Tuesday 5 May 2020

A minor bereavement.

I've owned my very well constructed 'Ray Bans' for about 25 years. Originally they belonged to my oldest, Kimbo, who'd paid a small fortune for them. But being a fashion victim, he soon wanted Hugo Boss, Yves St Laurent, or Armani, and they were donated to his Papa!

Certain things almost become a part of you; favourite shoes, a special tie, or a well loved watch, and to lose them is a disaster.

So it was with my Ray Bans (above, rear). I'd always imagined they'd be placed with me in my final resting mausoleum; glued to my face, like my rings to my fingers. But no; they literally fell apart in my hands as I was putting them on almost a week ago.

Luckily Plan B was already in place, and I had a different pair waiting in the wings (above foreground). When Lady M saw me wearing them she insensitively stated " Those look nice; far better than your old ones".

I didn't speak to her for three days after that, even now I'm reluctant. Fancy saying something like that about my beloved Ray Bans. I was mortified.


  1. Replies
    1. He seems fine this morning; running around like his old self.

  2. The same thing happened to my Ray Bans after 25 years!.I had bought them on my one and only trip to America and they snapped in the middle after all those years...I didnt mind too much because I was getting fed up of wearing the same ones every year,lol.This is the first time I have ever commented on your blog,and I just want to say how much I enjoy it!.Best Wishes,Debi,x

    1. Welcome Debi. I did suggest to my son that we send them back to Ray Ban, and demand a replacement, but we decided against.

  3. I hope you don't let Lady M run around in something you don't think suits her that much. And for twenty five years. Well, as the sage says, each marriage has its secret (impenetrable to the outsider).

    On the other hand, come to think of it and to put a benevolent spin on it, maybe her saying that your "new" ones look better is a way of comforting you over your loss. Either way, be happy, may the sun shine on you and your glasses,

    1. I wouldn't dare comment on her choices; I woz well brung up!

  4. Well the evidence of two pairs only lasting 25 years it would seem that Ray Bans have built in obsolescence. Unfortunately mine are prescription sun glasses so only last as long as my sight change which, at the moment, is probably over 6 years so only 19 to go.

    1. Ray Bans are built to last, which is why I was so shocked that they snapped in the middle. My new ones may not last the summer.

  5. They are probably repairable. It looks like they have come apart where the bridge is soldered to the front and it could be resoldered, but don't try it yourself. You could ask your local optician when they reopen or send them to a reputable online spectacle repair place.
    (Soft soldering done at home will not work and ruin them as the solder doesn't hold but is impossible to get off.)

    1. Too late... they have already gone to ground. I think their time had come.

  6. Have a funeral for them and then move on.

  7. I lose sun glasses at such an alarming rate, I rarely return from holiday with the same pair I set off with, so have never invested in a good pair.

    My current ones, which have lasted very well because I haven't been anywhere, came from a hotel reception lost box, I lost mine and enquired if they'd been handed in (unlikely but possible) and was offered a pair which had been gathering dust for weeks so I salvaged them from the rubbish bin they were headed for.

    1. I've done that with brollies at Victoria Station. They show you a box-full, and you pick out the most expensive one, and say "Ah yes, there it is... thank you so much".

  8. The classic Ray Bans are so cool and always will be, as is their aviator glasses.

    1. For me they've always been the best... and so solidly made (usually).

  9. I like your new ones more than your Ray Bans ! XXXX

  10. 25 years....you got your money's worth. Oh, wait! You didn't buy them, hahahahaha

    1. Someone got their money's worth; mostly my son.

  11. I bet you looked so cool waltzing round the aisles at "LeClerc" in your vintage Ray Bans. By the look of it you could easily fix them with an "Elastoplast" plaster.

    1. I fear not; anyway, I'd have to dig them up again.

  12. I feel your pain....

    My beloved pink round frames "died," during this COVID-19 Incarceration. Can't get new ones, till we are "let out"...

    But I was able to put tape on the sharp broken part of one stem, and continue to use them. Not perfectly in place all the time, of course. But....

    The things we have to do, during COVID-19 Incarceration!!!!! Grrrrrr...

    Oh and I agree, what ever was Lady CM thinking???? Living with you all these years, she should have _known_ your deep love for, and bereavement over, your LOSS!!!! Tsh-tsk-tsk...

    But your marriage survived this test! A plus!

    And we do have to note, all the possible "pluses" of this COVID-19 Incarceration.

    "She turned to the sunlight
    And shook her yellow head,
    And whispered to her neighbor:
    "Winter is dead.” "


    1. Winter was hardly alive here this year, we've had a very mild season. I don't know why it is, but I have a huge collection of broken 'reading glasses' in my studio. I must take them all into the garden, and like my Ray Bans, bury them.
