Sunday 3 May 2020

Never buy Baked Beans from an antique shop.

I was looking for the battery charger for my (Wills's) cordless drill, when I found this Australian tin of beans amongst the detritus at the bottom of a box of assorted tools.

It was rusty, looked as if it had been kicked around a bit, and had all the qualities of something found in Scott's camp at the antartic.

I first looked for the use-by date, which unsurprisingly had been obliterated by rust. I cannot imagine why Wills had considered it necessary to bring the tin half the way around the world to France.

So, throwing caution to the winds, I opened the can, heated the contents, and served. They were fine, and I'm still alive to write this!

I'm not used to eating Heinz beans, I prefer our ordinary French white beans in a tomato sauce; or even make my own with a squirt of Tomato pureΓ© and a dash of red wine. Either way, I find our one's far more natural tasting than the Heinz version.

Verdict: Antique beans 7/10


  1. I hope you checked with Wills first. For all you know that tin has/had tremendous emotional value/memories for him. Only saying because, once upon a time, my sister (age six) and I (age twelve) formed a secret society. It was evidenced by our holy shrine, namely a shoe box filled with wizardry and our prized possessions. Alas, my father, the swine, found same box, deemed its contents rubbish and threw it out. Without consulting us first. I shan't dwell on the fall-out. My sister cried and gave him the silent treatment for a long time; I cried too then just added the experience to my (invisible) treasure trove of insights into the machinations of human beings.


    1. If you promise not to tell Wills, I won't either!

  2. Brave man. That reminds me of being warned about ptomaine (toeman) poisoning by my father. Heaven knows why. I haven't heard that word in years.

    1. Funnily enough, I've just this minute been reading in the paper about beans being fine to eat for at least 4 years after their eat-by date.

  3. Thst tin looks a lot more than 4 years old.

  4. It could be art? Could you paint it?

    1. I might have painted the loo with it; thankfully I have a strong stomach!

  5. As a vegetarian and a great eater of baked beans, I would've opened the tin and eaten the contents as well. At least you've recorded it here for posterity, should a sneak tell Wills!

    1. Personally I ignore most sell-by, or eat-by, dates. They are only there to abide by the rulings of interfering bureaucrats.

    2. Actually Cro, they are there because the Americans started suing all and sundry for every little thing. Most of our safety precautions are not there because governments wanted to interfere (in all honesty most could not be arsed) but because we as a nation have followed the US, take little responsibility for our own actions and blame anyone and everyone for anything and everything. As Governments have limitless pockets they are good things to sue. So they protect themselves at every opportunity. Mind you now that politicians no longer accept responsibility for anything they only care because they might not get re-elected.

      Sorry. Rant over. Was having my morning coffee and you hit a nerve.

      PS I actually am very partial to baked beans.

    3. 'Governments protecting themselves' sounds exactly like interfering bureaucrats to me.

  6. Frankly for the price of the old beanz I would not have bothered, I hate the ring pull option and would be more likely to cut (infect) myself.

    1. Live dangerously! I did think if the beans had been green/blue, I might not have eaten them.

  7. The ring pull would indicate that the tin is not that old because they haven't been around very long on food tins and I still buy some beans with lids that require a can opener. I'll take your word for it that it is rust but it doesn't look like rust on my phone.

    1. Get thee to Norwich, you doubting Thomas.

  8. I often wonder how much perfectly edible food is disposed of to land-fill because of somebodys idea of when it should be eaten?

    I've seen trollyes full of good food being collected from the shelves for disposal because they're one day over this magic date. I've even offered to take it away to save them the cost of disposal, but always been refused.

    Strange world sometimes?

    1. A lot of nonsense. Most foods are perfectly edible well after any date printed on the pack. Even Salt Honey and Sugar have sell-by dates; would anyone in their right minds throw them away? I hope not!

    2. Even water has a sell by date!

  9. Cricketer Shane Warne would eat them regardless. Use by dates seem to be a rough guide. The sniff and taste test seems to work for me.

