Monday 4 May 2020

Pissed off.

I'm sitting here, in front of my laptop, feeling very tired and slightly depressed. I slept less last night than usual, even less than my regular three/four hours. The phone, and internet, were down, so I couldn't even listen to my internet radio. During the first part of the night I heard Billy being sick, so got up and cleared the mess. When, at 5 am, I eventually got up, I found he'd peed on the kitchen floor, so I had to clear that up too.

On my morning walk with Billy, at about 7.00 am, it started to rain when we were about a mile from home. Both of us ended-up soaked.

It is now raining intermittently, and looks likely to continue all day. It's the sort of day that I really detest.

I have taken advantage, to a certain extent, by catching up on Emails, letters, thanking people for stuff, etc. At least I'm now almost up to date. I probably won't go outdoors much.

Breakfast (for me) was left over chicken tagine with merguez, lunch will be vegetable soup with a beetroot salad and maybe some cheese, and dinner tonight will be spaghetti with a minced beef and tomato sauce. Tea, if we can be bothered, will be Lapsang with lemon jaffa cakes. It's hard not to think about food on a day like this.

I look outside, and even though I mowed everywhere just five days ago, it already desperately needs doing again. Our next promised warm sunny day is for tomorrow (Monday), so in the meantime I simply had to watch it grow.

For a bit of excitement, I might light a fire later in the day, otherwise it's drawing, reading, and maybe a crossword. If it's really foul in the afternoon, I might even watch the country house finding TV programme.

Later in the afternoon, when Lady Magnon was taking Billy for a short walk, he seemed to have an epileptic seizure; and to make matters worse, he has just been been sick again. Having lost two dogs to suspicious circumstances makes us wary. Having had someone threaten to kill one of our dogs is always in our minds.

There; that's it. It's been a foul week. Being in lockdown against the weather is almost worse than against the virus.

It's now the following morning, and Billy seems OK, but we remain vigilant.

What a difference some sunshine will make. It's forecast to be 28 C today!!!


  1. I hope there is nothing seriously wrong with Billy. It amazes me how few times mine are sick when I see the revolting stuff they find and eat.
    Tell him to get better soon.

    1. He seems fine again this morning. I'm just about to take him for his early morning walk, so I shall see.

  2. I hope Billy is o.k It is a worry when our pets are unwell.

    1. We're just back from our walk, and he seems fine; very energetic again.

  3. Replies
    1. Off shopping here.... Lady M's just given me a crazy long list.

    2. Is that a fortnight? It's gone fast.

  4. Oh dear, you really did have a bad day. It must be worrying for you when Billy is unwell. Hope you have a good shopping trip. x

    1. Shopping was OK. A longer queue to get in, and shelves showing signs of scarcity. However, I was able to get everything I wanted; apart from Lady M's Ice Cream.

  5. Rain and sunshine makes everything grow like mad. We had rain last night. I was eyeing my garden this morning, everything has perked up.
    Your garden, lawn and sunny sitting area look so enticing. You'll be perking up yourself very soon I'm sure. One month to opening up the pool?
    Hope Billy keeps well. Damn those threatening neighbours.

    1. Our neighbour opened his pool yesterday; I think he was tempted by promise of 28 C today. I bet he doesn't use it, the water must be freezing.

  6. I'm beginning to wonder what rain is. We had a shower last week and that was it for weeks.

    I hope that Billy stays well.

    You mentioned merguez. I used to love them (I probably still do but certainly can't get them here!).

    1. I have had English Merguez, but they were nothing like our ones here.

  7. Tomorrow's Tuesday Cro. And it's a Bank Holiday here today, so will your shops be open?

    1. I think so. The May 8th celebrations (when France won the WW2) have been cancelled.

  8. What words of comfort can I give you, Cro?

    Billy being sick (as in "throwing up") means his body has expelled a "poison", be it an accidental or a deliberate one. I only took this on board the other day. The body self regulating, recognizing the enemy. Bloody marvellous. I am totally in awe of all the workings inside us anyway, now even more so. As an aside: I don't wish to turn into Miss Marple to your Sherlock but if there is deliberate poisoning going on in the neighbourhood surely the community as small as it is must have some idea who the culprit is. That's where cats have one over dogs: They are so suspicious by default it's hard to poison them. Which reminds me: Good old Freddy. Adore that photo. Such beauty, such grace.

