Sunday 15 March 2020

The lure of junk.

I suspect we are all guilty (at times) of eating some pretty trashy rubbish; behind closed doors of course.

Whether it be fish-finger sandwiches, spoons-full of nut-flavoured chocolate spread, or even buckets of McScotch eggs.

I'm probably guilty of numerous gastronomic faux pas, one of which was certainly buying this jar of Heinz Sandwich Spread; a bizarre pot of cheap Mayo mixed with small red and green 'bits'.

The label is in Dutch, so I can only go by the illustration which suggests that the 'bits' are finely chopped red pepper, celery, onion, and gherkin. The taste would go along with that.

I am perfectly aware that this is rubbish food, but it takes me back to summery Cricket Teas when I was still at Prep' school; aged about 12/13. At about 4pm, the kitchen staff would appear from the pavilion with mountains of Sandwich Spread sandwiches, and huge jugs of Orange 'coloured' drink, that I think was made from powder. It was all so wonderfully refreshing and comforting, and not a single small boy failed to tuck-in.

I'd been looking for Lady M's favourite Peanut Butter on the 'foreign foods' aisle, when I spotted the above, and I simply had to have it. It's a bit more yellow than I remember, but the flavour is still the same. It won't last long. Lady M herself even tasted it, and declared it to be OK; praise indeed. 

There still wasn't any of her favourite Peanut Butter; it having been replaced by a horrible new very oily French version. Yuk.


  1. It's not quite the same unless you accompany it with those triangles of foil wrapped something masquerading as cheese.

    1. The Cow only laughs because they call it 'cheese'.

  2. Reminds me of jars of piccalilli which I used to love. Also reminded me of fish paste which we had at home. My father loved anything fishy. I'd buy a jar now just for the memory.

    1. I like Piccalilli; it's very easy to make. My father was a huge fan of anchovy paste (Gentlemans Relish). I buy a much cheaper version.

    2. The little fish paste jars were so useful. I miss them, but not the paste!

  3. I can guarantee I’ll often be taken back to my childhood when I visit your blog Cro !! Haven’t thought about Heinz Sandwich Spread for years ...... you can still get it here, I just had a look. ..... and, my Dad played cricket so we often went to watch him on a Sunday ..... I loved the teas in the cricket pavilion ...... we were allowed to join the cricketers , probably because my mum made the tea ! XXXX

    1. Lady M was cajoled into Cricket Tea making when my oldest played for a local club in Brighton. She refused to do it a second time!

    2. I tried the namaste greeting at the funeral yesterday. My children smiled at it but the rest thought me very odd, as I am anyway. May not have been the best time to try it, at an Orthodox ceremony.

    3. Don't give up; you will eventually be seen as avant garde.

  4. More than 30% Groenten! Should be good.

    1. Mostly 'Greenery', with just a hint of 'Redery'.

  5. I love it. There's always a jar in my fridge. I sometimes use it instead of tartare sauce!

    1. Well, I suppose that's what it is really. I will have some next time I have a Fish Finger Sandwich (which I love).

  6. It was always in the ward kitchen cupboard when I was in hospital as a weekend cleaner some 60 yrs ago. Mum never bought it for us at home.

    1. Does that mean it has healing qualities? Sounds like a good selling point.

  7. Patem Pepperium (Sp?) Gentlemen's Relish. I'm sure you've mentioned it before. It's the sort of thing people used to buy for men and whilst I love anchovies (especially smoked) PP never endeared itself to me. However I am never without a jar of Sandwich Spread (Original) which looks less yellow than the contents of your jar. I don't eat it very often but when I have a craving at least it's there.

    1. My father always had PP for Christmas; it was if it was an extra special treat. Yes, I remember sandwich spread being much paler than this jar; the Dutch obviously didn't get the recipe quite right. I blame current the fashion for Turmeric.

  8. Oh. Yeuck. Sorry but I always thought it tasted horrible. Oh God, and that icky pink fish paste too!! It's a wonder I survived my childhood.

