Tuesday 20 February 2018


Whilst at college, and for a short while after, I worked mainly on paintings of 'dancers'.

Dancing is one of the better 'non-bedtime' interactions between male and female with each demonstrating his or her come-hither sensuality. A perfect subject for painting.

I think this particular job was from about 1975 (it's unmarked).

I can't wait to see what 'certain people' will make of the above. After yesterday's trolling, I've almost lost the will to live. Beam me up, Scotty!


  1. No No stay... I am selfish I enjoy reading your blog.
    Love the painting, colors remind me of the 70's
    I just ordered some "cracklins" because of you !
    A British brand but not the ones you like, that one is not on my Amazon. Bummer !

    cheers, parsnip

    1. Well, I do hope you enjoy your cracklins, and that they don't crack your teeth. Let me know!

  2. My husband and I went to dancing lessons for 5 years. Dancing keeps you young.
    I like the painting and the colours. I wish we could see more of your work Cro.
    I enjoy your blog very much.
    Greetings Maria x

    1. You are very kind Maria. I do try to show a few bits and pieces from time to time, but I'm not very extrovert about my work.

  3. A very colourful hand grenade Cro! I like it. This should sort ‘em out!


    1. I like that; in future you can write my reviews!

  4. I see a bit of Matisse influence here. Like the colours.

    1. Who cannot fail to be influenced by Matisse. If only I had a fraction of his talent.

  5. I must apologize for the occasional rantings of Chloe. I do try to delete her as soon as she appears, but I am a busy person, and a few of her comments may slip though for an hour or so. I try to be understanding with her; but she is obviously sick, and needs help (as long as it's from someone else).

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. So what do you do all day Chloe? Drink and lurk on line me thinks ? Strange that? Pot calling the kettle black me thinks

    3. Shut up Chloe. I'm not even close to seventy and I love Cro's blog. "Virtual friends" are better than no friends at all.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. Again, I'm sorry for Chloe's usual verbal diarrhea. I think I'll leave her words this time, just for people to see what she's really like.

    6. Tangled Tango.

      Well, it was Magritte said a painting should have a poetic title.

    7. John, I know this is scant comfort, but it does appear that Ms Chloe is following your daily travails closely indeed. It's a type of flattery, I suppose, to command so much of a reader's attention to minor detail.

      Jennifer, the more you tell Chloe to "shut up", the more she'll revel in collective "outrage". Let her be, I'd say. She does come up with the odd pearl among her many swine droppings.

      As to age, Jennifer, Ms Chloe has a strange obsession with it. Whenever someone excites her badly controlled and not well executed wrath she'll call them "old". Doesn't mater who it is, Cro, Rachel, John, anyone. That's roughly how far her imagination stretches; showing how poor, nay depleted, her repertoire of insults is. She normally ignores me (for good reason) but recently awarded me (might have been on Cro's blog) the accolade of "Nutte". Not quite as matter of fact as "prostitute" or as classy as "hooker"; vulgar. Ms Chloe is grasping at straws when in truth ... to be continued.


    8. This comment has been removed by the author.

    9. Convince you of what?


    10. I think all of us from now on should just ignore Chloe all of us ! Perhaps only then will she leave . Cro can we all just do that from tomorrow

    11. We have been ignoring and deleting for months on end John.

  6. "Dancing is the vertical expression of horizontal desire"....isn't that what they say?! Can't say I ever found it to be so when I'm Morris dancing mind! Arilx

    1. I would have used that quote if I'd known of it; my attempt was rather clumsy. Morris dancing is in a realm of its own; isn't it? I love it.

    2. That is a wonderful quote!

  7. I love dance in all its forms. I just wish I didn't have two left feet.

  8. Trolling you, Cro.... punctuation police here!!
    Neither you, nor Scotty, would be amused if you leave that last sentence as it stands!!
    Hur,hur,hur.... nudge, nudge.... wink, wink.... say no more!!

    1. What's a comma between friends! Amended; thanks.

  9. Now I am reminded again of our naked dancing at Nijinsky's place.

  10. Interesting. Not sure if I like it. The colours are certainly good.

  11. I like it and the colours. All the best.

  12. I do like your art, Cro, and look forward to you showing us more.

    I love to dance; it makes me feel young again.

    As I have said before, I do not understand the cruelty of trolls. What do they have to gain by their harsh words? It is so much easier to be kind and if you can’t be kind, shut up and move along.

    1. It would be interesting to know where all the anger comes from. I suspect it could be physical.

  13. Wow this painting is beautiful! I love the colours and the fluidity. Thank you for sharing it with us.
    I'm sorry you are having trouble with the troll comments, it is very unpleasant I know. I've had some recently as well and it is not fun to be bullied on one's own blog for heavens sakes. xx

    1. I don't write this blog to be confrontational (well maybe occasionally), but Chloe & Co seem to see it that way. I do wish they'd go away.

  14. I love your painting Cro - for its sheer exuberance and for your use of colour and pattern.

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  17. Here I am in the bloody car waiting for the gamer to get done with his Dr appointment while it’s raining ☔️. Reading Cro’s entry. I like the colors of your painting. I do miss 🕺 💃 and all the passion that can go with it. Your audience has been colorful too! 🌈 Gabs

    1. I see that my most 'colourful' commentator has been deleting herself. Ashamed, no doubt.

  18. Whoa!!! Just look at the eyes on those two. The male figure is checking out the south while the female is so trying to look him in the eye. And she is pissed he is looking elsewhere. That's my two cents and I'm sticking to it. Is paper part of the medium? It's powerful, however you created it.

    1. It's just oil on canvas. I like your analysis.

  19. Where are you today, Cro? Have missed you with my morning cuppa!

    1. My internet was down. It took me hours to return to blog-world.

  20. Good morning Cro, don't let the trolls win.

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  22. Loving this piece! Will share with some of the artists for whom I model. Keep on old son.
