and will pay for the best but it has to be the latest fashion too. The brighter and bigger the better. Day glo orange and pink!

    1. PS I love them too. They look great on young feet. Even my daughters wear these

    2. Not my cup of tea at all, but each to their own.

  16. But you would have the lifestyle and look like those two young ladies if you had a costly pair of trainers.

  17. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and some people must think they are attractive (not beautiful surely) as a status symbol otherwise no-one would buy them. The Haves the world over will make themselves noticed and I can't see that attractiveness necessarily enters into it for the rest of us because they are downright horrible (in my eyes).

    1. People will always buy things simply because they are expensive; we see examples of this with HUGE booze bills in West-End clubs. In some ways I think their money is far better off in the hands of entrepreneurs, than in the hands of social-climbing idiots.

    2. I suspect you get the lassie with the shoes, very nice but twenty seven million is way out of my league.

    3. I need new glasses she's only 2.7 million. That's footballers money, I wondered where they got their totty from.

  18. My mother used to say there is no accounting for taste. Now I finally know what that means!

  19. I sort of like that 1,070 offering. I'd be looking for the 45 knock off though.

    1. The £1,070 pair look as if they were made for actual running, but as you say, the £45 pair would be just as good.

  20. I think it is great that people are wearing functional footwear like this now, and that they are fashionable for women. Better than high heels.

  21. I gave up on the idea of attractive looking sneakers years ago. Seeing how gigantic they have to be for my long feet, I never knew whether to laugh or weep. Not to mention the absurd price tags. So I go without and am perfectly happy for it. As an aside, I believe there is a certain cachet among trendy monied young things to wear truly ugly footwear - it's even called the Ugly Shoe Movement!
