Sunday 9 June 2019

Our Dave.

So, what's our Dave been up to since he quit politics after his disastrous Brexit referendum? Well it looks as if he's found himself yet another 'nice little earner'. An advisory seat around a table of chums.

He has been offered the position of Chairman of the advisory board of Afiniti, a US AI company based in Washington DC.

The advisory board of Afiniti is extremely interesting to say the least. As well as ex-UK-Prime Minister Dave, it also contains my old school friend Lord (John) Browne the ex (disgraced) CEO of BP, Francois Fillon the ineffective ex-Prime Minister of France, Elisabeth Murdoch child of Rupert, and the fragrant Princess Beatrice granddaughter of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.

A fascinating company board, crowded with so many heavyweight upper-crust celebs. I wonder what the point is? As if one needed to ask!

I have no idea what qualities either Ms Murdock or Beatrice possess, but their presence would certainly be impressive. The only top business brain amongst the lot of them belongs to my old chum Browne; although Dave himself is no lightweight intellectually.

Anyone dealing with this Afiniti bunch wouldn't stand a chance. The big guns are out, and there'd be no way to escape with either your money or your custom.


  1. A very strange line-up, no doubt this will impress prospective clients?

    1. I can't imagine that there could be any other objective.

  2. Replies
    1. I hope they're worth whatever money they cost!

  3. I'd join in (on Skype) for an hour once a month for a few thousand a year.

    1. I was thinking the same; I'm surprised they haven't contacted me!

  4. What is their purpose - or is that a silly question?

    1. To impress; I imagine. What any of them know about AI, I'm not sure.

  5. Snouts in troughs come to mind. By Royal Appointment?


  6. I don't think I have ever heard of board members like that in one board. Extraordinary!

  7. So just missing Air Miles Andrew then!

  8. All decisions will be made by calling for a vote, Dave's favourite. No sweat there then.

    1. And then create chaos for the next ten years.

  9. It's the same with big auction houses. They always want titled people on their boards just for the names. All they have to do to earn their $500,000 is turn up once a year and maybe give a little speech every now and then, plus shake hands at parties.

    1. Well, if it pays the Co to have them there; I suppose it's OK.

  10. I would guess that Miss Murdoch has more business acumen to bring to the board than Dave, Fillon or Beatrice.

    1. I don't know anything about her. Her brother is quite a whizz kid.

    2. People may not like them but the Murdochs are pretty astute. But then nobody ever likes astute business people do they?

  11. Wouldn't want to buy anything from Afiniti or any other company with a made up name like that.

    1. It reminds me of the UK Registrar Co Equiniti, who are uber-inefficient. It doesn't give confidence.

  12. Well, I suppose non binding strategic advice can be made up by anyone and an odd but Celeb line-up is rather like making a Commercial to Sell product using similar people as spokesperson. Too bad we couldn't make Easy Money just like that, I'd join in too!