    1. I just knew someone would hate it! I expect you're talking about Shippams Fish Paste. My mother knew Ian Shippam, but we didn't eat his paste.

  9. The foods that bring memories..Pirate has to have HP sauce on have got me thinking as to what food does it for me...

    1. I have never understood the appeal of HP Sauce. On eggs it has to be Lea & Perrins for me.

  10. I had completely forgotten sandwich spread Cro - the thought made my mouth water.

    1. It really is very nice, in a junk kinda way. Better maybe in summer than now.

  11. I like Sandwich Spread and still buy it. Fish and meat paste is still available in supermarkets and I buy it occasionally. I wrote about it in a blog post a few years ago,Shippams paste, you may recall. Colmans mustard jars I have in plenty because I eat a lot of mustard. HP sauce is vital and I could not live without it. I have to have it with scrambled egg, and on cheese sandwiches, and with cottage pies and chicken pies. The thing I miss most is Heinz Vegetable Salad, which we used to call Russian salad, is not longer made. I wish they would bring it back. If they can make sandwich spread they should still be able to produce vegetable salad.

    1. Rachel, I'm with you on mustard, HP sauce and, above all, Heinz Vegetable Salad. I miss that soooo much. I tried for several years to replicated it but to no avail.

    2. That Heinz Vegetable Salad was delicious; I remember it well. I wonder why they stopped making it?

      As I said above somewhere, I don't like HP sauce; for me it ruins everything. I actually bought a bottle out here once, simply because I saw it on sale. I had to discard it.

    3. I do also love Lea & Perrins and am never without it.

  12. Same time of the past you mention come to my inner eye - in Germany it was called "Relly", I think. I LOVED it! Cannot find it now at the Supermarket - but that may be because a lot is sold out - for example Heinz Beanz.
    I'm proud that I can offer my translation skills for the Dutch text - as long as you promise not to slam the door of our elevator into my face :-) (You can only understand this cryptic remark if you read my post "Panic is knocking at our doors".)

    1. I haven't bought Heinz Beans for decades. Here in France I buy tins of white haricot beans in tomato sauce, which I think are even better.

  13. I hope I'm not responsible for all these junk food revelations.

  14. We all need guilty pleasures. I am with Madame Magnon with regard to peanut butter. I like it on toast with strawberry jam and I like it in sandwiches with tomato slices. And I know what you mean about that horrid oily stuff.

    1. Lady M has her Peanut Butter with Raspberry jam. She was partly brought up in the USA, so there's no stopping her.

  15. In my sister and all her family this is a staple in their fridges. Never had a desire to taste it myself. Maybe I will introduce it to the grandkids.

    1. It's quite addictive in a funny sort of way. You know it's ghastly, but you can't stop yourself from eating it.

  16. No, no, no! It's just horrible stuff. Stick with the charcuterie and red wine.

    1. I haven't eaten any decent charcuterie since I had my blood pressure scare; it's about time I started again.

  17. What time do the polls close in le pythonesque plume de ma tante election

  18. They’re also going to the polls in Monty Python 🐍 polls Bavaria.

    1. They close when someone dares cough in their direction.

    2. On the news we just saw the grinning emperor rubbing his hands with apparent glee or was it gel. I won’t tell you what Mrs G shouted at the TV as I don’t want to be deleted.

    3. I'm reassured to hear that there are others out there who SHOUT at the TV. I find myself doing it often (occasionally in unison with Lady M).

  19. We always keep Lea & Perrins around! And my dad always had Coleman's mustard close by. But I'm with Lady M as I love peanut butter!

    1. I'm a Peanut Butter fan too; but NEVER with jam; what are these people thinking!!!

  20. I remember the very white sandwich spread from my youth. I bet this has mustard, too! I would like that.

    1. I suspect the yellow is Turmeric, it doesn't have a mustardy taste; which would have been preferable.
