Saturday 2 January 2016

RIP's of 2015.


Allow me to start on a personal note. We lost our dear, 4 year old, Monty (above) on the 9th of February; NOT how we'd expected to start our year. RIP dear boy.

Otherwise I noted down the passing of the following.  My old mate Brian Sewell (he of the silly voice), Ska legend Rico Rodriguez, Super-human Jonah Lomu, The 12 unfortunates of Charlie Hebdo, All those 130 who perished in the awful Paris massacre, And everyone who has fallen to the brutal thuggery of terrorism the world over.

In the realm of entertainment we have lost Brian Rix, national treasure Cilla, Leonard Nimoy, George Cole, Omar Sharif, the beautiful Maureen O'Hara, Warren Mitchell (Alf Garnett), Patrick Macnee, and the lovely Donna Douglas. And we've all just recently heard that Motorhead's 'Lemmy' has died; who could ever forget his 'Ace of Spades'.

One death I am not mourning is that of so-called Jehadi John. I'm just sorry that Gustave Doré's vision of hell does not actually exist. I'd love to picture him, legs in the air, forever in one of those fiery pits. Nor am I mourning the death of Jimmy Savile.

Otherwise, RIP all.


  1. My brother was runner up in the 2004 National Portrait Gallery Prize. Brian Sewell said that his painting was shite (or words to that effect!). Paul is proud of that x

    1. When I first met Brian (back in about 1967), I was managing a small West End Art Gallery. We dealt mostly in Early English Topographical watercolours. Brian would always question the authenticity of everything.... regardless. He kept me amused for many years. He was an amiable buffoon; rather like Boris.

  2. We, too, lost one of our dogs last year. He was fifteen, so at least he had a few more years than Monty. Still miss the little rascal, even though we now have another dog.
    Could not watch or listen to Brian Sewell - as you say - he of the silly voice. I wonder how many people he actually "put off" the arts?_

    1. 4 is too young to die; we miss him still. Yes, I'm sure that Sewell put a lot of people off; goodness knows why he developed that voice, he always spoke like that when I knew him.

    2. I doubt Sewell is responsible for putting anyone off art. They were no doubt philistines in the first place.

    3. If Attenborough's programmes were narrated by Sewell, do you think they'd have the same appeal?

    4. What you've never had you never miss. I put up with Simon Reeve's mouth.

  3. I felt so bad for you all when Monty passed away. That's such a terrible pain for a family to endure, and he was far too young. xx

    1. He was a good boy, he died with dignity. But it didn't make it easier for us. Very sad.

  4. That is one beautiful photograph of Monty ...... I hope it's in a frame on display Cro. I find it SO distressing when our pets die that I can't have anymore. I used to think that it would just be sad but it's heart-breaking, isn't it ?
    I saw a good programme with Brian Sewell where he did ' The Grand Tour ' ..... he came across really well in it ..... just could never understand why he put on that ridiculous, massive ' plum in the mouth ' speaking voice !! XXXX

    1. I think he thought it made him sound more authoritative. Personally I think it made him sound plain pompous!

  5. Are we talking about the art critic Brian Sewell here Cro? I suspect not as your eclectic tastes seem to encompass a much wider area than mine, which have narrowed considerably since my artist husband died and I encompassed the farming life out in the wilds of Yorkshire.

    1. No, it is he; the art critic. The one and only!

  6. Thanks for the comment, yes shit does have some very nice uses, HA! Sad to loose are pets as they become our family also. I have Shih Tzu's.
