Tuesday 23 February 2016


Getting my bloody JCB man in means only one thing; MUD.

This time we wanted to replace all the soak-away pipes from our fosse septique; we had a notion that the old ones were getting silted-up.

In he came like a terrier with an itchy arse, digging around, looking down holes, and throwing his arms about. Eventually he found the old pipes, then dug new channels for the shiny red replacements.

This used to be a reasonably level lawn; now look at it. It'll be years before it's back to anything like a cricket pitch again.

JCB digging reflects life; two steps forward then one back.

p.s. The telephone people turned-up yesterday afternoon with some new wooden telegraph poles. They will be wanting to drive their huge lorry over the mud (above) in order to replace our pole, and it's pouring. I see big problems and a helluva mess ahead. I may be shouting a lot today!


  1. Around my house is almost the same, a lot of mud and jcb digging, it is almost a year now, depressing indeed.

    1. I hate mess like this, especially when it rains. It was all so nice before, now it's a quagmire; and is about to get worse!

  2. That is a real mess, I would be in a bad mood and shouting too. Hope they don't do what they do here; tar the roads then a week later trace canals on the freshly tarred roads to replace gas pipes! Why work backwards? Greetings Maria x

    1. I think they do that EVERYWHERE; it's in their rule book!

  3. It looks like very clay soil. Maybe it's just the pic. We have clay and anything we do outside at this time of year leads to a mess.

    1. No, it's not clay; in fact it's quite light soil. It's probably just the colour. Still waiting for the telegraph pole man; he must still be in the bar.

  4. I think small track machines with plastic grass tracks do far less damage Cro. I would rope the area off and put up a 'ground under repair' sign, like you see on golf courses.

    1. I think he may have seen sense, and left it for another day. It's far too wet to drive over. He has loads of roadside work to do.

  5. Our first cold rain today in over twenty days and I'm not smiling. Wish I enjoyed rain.

    1. Very damp here recently, and it's going to continue. Grrrr.

  6. Bet that lawn has rejuvenated itself by midsummer.

  7. Replies
    1. I won't roll it, but I'll probably throw a few seeds around. I have a big sack full somewhere.

  8. Funny, in the photo it looks quite dry. Hopefully when the power pole man has finished you will be able to do as suggested and resow and then rope it off.

    1. When I took the photo it was dry; it's been raining ever since.