    Rain and grey skies will soon make room for sunshine, Cro. What I'd be worried about is your lack of sleep. Are you able to have cat naps during the day to make up for night time's loss?


    1. We know exactly who it is, but proving it is another matter. Yes, I usually have a 15 min 'power nap' after lunch.

    2. A grumpy retired man who is stressed by growing grass and rain..What else? Ursula got a brain funny. She's searching the virtual hug for Cro. Really pathetic.

    3. Sorry, Cro, I know I am not supposed to answer Rosa. But that "brain plantation" is too good an idea to pass up on. Imagine all the brains we could grow if only we had a plantation. Let's leave the marketing to Rosa.


    4. A virtual love affair between you and Cro ? No real lover in sight ? Try to find a nice little song , sing it on you tube and so Cro can listen and fall asleep. Was fΓΌr eine empathische Person Missis Ursula. Ursula der Lenz ist da.

    5. Don't let your overheated imagination get you carried away, Rosa. Cro's blog is not a Mills & Boon (Groschenroman).

      Not to be disputed, and as you say, spring is here, baby lambs frolic, rabbits do what rabbits do (though I do hope not munch on as yet to grow carrots in Mr McCro's garden) and, as our German teacher used to say, die Baeume schlagen aus und der Spargel schiesst. So, Rosa, better be careful.

      Empathy? Need some? I can spare you a handful or two.

      Greetings, set to the tune of Bambi's "April Showers" (think Disney),

    6. Doch, doch ein Groschenroman Plot. Good LΓΌck !

  9. I hope that Billy will be OK. My Alexi wouldn't put his paw to the ground last Thursday afternoon....he had been for a walk and was fine, had a sleep and then got up with his paw seeming painful. I made an appointment with the vet for the next day, but he was fine in the morning ! No idea what it could have been. Saved me a fortune at the vet though!

    1. Maybe he was stung by something, animal or vegetable. Yes, the vet can be expensive.

  10. Fingers crossed here that there's nothing seriously wrong with Billy.
    In one of our local parks some nutter was putting down cat food containing slug pellets for dogs to find, in protest about owners not picking up dog poo. Several dogs died.
    There are some pretty mean and twisted minds out there.

    1. He seems fine at the moment, but we are constantly aware that some idiot might drop a lump of chocolate when they go by, or put slug pellets in a piece of meat. There are nasty people around.

  11. Hopefully Billy is having an off day. Stay strong and stay safe

    1. He seems happy today, no sign of illness.

  12. What happens if you need the vet ..... I don’t suppose they are open ? Hope it was a one off and Billy is his old self today. I think we are going to get more rain and then more nice weather. XXXX

    1. Actually I think the Vet is open. We are in a farming area, so they are needed constantly.

  13. I echo all the wishes for Billy's good health and hope it was not due to a malicious act.
    At least all that rain will have been good for Haddock's.

    1. The problem with having a malicious neighbour who threatens to kill, throws stones at, kicks, and whacks, poor Billy; we can never trust them. They may be 100% innocent, but suspicion will always be there.

  14. Why would people want to poison an innocent animal? It defines logic. I do hope Billy is on the mend and is back to his usual bouncy self... you to Cro! Mind you, maybe a step to far to call you bouncy?


    1. Some people are simply evil.... I can think of no other explanation. We adore all animals, and have even looked after their dog for several years. I think Billy's OK.

    2. I hope you don’t look after their dog now!


  15. Poor Billy, hope he's OK. We get quite a lot of cat poisonings in this area - possibly from people putting anti-freeze in their garden water features.

    1. So many things are poisonous for cats/dogs, one has to be so careful.

  16. Sorry to hear about Billy - I hope it was just a temporary set back and he recovers well. Didn't you need the rain? Here we are grateful for every shower, ever light.

