Monday 16 July 2018

Our illustrious EU leader.

It was just about the most important NATO summit of recent times. One might have hoped that dear Juncker (His Excellency Jean-Claude Juncker, President of the European Commission) would have resisted that third bottle of publicly-funded Pétrus for breakfast.

What a bloody disgrace he is, and in front of all the world's most powerful leaders.

I can almost lip-read Mrs May at 30 secs, saying "Pissed as a fart!"


  1. Sciaticad is the new word for drunk as a skunk.

    1. For a while I was wondering if it was just a 'nasty cold'.

  2. He probably works very hard with long hours and gets a little tired and emotional at times.

    1. Mostly before breakfast; it's a tough old world.

  3. No no no. Poor Junker has a medical condition which makes him as unsteady as a sailor on a rocking boat .... Or after extended shore leave....... So they say

    1. On top of which he has a tiny glass of Sherry for lunch.

  4. Nensonse! The man's as jober as a sudge?

  5. I wouldn't be quite so hasty in ridiculing Juncker.

    Some nine years or so ago my life was the not so perfect storm. If I slept three hours in any twenty four I counted myself lucky. My doctor, apart from explaining all the other damage I was doing to myself, did point out that prolonged sleep deprivation will, eventually, simulate symptoms of being vaguely drunk. Great. That's all I needed. Ground zero and people thinking I'd imbibed. Except that my circle didn't think that because they knew me. A stranger? Who knows.

    Neurology is not for nothing complex.

    On the other hand there was Boris Yeltsin.


    1. So, it's all down to sleep deprivation. I think you should tell his docs. They, of course, might tell you something different.

    2. I didn't say "it's all down to sleep deprivation". I gave you an example, within the science of neurology, of how symptoms may be misinterpreted.

      Let me give you another one. When I drink coffee (which I gave up in my early twenties because it doesn't agree withme) I get a pronounced tremor. Some not only may, but will jump to the wrong conclusion what causes that tremor. It was a continued joke between one of my (American) friends and her mother - both of whom didn't drink - but had, well, a tremor which ran in their bloodline.Which clearly marked them, in eyes like yours, as alcoholics waiting for their first Bloody Mary to top up and return them to still. Except they never did (return to still).

      I know you don't like Juncker. Doesn't mean you can deride him. He is an old man. I guess roughly your age.


    3. Frankly, trying to find excuses for Junker is pathetic. Why not just face facts; the man was PISSED.

    4. Not for the first time do I wonder how discussions with your children go. Do you actually ever say: "Yes, that's a valid/an interesting point." Or do you just ride roughshod when one of them has an opinion different to yours?

      I am not "trying to find excuses for Juncker". Maybe he was drunk, maybe he wasn't. I don't know, you don't know. And even if he was - you know, people in the public eye are entitled to make an ass of themselves just like you and me.

      Anyway, his job is enough to drive anyone to drink. But not to legless.


      PS Just googled him, re his age I speculated on in a previous comment - he is actually a fair bit younger (63) than you. Which is worrying.

    5. In which case he should know better.

      As for my children, we always had wonderful and humorous discussions; in fact it was usually them riding roughshod over me!

    6. Maybe I should add that one read Astrophysics at Sussex, another read International relations at Oxford, and my daughter has an MBA in Business Studies. I don't think I fucked them up too much.

  6. I thought sciatica was supposed to be very painful? I hope his self-medication doesn't affect his ability to do his job, whatever his job is.

    1. This Sciatica business is so silly. Why not say it's scurvy, or in-growing toenails; both make just as much sense.

  7. Replies
    1. Oh dear indeed; and this is the EU's 'leader'.

  8. Anyone else turning up for work in that state would have been sacked by now. Are we sure he hasn't got some chronic illness that gives that appearance?

    1. No, we know exactly what his illness is; it comes in a bottle.

  9. It is to him and his cronies that we cowtow to in the EU (for foreign readers who may not know this).

    1. I did give his exact title above.

    2. I meant the cowtow bit foreign readers may not know. Sorry to confuse you.

  10. I much prefer the picture of Macron celebrating France winning the world cup. It's a rare picture of a world leader just plain overjoyed.

    1. Not quite so good seeing the idiots rioting in Paris. Some people can't celebrate without looting at the same time!

    2. Yes, and it really doesn't matter what they are celebrating.

  11. Does this man have a history with alcohol or could it be a medical problem?

  12. For the disbelievers: in a one minute Internet search I found three instances - in one interview with a French newspaper he denied he had a drink problem whilst drinking 4 glasses of champagne, in a video in which he called Victor Orban a dictator he is visibly drunk, and according to another report he fell asleep in the Vatican from the effects of alcohol. Many European leaders have spoken about JCJ's drinking. One day someone will write a book about this man Junker who was the ex-finance minister of Luxembourg (and that's an interesting tale) before becoming unelected EU leader.

    1. I don't know why he doesn't just admit that he's partial to a few glasses; I do (but I don't get pissed).

    2. And you're not captain of the ship of destiny of nearly 500 million people.

  13. It was probably the only way he could get through the meetings with Trump!


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