Saturday 8 June 2019

Birthday Girl.

                                                  Image result for Annigoni The Queen's

I've always liked Annigoni's 1955 portrait of The Queen; reproductions of which are still to be seen in British Embassies, and Consulates throughout the world. It shows her as a powerful, yet caring young woman, who, as an accident of birth, was unwittingly thrown into one of the most demanding jobs on earth. I believe The Queen herself particularly likes it too.

She has always taken her position extremely seriously, she has never interfered in the workings of government, and she has never put a foot wrong when it came to international affairs of state. In fact (unlike her husband's) her career has been amazingly without incident, and her presence is always welcome wherever she goes. She is loved by millions, if not billions, the world over.

A 'figurehead' should be looked-up-to, admired, and respected. Elizabeth II has achieved all that. She never demeaned herself by appearing in 'common' TV games, or by giving scandalous interviews to presenters of documentary shows. For her entire reign she has kept an air of kindliness, grace, and decorum.

Of course she has her rather pathetic detractors; usually left-wingers, whose attitudes say far more about themselves, than about The Queen. These are people who would have the likes of Corbyn as head of state, which tells you even more about them.

Today is not The Queen's actual birthday (21st April); it's her 'Official Birthday'. The day when countries throughout the world (especially The Commonwealth) celebrate her reign.

Her Majesty has been on the throne since I was about 6 years old. She is 20 years older than me (that's a tad indiscreet Cro!), so we've grown-up together. Her oldest son, Prince Charles, is a good natural successor, who I've always viewed as our King in Waiting.

I'm not one of those crazy obsessed royalists who have her portrait around the house, and commemorative mugs on the mantelpiece. No, I simply see the royal family as constant figureheads on whom one can always depend. The Queen is our collective mouthpiece in times of disaster, and always leads by example. Her recent greeting of Trump can be viewed as a good example of her wise command of diplomacy; I hope he will have learned from it.

So, Ma'am, I wish you a very happy 'official' birthday, and may you celebrate many more. Time to put your feet up a bit more methinks; I'm certain that Charles, when he takes over, will prove to be a safe pair of hands.


  1. I don’t consider myself obsessed but I cherish my coronation collection. It’s a pity she couldn’t have offered Trump a position ..... court jester would have been fitting.

    1. He behaved himself quite well... considering!

    2. I should add that the only people who really misbehaved were those who were demonstrating against his visit. We witnessed some appalling behaviour!

  2. Here in New Zealand we celebrated "Queens Birthday" with a long weekend last weekend and in Australia different States celebrate on different days. I know New South Wales is this weekend.

    1. Her actual 'Official Birthday' is today; 8th June. It probably clashes with other events, so alternatives dates are chosen. No-one celebrates back in the UK, it's simply a day when 'honours' are handed out. Again I didn't receive one!

    2. Must be a misunderstanding. Perhaps it is time for a trip "Home" so that she realises you are still around.

  3. I wonder if she gets two birthday cakes.

    1. More even; mostly sent by 11 years old girls.

  4. I have a 90th Birthday china mug with a Windsor Castle drawing on it.

    1. Hang on to it. In 150 years it'll be a valuable antique.

  5. I agree with you Cro. I was born in 1957 so the Queen has been a constant in my life and represents stability to me. She is dignity personified whatever happens. I felt rather sorry for her having to entertain Trump but she is wise and witty and well able to deal with him.How does she always manage to look so at ease in any situation I have never seen her wrongfooted.Happy Birthday Ma'am.Today is my late mother's birthday she would have been thrilled to be sharing it with a woman she loved and respected.

    1. She did slightly snub Matron Merkel at the recent Portsmouth occasion; but that was hardly surprising. I think Trump must have been told to behave himself

  6. That is a great portrait. I admire her and the way she took on the royal duties at such a young age with such maturity. She has had to meet far worse people than Trump over the years and is well able to cope. One ex-daughter-in-law caused her far more problems.

