Saturday 14 March 2020

The new greeting.

As you might imagine, no longer being able to either kiss or shake hands with friends and neighbours in France is almost akin to being banned from eating Snails.

I'm pleased to see that Prince Charles is leading the way in this respect, and has adopted a rather Indian looking greeting, with hands together and the hint of a bow.

I think this could catch on. The rather silly elbow touching, or fist bumping, should be universally banned, and exchanged for the new 'Carolean Greeting'. It comes naturally to most people, it shows respect, and is already in use by millions of people around the world. We might even all end-up becoming Buddhists.... not such a bad thing.

So, well done Charles, I shall follow your example, and Ronnie Wood seems to agree too!


  1. Yes, the elbow touching looks rather clumsy.

  2. Great. But first you need to change your mindset. Shaking hands is a bit like a reflex. At least to me. Only yesterday I was introduced to someone whose hand I promptly shook. I didn't die there and then with shame at my spontaneous gesture but it did make me think how ingrained "habits" are.

    I hasten to add to the drama by mentioning that the person who made the introduction (I'd bumped into him by chance) is Italian. He had just come back from the worst infected area. We both had the presence of mind not to do huggie kissie, touchy feely. In fact I told him, jokingly, to keep his two meter distance. Brandishing a cross at him for good measure. And no, it's not funny.


    1. My wife recently met a friend at the Bakers'. The friend (who had just returned from Holland) immediately went to exchange 'bisous'; Lady M had to restrain her. Life-time habits have to be changed, for the moment.

  3. In Austria the president Alexander Van der Bellen addressed the nation yesterday evening on the current situation and hit exactly the right note.

    Towards the end of his TV appearance he demonstrated 'the new greeting'

    1. Good, it sounds as if it's already becoming universal.

    2. I hope Jean Claude Juncker is reading your blog!

    3. Little girls hope Joe Biden is.

  4. We have to go to a funeral today. We have already decided we will stand outside the church but how to greet the grieving is a problem. I will try the 'carolean' and see how it's taken. No one will be missing cheeks or hugging, especially as relatives are coming in from the stricken capitol

    1. I expect people will automatically return the 'Carolean' greeting. If someone greets you in that way, you naturally do so in return. Let me know!

  5. Namaste is the greeting Charles is giving, it is very respectful, and does stop all this fumbling round trying to kiss someone on both sides of their face ;)

    1. I agree, but I prefer the name I've given it. I could never remember 'Namaste'.

  6. We went to a funeral the other day and I kissed loads of people and it was reciprocated 😱 I think people are getting more and more cautious with their greetings though now. 🙏 XXXX

    1. People here are restraining themselves; which for France, is quite something. I like the little emoji.

    2. Thank you (you'll have to imagine the same emoji here).

  7. I kissed and hugged relatives who came from Tenerife and Germany a week ago, and for a few days now I have an unclear feeling of cold, I hope that's not what I think.

    1. Gosh; do look after yourself... no more kissing relatives xx.

  8. Denmark first EU country to close airports and put army on border.

    1. Are you sure about the "army" being put at what is, after all, a very small border (the only land one with Germany). I know Danish Butter is only second to Normandy's and their cheese and pastries comfort food par excellence but still . . . Surely, neither Germans nor Norwegians, most definitely not the Swedish, will storm the Danish border/take to the seas in search of Danish Hygge.


    2. Big queues at the Polish border on German side. Denmark know what their doing.

    3. We used to eat Danish bacon, Irish butter and Welsh lamb in the old days. God know where our food comes from now. That's a big part of the problem.

    4. Welsh Lamb now comes from NZ, Danish bacon from a factory in Grimsby, and Irish butter from Dubai.

  9. In Norfolk we don't do touchy feely greetings so no Coronavirus here.

    1. Hi, Rachel, just remember to sneeze into your sleeve (say elbow) when in public. Airborne and all that. I take it cats are immune.

      And then there are gloves. Never knew they'd come in so useful should you touch anyone by accident and consequent absence of soap and water. A couple of months ago I fell in love, and acted on it (purchase), with a pair of yellow (warmish shade) leather ones. Unfortunately, on closer inspection, and once the romance had worn off just a little, they now do remind me of my rubber Marigolds I wear when doing housework. Not quite the effect I was after.


    2. I believe in Norfolk you have the distinctive 6 finger wave. N'est pas?

    3. We don't care. You either get it or you don't, we're different. Nobody comes here unless they have and mostly they don't.

  10. This is such a lovely greeting especially with the addition of 'namaste' (which I believe means 'my soul acknowledges your soul'). I have long wanted to adopt it instead of the awful embarrassing kiss on both cheeks but from a westerner it looks pretentious. Perhaps one good thing to come out of this virus will be the permanent adoption of this greeting.

    1. That's exactly how I see it. Charles is showing a good example.

  11. Phew. Thank goodness I no longer have to kiss the milkman.

  12. Yes and I too like the addition of Namaste.

  13. It's a very gracious greeting. My old knees wouldn't let me curtsey nowadays.

    1. I've never tried, but I did once sort of bow towards The Queen.

  14. That's lovely Dina Asher-Smith next to Ronnie Wood. I can think of several pleasant ways of greeting her.

    1. Not heard of her, but she's a lot better looking than Ronnie.

  15. I'm very much in favour of the Namaste/Carolean greeting. Because I know and can easily remember Namaste that will be my name for it. I wonder how it will go down at Bowls on Monday evening.

    1. I can imagine the UK taking to it... much more so than here.

  16. Hi Cro, I love Prince Charles and I love the Namaste greeting. Keep safe and well. Jo

    1. He's showing a good example. I hope all is well with you; we haven't had much news from where you are.

  17. Good on Charles; doing something well. However, he does get on well.

    1. In his way, he's always been a trendsetter. A good man.

  18. I saw a video that some Korean men are doing a toe heel bump. So funny and I am sure it was done for the video.
    Made me giggle.

    1. I'm sure we'll see some very amusing suggestions before long. Heel bumping sounds a tad awkward.

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