Wednesday 21 February 2018



The Vegans are on the warpath again. How dare chefs kill Lobsters by throwing them into boiling water!

The process is actually pretty simple. Having been chilled in a fridge/freezer, to make them sleepy, they are then cooked in the most humane way possible; by being plunged into boiling water and killed in an instant. Any so-called 'screaming sounds' are caused by air escaping from beneath the carapace; and should not be translated as "HELP.... let me out".

The moaners would have a field-day with me. I'm a bastard; I occasionally eat live Oysters, and I often cook live Mussels. They'd obviously have me strung-up from the nearest Tofu tree.

Rather than talk their nonsense about Lobsters, why not divert their hatred towards the genuinely ghastly practice of Halal slaughtering. The annual Eid practice of taking Sheep out into the street, all over France and elsewhere, and cutting their throats, is an appalling act, and should be outlawed at once. But, of course, the vegans wouldn't want to upset the Muslim community; would they!

Obviously, all creatures are alive before being 'dispatched', and for those of us who eat meat, we hope that their end is as painless and swift as possible. I don't think that someone forcing the point of a knife into a Lobster's head (BEFORE plunging it into the boiling water) is going to make a great deal of difference; other than causing more pain. 

Switzerland has instigated this kindness to Lobsters campaign, and there is talk of it being adopted by the EU. Personally I would have thought they had far more important matters to deal with.


  1. I've heard about the supposed squealing of shell-fish when dropped into boiling water, but, despite having "slaughtered" many crabs and lobsters, have never actually heard it. I believe that death by immersion in boiling water is instant.

    I'd probably be joining you on the tofu tree.

    1. They are grasping at straws. I expect the complainants needed 'something' to back-up their protests.

  2. I never ate a lobster,I wish there were some here.

    1. Lobster is not only delicious, but also VERY expensive.

  3. I've only eaten one lobster. It was in a restaurant that refused to revolve, on top of a tower in Canada. The lobster itself was bland and tasteless.
    I watched a video of a large kosher slaughterhouse in America. I don't know if halal is the same. The process was brutal and the animals were terrified.

    1. Why is it that all revolving restaurants refuse to revolve? I think the Lobster you had must have been frozen, they end-up like tasteless cardboard (but still at the price of fresh).

      Here in France at Eid, the streets run red with the blood of Sheep; it's an appalling practice.

    2. Grill you need to go to Nova Scotia in late June to mid July. There you will get the real deal. You also will probably eat so many you will be glad for a change of diet. As for turning towers. Winnipeg’s “tower” isn’t as high as Calgary’s or Toronto’s but it turns and it takes one hour to see the whole landscape.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Well, it's good to know that there are revolving restaurants that revolve, even if they are all in Canada.

  4. I've never fancied lobster - but am partial to a jar of cockles now & again! (Only pre-packed ones though - some "fresh" Whitby sea-front cockles once made me very ill!!). To me, Halal is horrendous.

    1. I love all shellfish and crustaceans. I don't think people will complain en masse about Halal meat; they don't want to upset a whole religion.

  5. I can easily buy lobster here caught in the North Sea, and sometimes do, but I have to say I prefer the crabs which are far more tasty.

    The Vegans are at the local livestock market on a regular basis now protesting about animals produced for meat and being a commodity and inspecting the animals as they arrive. Ministry vets are always present and have the done the job perfectly well for 60 years. The vegans have elbowed their way in in a most unpleasant manner.

    1. They are probably the same lot who follow hunts. They can be very aggressive.

      I like Crab, but find it very difficult to navigate my way around.

  6. Pretty awful to see and there would surely be pain involved in the cutting of the neck, never mind the stress and fear to the other sheep nearby, but dying of blood loss is not the most painful death. As for lobster, I heard the noise came from the scraping of parts of the shell as it rapidly heated. I don't think that is particularly cruel. We need to look to the Middle East and China for real cruelty to animals, some of the very high order animals.

    1. Some of the oriental practices are appalling. There are, of course, campaigns to stop them, but they fall upon deaf ears.

  7. F***ing hell, give me a fresh live lobster and I'll eat it whatever way you kill it. I've eaten quite a few still squirming shellfish. Not to my taste but not because I can hear them screaming as they go down.
    As for meat, well I'm like you. I just hope they have put to death humanely. Humans eat meat. Those that don't have made their choice and should respect those who have made a different chouce

    1. Again, it's a question of respecting the choice of others; providing that those choices are humane. I would never eat Tofu, but I shan't be campaigning against it!

  8. I have tried lobster a few times and I didn’t particularly like it. However, I loved the butter.

    1. I'm often amazed by the foods that people like or dislike. To me Lobster is one of the most delicious.

  9. Fish, chicken and beef I like it all but I am eating less and less of it and not because some vegan told me too. I do like Japanese cooking makes me happy. I do like tofu very much.
    I am horrified by the Halal and the Koreans killing of Dogs. Makes me sick.

    cheers, parsnip

    1. You've covered a lot of ground there Parsnip. We eat a lot less meat that we used to, but I refuse to eat Tofu.

  10. I'm a lapsed vegetarian who would like to be more vegan; who can milk cows but finds their wailing for their calves incredibly moving. I need to know more about Halal. Fortunately I am perfectly happy when eating only veg. but find it uncomfortable that the whole of life is a kind of destruction. I've been killing greenfly.

    1. We eat veggie at least once a week, and I would like to extend that. As a Veg' gardener, I have little option than to kill Slugs and Greenfly. However, I do so with 'wildlife friendly' products.

  11. I have never eaten lobster but like Rachel, I adore crab, especially straight off the boat in somewhere like Cromer. As to revolving restaurants - I too have been in that one in Toronto and it also refused to revolve while I was there.

    1. Crab is so much better than lobster. Crayfish are better than lobster too. There are a lot of American crawfish to eat in our rivers right now.

    2. Crayfish! Sweet ! I could eat all day long

    3. I keep meaning to make a simple Crayfish trap. One could almost live off the things!

  12. I do like lobster, but prefer crab. Don't like the idea of putting them in boiling water (can't imagine that they die instantly, but surely hope that could be true). When I was in college in Animal Science (back in the 60's) we had to take a slaughter class. This is the only time I refused to do something an instructor asked of me. I would not slit a hog's throat.
