Wednesday 24 February 2016

What Bill SHOULD have said.

                                      Résultat de recherche d'images pour "Bill clinton and monica"

Anon: Mr President, is it true that you've been having 'sexual relations' with a busty intern'?

BC: Yup; it sure is.

Anon: How was it?

BC: Really great thanks; Monica sure knows how to make a guy feel good, she gave it her all.

Anon: Did Hillary mind about this bit of Rumpy Pumpy?

BC: No, not at all. Hillary's a good old sport; she understands that I need to get my hands around some young Californian flesh occasionally.

Anon: And now onto more important matters Mr President; what did you eat for breakfast this morning?

BC: Hey, you're getting a tad controversial there my friend; no comment, no comment!

Isn't it always better simply to tell the truth. Having a bit of 'how's ya father' in the White House certainly isn't illegal, so why the crazy insistence on lying.

It's all in the past now, but I'm sure people will always remember him (and his wife) for this one episode. I heard someone on the radio last night correctly saying 'a scandal is only a scandal if you lie about it'.

My advice (as Monica's blue dress would testify) is that it's always best to come clean!


  1. She should have washed her dress. Gross.

    Bill Clinton was in my town giving a speech at the University last weekend. Several friends of mine went to meet him. I had to work, plus I'm not supporting his wife for president. I'm a Bernie Sanders fan!

  2. Why do we all pretend to be so shocked when this happens? It's something that has always gone on, and always will, whilst there are men in positions of power and trust, and impressionable young girls - or these days, boys, too. It's the being caught out that is the shocker. JFK, for all his clean-cut image, used his power to seduce young girls too.
    It was all so long ago that it ceases to shock or amaze.
    At the time of that initial interview when Clinton was first asked about his relations with Monica, I had the sound on the TV turned off, and never has a man looked more guilty !

    1. My main memory of the affair was 'why doesn't he just tell the truth?'.

    2. Yes, it would have saved so much trouble, but think of all the useless hours the media would have lost !
      What tawdry revelations will surface if Trump becomes President?

    3. Don't even think about it!!!

  3. You say: "It's all in the past now". So why rake it up, Cro? Bit of titillation, is it?

    I too do think that, on the whole, the truth is good, if possible, to tell and be told. However, the world isn't that simple. People's relationships aren't that simple. Have you never told a (white) lie? Please do not compromise yourself by answering my question.

    Other than that, and here is a truth: Ain't Bill a looker? For that alone his rather attractive wife should be voted into office.


    1. Poking fun at pompous politicians is one of life's pleasures. Did I see 'Hillary' and 'attractive' used in the same sentence? Surely not!

    2. Bill a looker, and Hillary - really??

  4. In his defence, Bill did not categorise B.J.s as 'sex', so he did not lie.

    1. He made heavy going of it though. His words 'sexual relations', to me, covered just about everything he got up to with the lovely Monica.

    2. Bill had something special with Monica in the Oval office. While he made phone calls to London and Moscow discussing detante Monica knelt at his lap. How cute is that!

  5. The media wind it up as everyone in power, high office,'earns' a lot of money, is generally in the public eye has to be a role model and have to be exposed for their behaviour. Illegality is yet another story and they can be trapped into errors - this is considered to be fair game.
    Build 'em up, knock 'em down.

    1. We love to build them up, but love it even more to knock them down again!

  6. You are absolutely right Cro - it applies to so many politicians I might add.

    1. You'd be hard pressed to fill a bucket with those who are 100% honest.

  7. Why is Clinton always vilified and President Kennedy looked at as some kind of saint? He had more "ladies" in the White House than anyone!

    1. Jan, good question. Different times. When Kennedy was president his politics (think Cuba Crisis) were more important than his bedroom. Closed doors and all that which I believe should be respected. We now live in crazy times where the President of the United States can't get so much as a blow job without it making the news.

      Anyway, and this is largely missed in the continued memory of a mishap, if Hillary can live with it one would expect the rest of the world might. It's plain cheap. And tells you more about the audience than the players.


    2. He was quite open about it, as was his wife.

  8. The American public always looked upon the Kennedy family as the nearest thing they had to Royalty, so therefore they were considered above reproach.

  9. Yes it is. However, most of us knew he was lying, but many of us loved him anyway. Many of our leaders cheat on their wives, but it is not any of my business. Franklin D Roosevelt died in the arms (of one) of his lovers, and he is considered one of our greatest Presidents. On the other hand Nixon and Bush probably never strayed, they were too busy lying about other things.

    1. I think you've just about summed-up US politics of the last 100 years.

  10. He didn't want to hurt his beloved child.

  11. Absolutely, Cro. Should have told it like it was, held his head high and said "Yeah, damn right I did that and it was awesome" - and it would all have been forgotten about. Maybe.

    1. That really is my point. A lesson for all of us.

  12. Wonder where that blue dress is now? Still locked up in an evidence room somewhere? Shudder!

    My sister-in-law met Bill Clinton a couple of years ago. She and a female colleague were amongst those accompanying him back to his plane. She claims that he gave her and her colleague a last look when boarding the plane and hit his head on the doorframe.

    Didn't Bill and Hillary once sell swampland?

    1. I would have hoped that the dress was in a museum somewhere. 'Swampland' rings a bell; I must investigate.

    2. Surprised it hasn't turned up on Ebay by now

  13. There but for the grace of good luck......
