Thursday 22 February 2018

Swimming at St Trinian's.

Laugh; we almost wet ourselves! Lady Magnon has been going through her old school magazine of 19**.

The reports of their Sports Day Swimming prizes really got us going. We noticed that international heart-throb Jane Birkin eventually passed her 'Intermediate Swimming Cert'; well done babe!

Amongst the categories for the Swimming prizes were Beginners race, Non-Swimmers race (that must have been fun), Cork scrambling (?), Nippy race, Brownies boat race, Bedtime race, and Nurse and Baby race (What.... at a strict all girls school?).

It all makes my own school-days swimming categories of 100 yards, 50 yards, and 4 yards Doggy Paddle, sound rather dull.

Come along Ms Birkin; kick those legs!


  1. I can't see Lady Magnon listed there.

  2. I missed you yesterday morning Cro. I read the reason in the comments.
    I did swimming as a sport when I was small but I did not enjoy it because it is a very "lonely" sport and my coach drilled me. I did it for 3 years then couldn't cope with it any longer.
    Greetings Maria x

    1. I have always loved swimming. At my Prep' School we had a Spring-fed pool, that often contained snakes and Toads; it was permanently green. Now that we have our own pool, I swim about 300 metres every day (in the season).

  3. Are you sure she didn't go to Summerhill?

  4. I like to swim in rivers, lakes and where the sea is clean. Last summer I found a lovely beach in Tuscany. Swimming pools don't turn me on at all. They're the last resort.

    1. We used to swim in a lake, but we got so fed-up with the daily trip just to cool off, that we built our own pool. Pools are not perfect, but they're handy!

  5. I’m afraid I can imagine some of those races. My convent school had a fabulous pool (built primarily with the nuns in mind of course). We used to have a weekly swimming lesson and could go ‘recreational’ swimming every lunchtime if we desired - which I did. It certainly set me up for life and I still swim 1500m in under 30 minutes (I go to my local excellent pool once a week and never miss an opportunity for a sea swim). Swimming is fantastic for stamina, strength and suppleness and it also gave me confidence in the water supporting my sailing, windsurfing, rowing, surfing, coasteering and triathlon passions. Can you tell I love swimming too.

    1. I once swam between the Piers in Brighton, which felt like swimming the channel. I also rowed Eight's at Henley, Cambridge Bumps, and the Serpentine (amongst others). I love everything to do with water.

      You're right, swimming is great exercise. I always feel really fit after summer.

  6. I feel great concern about the names of your wife's school's swimming races, but different times.

    1. They ARE a concern, especially the non-swimmers race!

  7. Had to look up Jane Burkin. She is what I presumed she would be....and an able swimmers.
    We had a pool at primary school. I always say I learnt to swim before I learnt to read. We had swimming lessons about twice a week from day one

    1. Ms Birkin is probably best known in France and England; mostly in France.

  8. I have medals for swimming and belonged to a swimming club. I swam in galas every week when I was young. I still love swimming although, in my old age, I seem to get vertigo when I dive to the bottom of the pool now ! Perhaps I should wear earplugs.
    Re lobster ...... my husband used to do a lot of deep sea diving and lobster was a regular meal for us and crab but I have to say, crab is my favourite. Much more flavour than lobster. We have cooked so many of them although nowadays I prefer to get them already dressed ...... i’m getting lazy in my old age !!! XXXX

    1. I can no longer dive; I have to keep my head out of water. It was diving for 'living treasure' that did the damage. I do find Crab awfully fiddly; ready dressed Crab is for me too.

    2. Most people here buy the crab dressed, even in Cromer!

    3. Wise! I'll have a look tomorrow. I once bought tinned crab; it was dreadful, and was chucked!

  9. Because my husband and I are very weak swimmers, I made sure my children could swim by the age of three. We never improved but we had lifeguards around whenever an occasion might occur.

    1. Most of my neighbours here can't swim; I find it most odd. I'm of that era where we were simply thrown in and told to swim for the side. There was usually someone to rescue those who were going down for the third time.

  10. I swim like a stone but love walking along the beach in the winter. Quite vigourous enough fo me!

    1. Beachcombing is a wonderful activity; no water wings required.

  11. I throughly enjoy 🏊‍♀️ swimming Cro. My high school had a pool so even in the winter we swam in the 70’s. I swim with my grandsons a few times a week at our local YMCA in winter and summer at my complex pool! It’s invigorating! Gabs
