Sunday 3 January 2016

Doppelgänger No 15¾ (a 2016 Special).

                                Résultat de recherche d'images pour "corbyn jeremy"

Lord Haw-Haw (Leader of the UK's national Socialist Party)

                                Résultat de recherche d'images pour "corbyn jeremy"

Jeremy Haw-Haw (Children's TV presenter, and circus ringmaster)

A 'striking' resemblance, I'm sure you'll agree. Lots of fun to come in 2016, especially on Wednesdays when little Jeremy attempts to read children's letters live on lunchtime TV.

When I look at pictures of Jeremy, my only thought is "What on earth went wrong?".


  1. My friend Red Mel fancies him! x

    1. Maybe he/she feels sorry for him?

    2. Red Mel fancies him - when did she last go to Spec Savers?

    3. She did say on Saturday that she needs new glasses!

  2. Hi Cro, I don't know him, but he DOES resemble!

    1. He's the newly installed, extreme left wing, leader of the UK's Labour Party. Well-meaning, but totally unelectable (thank goodness).

  3. I do hope we'll never find out what went wrong...but I wouldn't bet on it. Voters are a fickle lot.

    1. Voters who want increased handouts, maybe; but not too many others. Most wish to protect their hard-earned assets, and I can't see any of them wanting him around.

    2. Well Cro, I think you just answered my question of what an extreme left wing Labour party member espouses.

  4. Can't say much about England's politics. just want you to know that i am still here:)

    1. Good. Your 'neighbours' seem to be out of control, yet, as usual, as soon as one of them is shot, the pro-Hamas people are instantly out complaining. It's a strange world.

  5. At least he did sing the National Anthem finally. (perhaps he didn't know the words the first time and had to go home and learn them). I ask - does he want a republic instead of a monarchy and if so, does he see himself as the chief?

    1. I've no idea what he wants, but he'll promise the world to get him there.

  6. He is a capitalist pig just like all the rest of us he just pretends he isn't.

  7. I usually don't comment on the politics of another country as I don't know enough or anything about these people, but I agree that they do look alike.

  8. That is a scary resemblance, hope they don't share the same politics, your Jeremy is scary enough without that.

  9. Have you noticed how people underline a dislike of others by choosing to publish the worst possible photos of them?

    Not, of course, that you are mean or anything. And please do keep snivelling Rachel out of my hair. John taught me a forgettable lesson: A friend of his is beyond criticism. Because she is his friend. Well, I never.

    Other than that, Cro, in and outside your blog, may 2016 bring many more wild mushrooms to your paradise. Greetings to Lady M. I too made a frangipane. Unfortunately I let it out of my sight (sidetracked by a blogger's comment) at the crucial moment of setting. It still tastes great if not a sight behold.

    Happy 2016,

    1. Choosing the worst possible photo is all part of the fun; I learnt it from the left-wing press!

      Sorry, I can't help you re other bloggers. My only advice is to be honest without being offensive.

  10. I was quite excited about the effect he would have on our tired old British politics when he first came in. Sadly he just has met expectations.

    1. I was hoping for more comedy, sadly he's let me down and I simply find him dull and puerile.