    1. Is Warne known for such bravado? Of course he's right, as are you; look, smell, taste; the 3 best tests.

  10. I wouldn't eat tinned baked beans even if they had only been canned yesterday. I have always loathed the stuff. When served baked beans on toast for tea as a child I always scraped them onto my sister's plate. Ugh.

    1. I really like Baked Beans, but I prefer the own-brand ones I buy in my local supermarket, or even ones I make myself. It doesn't happen often, but if I want something quick and tasty I make myself Beans on Toast with a fried egg.

  11. In 1975, I found a sealed jar of tongue, that had been around since 1939. Its contents looked perfect and smelled good, I tasted a tiny bit and it seemed lovely but caution overcame me. So the dog enjoyed it and was fine afterwards.

    1. I think I might be a tad more wary with tinned meat or fish; but I'm willing to have a go at anything.

  12. Good for you Cro, waste not want not I say. I don't bother about sell by/eat by dates either, if it smells OK I'll eat it - if it's vegetable that is, I wouldn't do it with meat. Yoghurts go for months as long as they're unopened.

  13. I don’t always go by sell by dates .... with fresh things I am sure you have a few days grace .... just give it a sniff πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜± I am a bit wary of fish though ! I love all baked beans.but, sometimes I buy Reflets de France white beans with bacon a L’ancient something or other. They are amazing and I always have a jar in the cupboard ... they are great on their own with fish or meat and brilliant in soups and casseroles. I always have a tin of cassoulet as well.... a bit posh but lovely but tinned naked beans are lovely too. As Rachel said, Will’s beans probably weren’t too old as they had the ring pull. ( but you were very brave !!! ) XXXX

    1. Baked not naked πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚

    2. Mostly I buy ordinary white beans and add tomato purΓ©e and a splash of red wine. They have a fresher, more natural, taste than Heinz.

  14. It must be so challenging living in a tiny French cottage on a meagre pension. It almost made me weep when I read that you are now resorting to eating food that is way past its "use by" date. Please expect a food parcel in the next few days containing "Spam", cans of pilchards in tomato sauce, canned sliced peaches and Bird's custard powder.

    1. That sounds like the perfect food parcel, but could you include a couple of jars of Shippams Fish paste; we're clean out!

  15. Oh, Cro….you DO like to live dangerously, don't you?! I would have been too chicken to eat something in a can that old and rusty!

    1. Hey Jennifer, it isnt that old it has a ring pull on it! lol Cro is pulling our legs

    2. It was a can from the 'experimental era' of ring pulls.

    3. Cro, I have seen those ring pull ones bulging at the food bank where the can is dented or the contents are off. Its the first thing you learn when you stack the shelves there. Check for dents and bulging. And very sadly any tampering with seals.

    4. Canadian men are often found tampering with seals, sometimes with clubs in their mitts. Sickening behaviour.

  16. Heinz are the best. My god, it could have been worse and it could have been low sugar and low salt Branstons and then you would have been sick! lol vile things

    1. I would dispute your claim about Heinz; they're a bit sweet and 'gloopy' for me. I like mine more natural. Branstons should stick to pickles!

  17. I'm not a lover of baked beans, they are too sweet for me. But Paul insists on having them whenever I cook sausages and baked potatoes.

    1. They're very good on baked potatoes too.

  18. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Noooooooooo!!!

    It's a wonder, you survived!!!!


    Are you just kidding us?????????

    You didn't!

    But saying you did!

    And are "pulling our leg," as the old saying goes?????

    Evil grinnnnnnn...


    1. No, they were no different to a tin I might have bought that morning. Still alive.

  19. I read somewhere the other day that it is quite alright to eat a year old egg - it does make sell by dates a bit of a farce.

    1. Certainly eggs last much longer than one imagines. For hard boiled eggs for salads, they're far better if they're a few weeks old.

  20. Replies
    1. They'll arrive along with my letter from The Queen!

  21. It was the ketchup that preserved them. Like pickles. I would have eaten them too, if I liked baked beans in a can.

    1. Canning is a good process, as long as there are not too many dents, and the seals haven't broken!

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