Wednesday 27 January 2021

Hazards of the Cold etc.


Tuesday is my shopping day. I always set off from home before it's totally light, in order to be at my nearby supermarket (Leclerc) by 8.30 am opening time.

Yesterday morning I didn't notice that an escapee horse from next door had dragged some invisible green plastic coated Sheep wire into the track, which I subsequently drove over and snagged beneath the car. It took me ages to untangle it. Plenty of hoof prints and poo all over the garden, including up at the barn. Luckily only a small amount of damage to our young fruit trees. No word of apology.

Then en route I came across the above; some poor soul had probably hit a patch of black ice and slid into the arms of a roadside Walnut tree. If the tree hadn't been there, he or she would probably have ended up on his or her head.

I had planned to buy foie gras yesterday for my Paté making, but there wasn't any. My big Charcuterie day has therefore had to be put back for a while. More anon.


  1. Does Lady M get your breakfast ready while you are away?

    1. I have my breakfast to the sound of snoring!

    2. Oh dear, Cro. I'm so disappointed in you. A gentleman should never tell the world that his wife snores.

    3. How dare you; it's me that snores not my wife!!!!

    4. My admiration has increased a thousand fold. A man who can snore whilst eating breakfast must be capable of almost anything 😂

    5. And my wife's speaking to me again, which is a bonus!

    6. Now this little exchange had me laughing out loud!

  2. Spare a thought for the poor horse. Four legs, no thumbs to disentangle itself. Who wouldn't poo (with fright) all over the garden, yours or anyone's?

    That car reminds me of a most unfortunate incident. I was about eleven. Someone's parent gave us a lift to school when, middle of the forest, we passed a white Peugeot in the ditch kissing a tree, about five km from where I lived. Gosh, said our driver, that looks terrible. Don't worry, I said, my father crawled back home [middle of the night, middle of nowhere], only a few broken ribs and stuff.


    1. I just looked again at the photo above, and realised that I hadn't looked inside to see if anyone was there!! I'm pretty sure there wasn't.

  3. They had run out of foie gras? Sacre bleu! What a to do.

    1. Exactly. I'd planned my whole afternoon around Paté making, only to find that the main element was missing.

  4. It's much the same here. I have to drive carefully first thing as the council appear to have stopped salting at night. It's a good idea to check lone crashed cars. Twice I've found folk in them, one was dead and that was a real pain as I had to hang about for ages to explain it all to the police.
    You need an electric fence for the pony problem.

    1. I don't really think it's up to us to keep their horses out; it's up to them to keep them in. I have my veg' garden fenced... if they got in there I'd be furious.

  5. Not days to get things done. The Universe is telling you to chill, and giving you a little snow to encourage you.

    1. It's really foul here today. Cold, drizzle, and foggy. We have the chimney sweep working up at the barn; they don't seem to mind!

  6. We have a weak point in our boundary hedge/fence because one of our neighbour's dogs keeps finding his way into our garden and leaving a mess for us to clear up. Problem is we don't know where it's coming in!

    1. There's a dog playing with Billy at this very moment. Our visiting dogs tend to be very well behaved.

  7. Leclerc, pure nostalgia. Do they still have the restaurant in there? Our kids used to love it.

    1. They still do, but not at the moment, as they're all closed on account of Covid. We used to go a lot when we were travelling, they were always excellent.

  8. This happened to us taking daughter to school early one morning , we got a match if black ice rolled over and ended up upside down . Hubby and daughter got out of the car but I could not get out , I wasn't trapped I just could not get out the pompiers had to come and get me out they were lovely but it was the most embarrassing experience of my life .

    1. Well I suppose this proves that it can happen to anyone. When we recently had a very slight fall of snow (it happened to be on a Tuesday morning) I did slide around a bit on a sharp corner, but luckily no more than that.

  9. That is one reason that I am so glad that I no longer have to drive to work on a daily basis. I always dreaded the journey on those icy roads in winter.

    1. It's so easy to come a cropper, it doesn't take much.

  10. Thought for an insant it was your car Cro - glad it wasn't.

  11. You are living a hazardous life in rural France - broken fencing on roads and cars spinning off them and foie gras stampedes at the supermarket. It's amazing you have endured so long.

    1. Never a dull moment here, which is why I'm always exhausted.
