Friday 13 March 2020

Local elections.

Instructions have been issued on how to vote 'safely' in our upcoming local elections.

1. Wash your hands.

2. Bring your own pen.

3. Avoid all physical contact.

4. Stay a reasonable distance from fellow voters.

and 5. Don't loiter in the voting office.

It also states that all surfaces will be disinfected every 30 mins.

No advice was given as to where to place your X. Happy voting.


  1. In your rural hamlet you should be (relatively) safe.

    What is beginning to piss me off a little how dismissive some factions are of those being caught out by the virus and dying. Oldies. After all, so I learn, they are on their way out anyway. The narrative being: What's the loss? (Until it's your own mum).

    I am not particularly old (well, a long stretch younger than you) so, naturally, and blase like the rest of the entitled, I think myself as exempt. My son is not amused. Yesterday he quizzed me as to all underlying health issues I may have. I dare not clear my voice by way of a tiny cough as not to alarm him when he is in earshot. It's tough to be loved.

    You know the funny, in inverted commas, part? Once people realize that even the rich and famous (Tom Hanks and Madame Trudeau, by way of example) aren't exempt they will realize it's not just the great unwashed in a land far far away from us who get caught out. On which note, can you imagine, Cro, snort, what would happen if Trump tested positive? The world as we know it would stand still in the face of the tantrum of all tantrums. I can hear him now. Biggly.


    1. In many ways our Prime Ministers, Presidents, Potentates, etc, are more at risk than anyone. They are not allowed to self-isolate, and must host a non-stop parade of big-wigs from morning till night. I imagine that with Madame Trudeau being ill, it won't be long before her husband also succumbs. It'll take the death of one such to bring many people to their senses.

    2. I hope Mme Macron doesn’t get it.

  2. Those sound like reasonable precautions. While I'm not afraid of getting the virus I would hate to spread it in any way. we have elderly members of our extended family who are greatly loved and high risk.
    We have cut our own outings down to shopping and necessary business

    1. One has to be sensible, but at the same time not let it rule our lives. We have decided to restrict our shopping trips to once a week, but that's about it. Luckily we live out in the country so our normal freedom won't be restricted.

  3. Common sense instructions, hardly need to be said really.

    1. You haven't met some of the people around here!

    2. Rachel, in my experience common sense is one of the most scarce mental commodities around.

    3. Very true Graham. The video of the Iranian sweating cobs health minister sitting next to his country’s leader proves it.

    4. Not unlike Nadine Dorries standing next to Boris after a cabinet meeting.

  4. Place your "X" in the middle of Monsieur Macron's forehead then train your laser target light upon it.

    1. Macron is like Blair and Trudeau; they start off being deified, then it all goes wrong.

  5. I am just doing my volunteering shift at the gift shop this morning. I bought a packet of wet wipes to clean the till first thing but I shall be handling notes, coins and cards handed over by a stream of visitors from off island - that's if I get any customers. Perhaps I should be wearing nitrile gloves?

    1. I expect your tourism will fall off quite drastically within the next week or so. At least you'll save on gloves.

  6. Jaycee we had to go by bus to Glasgow last week...bus drivers are wearing blue gloves...I assume that's what would be nitrile?

    1. We noticed a shopper wearing thin plastic gloves yesterday. That's one man wearing a mask, and another wearing gloves... no panic as yet here.

  7. My Retired Man and I usually work at the voting polls, but this time we won’t be doing that. This year our state made mail-in ballots available to anyone who wanted them which is a very good thing especially in light of what is going on.

    1. Very wise, in fact I think it should be 100% mail voting; or computer voting.

  8. How sensible a way not to cancel elections.

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