    1. We did indeed, but we ended-up with about a week of it; almost non stop. Now it's HOT.

  17. Fingers crossed for Billy, enjoy the soft pattering of the rain, remember all that delicious food in summer because of it.

    1. Everything is growing like crazy, I am optimistic for good crops.

  18. Time to get the mower out old chap. Make sure the lines are as sharp and true as on Centre Court at Wimbledon. Like the other well-wishers above, I hope your Billy is okay

    1. That is my this afternoon's job. I have about 3,000 acres to mow; well that's what it feels like anyway.

  19. Wishing Billy well. I hope you have sunshine today!

  20. I couldn't face a left-over tagine for breakfast. I'll just have Nutella and bread please and a cup of green tea, thanks. Hope your day is getting better.

    1. I enjoy left-overs for my breakfast. I just bung it in the microwave, and voila.

  21. Unfortunately, we are having lots of rainy, windy days also and it makes times like this even worse. We need more sun to brighten our outlook.

    I am appalled that someone would want to hurt Billy. Can you keep him at home and not let him wander around since you feel there is a threat. Maybe a vet could do a test on Billy to see if your suspicions are correct.

    Take care, dear Cro, the sun will come out, hopefully tomorrow - or maybe even today.

    1. He's not the wandering type, he only goes for walks with us. Of course, I'm not quite sure what he gets up to when I let him out first thing in the morning when it's still dark.

  22. We've got the opposite weather to you - Sunday was gorgeous - nearly 20C and sunny all day - this morning it is back down to single digits, grey and rainy (there are even whispers of some snow flurries on some of the weather reports)! That is often the way here during April and May - very inconsistent and can change drastically overnight.
    Glad to hear that Billy seems to be doing better.

    1. This week should be nice here, then back to rain for the weekend. Why can't it rain at night, and be sunny during the day?

  23. Sending good wishes for Billy, Cro. I know he is very loved.

  24. I hope Billy is OK and your day is better.

    1. I've mowed everywhere, and just had a cup of Tea. It's a lovely day here.

  25. Good to hear that Billy and the garden are looking better. We could really do with a bit of rain, but the dry weather is letting us catch up on garden construction.

    1. It was a lovely day yesterday; it allowed us to get out there and do all the things we should have been doing for the past week.

  26. -chuckle- Everyone has a Pissed Off Day, now and then!!!! I had mine on Saturday! >,-)))

    One of our son's dogs died, recently, after seizures. She had been having them, although she was not old. And they finally did her in.

    Have no idea how old your dog is... Or of its history...

    A neighbor wanting to kill pet. Yikes!!!! What is his problem? You don't sound as if you let him roam.

    This week has to be better...

    Oh but! When is the Full Moon coming...?

    -evil grin-


    1. Billy is only 1, so a bit early to have seizures; although I have heard that Border Collies are susceptible. We shall have to watch him. Yes, we have a week of good weather, then more rain at the weekend.

  27. I am so sad to read about Billy. He is a lovely Gud Dug . I think about your neighbor when I read he was sick ! Hope this is not true.
    Woofs from iwinston and miss agatha tallulah

    1. It's a constant worry having odd-ball neighbours who make threats. Luckily they keep to themselves; they do themselves no favours!

  28. By the time you read this it will be bright and sunny and your mood will be lifted. I hope Billy is ok.

    1. The weather certainly changed. From foul it suddenly became hot and summery. I think Billy is fine now.

  29. You need sunshine and different neighbors.

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  31. I hope Billy is better Cro. My friends had to remove all the oleander from their gardens as their dog poisoned itself. terrible vomiting and it started with drooling big long strings. The dog needed 2 weeks at the vets as it put a strain on its heart. All ok now, but the vets said dig it all out, even the roots. Yet their old dog never bothered with it.

  32. I'm concerned to read about Billy, as it sound rather like poisoning. I note Sol's comment above, oleander plants, although beautiful, are poisonous to both animals and humans.

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