Monday 25 January 2021

Away from it all.

When I look outside, and compare it to the photo that my youngest sent me two days ago, there are no prizes for guessing why he and his family are now in Cancun Mexico. This is the view from his hotel balcony. It certainly looks idealistic!

Am I jealous? Of course I am, but frankly I'm happier where I am. It may be cold, wet, and miserable, but I feel safer here, and for me, my health is all important.

We stay home, shop briefly once a week, and occasionally chat with one or two similarly cautious neighbours.  No way would I travel half way round the world.

We shall open the pool at the end of May, our Palm trees will sway, and we'll sip cooling drinks in between swims. And to think; we only have four finger-twiddling months to wait.

Then, to make matters worse, my daughter sent me this photo yesterday of Keppel Island, where she spends many of her weekends. Paradise. Something tells me I might have made a mistake somewhere!


  1. Someday...I have every confidence that someday, we'll be able to do these things once again without a second thought.

    1. One can but hope. I'm sure that day will come.

  2. 28° here today with 29° forecast tomorrow and 30° on Wednesday. I am happier in mid 20's so spent most of day indoors doing computer things but have just come in from watering the garden. Doug did some gardening though.

    1. 5C here today falling to -3C tonight. The idea of joining Tenpin on the almost deserted Keppel Island, is very tempting.

  3. Good on him. Were there bodies piling up in the streets then folk would be careful. There aren't so most people please themselves and ignore the media hype and whatever ulterior motive governments have.

    1. I wouldn't call it 'media hype', people are still dropping like flies.

    2. Nor are they here, but elsewhere....

    3. Media hype? 1,800 deaths in a day? Hospitals at breaking point? Government ulterior motive? What gauge of aluminium foil is suggested for the hat?

    4. 1600 deaths a day is normal. NHS are at breaking point every winter usually with folk filmed on stretchers, waiting in ambulances. This winter is no worse than usual if one considers the treatment for other diseases that are being ignored.

    5. No reasoning with those who think it is all a big conspiracy and NHS is always at breaking point. I guess the A&E staff haven’t a clue what they are thinking about.

      No worse if one considers the treatment for other diseases that are being ignored? The very fact that they need to be “ignored” proves the point.

      As to 1,600 a day being “normal”...1,800 was due to COVID not the total.

      Excess deaths in 2020 is likely to be around 80,000.

    6. Don't worry yourself. I don't understand it but I'll not waste what life I have sitting indoors waiting for death.
      You are entitled to do as you please with your life and I hope you do.

    7. Adrian, just keep your fingers crossed that this imaginary illness doesn't come your way. There's plenty of time!

    8. Not for the first time, I agree with Adrian Ward. For reasons too complex to explain here.

      Let me just say one thing: Whilst the ambition appears to NOT die of Covid in the meantime other people, on waiting lists for other medical intervention, have THEIR lives shortened. Worthy a thought.


    9. Yes, unfortunately they have had their lives shortened. What is the solution? Leave people with Covid to die at home?

      The fact that the hospitals are full and many operations cancelled says it all. At that is with lockdowns. Imagine how worse things would have been without lockdown and this imaginary virus, media hype and ulterior governmental motives? Oh, sorry too complex to explain.

      Apologies for hijacking Cancun post. Not sure Cancun would suit you Cro but Uxmal would.

    10. Calm yourself, Traveller. No one said anything about "leave people with Covid to die at home". All I queried, and doctors who are left in a quandary will confirm this, that the Virus has become the center piece, the naval, and others, with unrelated conditions, yet in need of treatment, will die on the back of it - prematurely. It's a question of priorities. A question of priorities well known to the medical profession throughout the centuries. The ultimate conundrum for those having sworn the Oath to save lives.

      To put it another way, and a brutal one as such: If you were given the choice between saving your life (no idea how old you are) and that of a youngster waiting for cancer treatment what would you choose? Hang on by your fingertips or give future a chance?


    11. Please do calm yourself as well dear Ursula.

      As if often the case when responding to a thread with several commentators, it can be difficult for some to discern the person to whom a comment is addressed.

      My main point was to address the point that this winter is no worse than normal....perhaps it was that justification which was just too complex for explanation.

  4. Looks beautiful, but I think I would prefer to stay up here on our tiny, wet and cold - but reasonably safe - island.

    1. I'm staying-put too. Happy to be where I am.

  5. My family live on the mainland adjacent to Keppel Island too.

    1. I've not been but Lady M has. It sounds absolute paradise; a small almost empty island with unspoilt sandy beaches. My daughter has all her diving cert's, but prefers to play cricket with her boys. I think it's Little Keppel that she goes to.

  6. Queensland is horribly hot and humid at this time of the year so you don't want to be there. Blue water and palm trees always look so enticing but clever and artistic brains work much in cool weather.

    1. I could do with some heat at the moment, but maybe not the humidity. That water looks so inviting.

  7. They do say that home is where the heart is - and I do feel that if you were swanning about all over the place you wouldn't put on pictures of your delicious-looking meals - how about another - we haven't had one lately.

    1. We've been eating standard winter fare, so nothing to get excited about. Maybe that'll change.

  8. Keppel Island looks fabulous. For once I am happy that my daughter is living in Oz, at least it is relatively Covid free for the time being.

    1. Even stunningly beautiful places like Keppel are almost deserted. If that was France or Spain, it'd be crowded.

  9. It looks beautiful and tempting - but no thank you. People are up in arms here about people "going south" and many politicians and "big shots" have been fired for going on vacations like this as it set such a bad example. In fact, our politicians are being encouraged (by many of us ordinary citizens) to enact a travel ban on people leaving the country! And if people can mange through a Canadian Winter without going to warmer climates then I think most other people could manage!

    1. I haven't said it in so many words, but that's much as I think. With my daughter it's a different matter, she's in a virus free zone, and Keppel is almost deserted.

  10. PS - they've just announced that the Mexican President has been diagnosed with Covid!

  11. No mistakes made on your choice of where to live, Cro. You live in a lovely place and have the life that you want. I always think that those who in live in places with great all year round weather never know the simple, wonderful joy of a new spring.

    I think of Cancun as a one-two week resort vacation spot and not a place to put down roots. However, everyone that I know that has been to Cancun has enjoyed themselves very much.

    1. They're only there for two weeks; next stop Miami. Yes, I'm every happy where I am, I've not regretted living here for one minute.

  12. Looks gorgeous but I think I'll stay put. They're both a long way to go in an aeroplane.

    1. Don't worry.... sitting for hours on end in a 'plane isn't my cup of tea.

  13. No mistake on your part. Too much airport. Too much airplane. Too many suitcases. Too many taxis. You have it all at home, plus a dog and visits from grandkids.

    1. Yes, poor Billy wouldn't be allowed on the 'plane, so I'm staying home.

  14. What ....raising children who don't mind throwing a tease their father's way?

    1. I have another more sensible one in England, who's staying put!

  15. I will be very happy when your children get home.
    I would not travel anywhere in Mexico. Between covid and the cartels ,,, I live in a Border State and City next to to Mexico The cartels have been shooting everyone, fires, smuggling, and killing people here and over the border south of Tucson. It is a huge mess. Cancun should be safe but...
    I hope they stay Well and Safe.

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