Thursday 25 February 2016

I breathe again.

The telegraph pole man came very early yesterday morning; I think it was 7.15 am, and hardly light.

Due to the weather and 'sogginess' of the ground, he decided not to change the intended pole, but to change another one instead. I suppose there's some logic in there somewhere.

Anyway, we now have a new pole in a different spot, and the hens were entertained for an hour or so.

I asked when he would be changing the one he'd come to change; he just shrugged his shoulders and said 'some time in the future'.  I do like a man who gives precise answers. 

The resulting mess kept me busy for almost the whole day.


  1. I hope the "beast" did not frighten the hens. Isn't this the period of the start of egg laying season? Greetings Maria x

    1. It was the highlight of their day. Mine haven't started laying yet.... but they'd better... Lazy gals.

  2. That chap could help re-site the 'swaying Jesus' at the Rickety Old Farmhouse with Bob & Sophie. Only down the road from you Tarn way.

  3. Potty, what a brilliant idea - you must suggest it to Angus, who could mention it to the Mayor - it will keep the Pons amused for hours.
    Seems to me Cro, that "they" are out to get you - "they" obviously don't think you've got enough to do !

    1. Yeah, right! I was sawing and clearing all bloody day. Just what I needed.

  4. Replies
    1. They arrived with 2 lorries. The one above replaced the pole, the other one re-connected all the wires. I'm not sure which one made the more mess!

  5. I hope he donated the old one to you Cro.

    1. It's already sawn-up, although the man said I shouldn't burn it because it was filled with toxins. I burned some last night.

    2. I only put it on the fire once it was well alight, and blazing.

  6. There's nothing like watching a man with a big pole

  7. When they changed the pole in my garden a couple of years ago I got asked if I wanted to join them on a night out (they were from Ireland). I declined. They returned the next day having spent the night in the Police cells. They all had hangovers but seemed fairly relaxed about the night in the cells and shrugged it off as nothing.

  8. Since you spent the day cleaning up the debris, that should guarantee that they will be back soon, maybe today.

    1. Still too wet to get across our paddock, thank goodness, but they'll be back (when I least expect them).

  9. OK .... how about this :
    The street light opposite our house has been leaning for the 36 years that we've lived here. Once the bulb had gone so I told the council. About a year or so later, a noise woke us up at about 2,00 a.m. A man in a cherry picker was changing the lightbulb !!! Then, a few months ago a man came and erected a new pole next to the old street light but not the lamp part....... a few weeks later, another man fixed the top part of the light on. Nobody has been back yet to connect it so we now have the old street light still working with a new one next to it not working. I guess in a few months another man will switch it on and it will take a year to get rid of the old one !!!! My Dad was an Organisation and Methods Officer ...... he would be incensed !!!!!! XXXX

    1. Oh dear. I fear this is an all too common tale.

    2. Sorry Cro .... I made that all about me !!! I'm sure that the mess they've made will look OK by the time the warmer weather is here, when the mud's dried out and the grass grows back although they really did leave you rather a lot to clear up !! XXXX

    3. Everything comes right in the end. As you say, come summer all will probably be back to normal.

  10. Although it's all underground wiring here in Manhattan, some of the "outer" NYC boroughs like Queens, still have some above the ground poles and wires. It's always a bit of a surprise to see them there.

    I like seeing the hens in your photograph.

    Best wishes.

    1. Our wiring is half-n-half. Anything new is buried, but most of the old stuff is above ground.

  11. The hens interested for an hour.
    You busy for the whole day.
    There is something unfair there I think.

    1. The hens are easily bored. They love any activity.
