Sunday 9 June 2019

Another Jezza shot to the foot.

As Jezza goes from crazy to crazier, it has recently been revealed that he was very much in awe of an earlier Labour leader (1932-1935) with similarly dubious 'pacifist' aspirations.

Dear George Lansbury was a man of close political ideals to our Jezza. Just before the second German war, he went around Europe, meeting and greeting the likes of Hitler and Mussolini (not unlike Jezza meeting Hamas and Hezbollah), then suggesting that the UK would be better off unilaterally disarming; and explained as much to the sitting Conservative government. 

Capitulation is an interesting idea, as is holding aloft a white flag just as serious hostilities are about to begin. What he would have made of the resulting indiscriminate German slaughter of certain sections of the UK's society (I'm sure you know what I mean), he didn't say.

Jezza does have some very bizarre heros.

p.s. George Lansbury's daughter 'Angela' became an actress of some note.


  1. Lansbury fell apart on foreign policy and misjudgment of the British people faced with Nazi Germany and Mussolini. He was a misguided fool but had his good points at home. I don't see any good points with Corbyn, home or abroad.

    1. He was a radical thinker, and staunch supporter of human rights, but he let himself down with his illogical pacifism.

  2. All sorts of important people pre WWII danced in various areas that with hindsight seem very wrong. I had no idea that the execrable Angela was daughter of Lansbury the politician.

    1. Some of the best people come from crazy backgrounds. Angela did well, considering.