    1. She always fulfills her duties with total dedication. I don't how she keeps her calm sometimes, it can't be easy.

  7. To not reveal all, be dignified and to retain a little mystery has always been her way and that is where a couple of Royals went wrong in the past and where some are going wrong now. She has done and is doing a wonderful job in all respects .... I was going to watch Trooping the Colour but it looks like it might be a wash out !!! XXXX

    1. I'd forgotten about Trooping the Colour; too busy this morning. Yes, I fear we may be seeing some of the minor royals going astray.

  8. I do not miss a chance to watch live broadcasts of her birthday, ceremonies, receptions, etc. She is a fascinating personality.

    1. I feel very privileged to have lived in her era.

  9. I agree with you Cro, she is dignity personified - unlike so many. But I have to say I LOVED when she participated in the opening ceremony of the 2012 London Olympics. Shows she has a sense of humour!

  10. As an unashamed left winger and Jeremy Corbyn supporter myself, I have no trouble in telling you that I also admire Queen Elizabeth II greatly. She has been a reliable constant in this ever changing world and has played her role with grace and wisdom. We have been very lucky to have her. Her coronation happened in the year of my birth so like you I have travelled a long way with her. When she dies, I hope that the mass media will treat her passing with enormous dignity and gratitude. She has seen it all.

    1. I agree with you completely (other than about Corbyn etc). She's been a remarkable Queen.

  11. I prefer Jerusalem to God Save The Queen. Diana was the best of the Royals. Her charity work was very moving.

    1. I rather like Land of Hope and Glory for sports events etc. I won't say what I thought of the Spencer girl.

  12. I remember seeing her at the naming of the first aircraft carrier at Rosyth..she looked bored and Phillip was enjoying himself.
    Then photos of her when Barack and Michelle Obama looked as if she was genuinely enjoying their company and opposed to this latest visit.. she can enjoy her official birthday now he has left the premises so to speak!

    1. Poor woman. She has to put-up with an awful lot.

  13. I don't think she reads your blog, Colonel. It won't get you any nearer to getting a gong.

    1. That's not what she told me over breakfast this morning.

    2. You spent the night with her? You will stop at nothing to achieve your goal.

  14. I am not particularly a Royalist but I have to say that looking around the world at various Heads of State - those with huge authority and those who are Figureheads - we could do a lot worse. She always, without exception, holds herself with dignity - so I join you Cro - Happy Birthday Ma'am.

    1. Yes, when you think about it, we could do a lot worse. That's why our royal family are the envy of the world.

  15. I've always like the Royal Family.... but have my doubts that Trump could/ would have learned anything from the Queen's diplomatic talents! He doesn't seem to have learned anything from anyone!

    1. Actually I think he couldn't have failed to learn something about how to behave. It's all new to him, so he must be eager to learn!

    2. Anyone who thinks Trump can learn good behavior is a true optimist.

    3. I can't imagine that he wants his legacy to be as a boorish oaf. There's still hope for him!

  16. Happy Birthday to your Queen from America - She's an outstanding example for other heads of state! Especially ours...

    1. I hope she was. See my comments just above.

  17. From the Desert Southwest of America, Happy Birthday to your Queen. We are a wild bunch ( Hillary calls us deplorables) out here but know Dignity when we see it.
    I have always liked the Queen and the Royal Family.

    1. A bit of 'wildness' sounds good to me; I'd probably be described as much the same!

  18. As her representative here, our Governor General sacked a Prime Minister. That is a wee bit controversial. She also knew of the horrors in Uganda when she entertained Idi Amin. Wee bit controversial. But generally you are correct. She has conducted herself with great decorum.

    1. She's had to entertain some pretty nasty characters, which just goes to prove how independent she is. Idi Amin thought that The Queen wanted him to marry her daughter Princess Anne. They had to explain....

  19. It's now the Queen's Birthday weekend for us and although I have no bunting to drape about, I do think of her fondly. I've only ever seen her once and that was at the end of a pair of binoculars!

    I also think that given that during her long reign, she is so uniquely placed to meet the most extraordinary mix of people, good, bad, controversial and not, she must have been a tad curious about meeting this week's latest visitor.

    1. They did genuinely seem to get on quite well. I expect she found him to be something of a 'novelty'.
