Friday 1 January 2016

Favourite Present.

Our little 7 year old (or maybe 8) neighbour Sara, is a real cutie. Ever since she was very small she's come to visit us. When she was about 3 she'd walk over from her house, walk straight into our sitting room, and just look at us without saying anything. Now she cycles the few hundred metres, often just to take Bok for a walk. She also visits the barn to play with Boo Boo (when he's there).

On Christmas Eve she arrived with a small plastic bag. It contained a hand drawn card, a tiny yellow writing pad, a bauble with some tinsel, two blue stones, one brown stone, and a piece of white quartz. I can't think of a nicer present.

She returned a couple of hours later just as Lady M was elbow deep in flour, making Mince Pies. They then made Jam Tarts together for an hour or so, before she left to share the delicious results with her brother and sister.  

Here she is with Bok. What a lovely girl.

Merçi Cherie.


  1. A blessed New Year coming your way

  2. What a refreshing change - such a delightful young girl, and a very well thought out gift.

    1. We've always loved out little community, but she makes it even better.

  3. She looks very French and chic, even as a child she has a certain something and the gift says this too.

    1. She's quite a character, she turns up at events wearing the most wonderful outfits; pink tutu with a cowboy hat, or sparkly high heeled shoes and sari. You never know what's coming next.

  4. What a sweetie - lovely photo with Bok smiling and holding hands with her.

    1. It was her family who gave Bok to us; she probably misses him.

  5. Gorgeous. Lou has a black lab friend four doors down called Lola. He borrows her for walkies. x

    1. Black Labs make great friends. Lucky Louis.

  6. It's lovely to have neighbours like that. Our girls were making Christmas cards for family and insisted on making one for our neighbours ken and liz, it's lovely as they obviously hold them in the same esteem as your neighbour does with you!

    1. I think children automatically link onto like-minded people; we're very easy going, just like her.

    2. Wherever we lived in the UK, we always found we were a magnet for neighbour's children. It was probably because we had no children, but had dogs, and we were prepared to spend time with the youngsters.

  7. Children and animals know who deserv a visit and lovely presents like you got.

    1. I'm not sure if we 'deserve' her visits, but we certainly enjoy them.

  8. Sara has given you some wonderful treasures that she has found ...... you both must be very special to her Cro. ..... a lot of thought has gone into that gift. Bok looks as if he enjoys her company too.
    Happy 2016 ....... looking forward to more blogging fun again in this New Year. XXXX

  9. What a wonderful young woman. The press t is rather special as well. You lucky people!e to have such neighbours.

    1. These particular neighbours are very nice; all of them.

  10. What a sweet little girl. A real treasure. Happy New Year!

  11. I like her composition for the drawing. It really gives a sense of height. She worked hard on all that grass.

    1. It's a great drawing; a lawn with mountains!

  12. Dear Cro, I would like to wish you and family a happy New year! Greetings Maria x

  13. Love the trendy boots. These visits will remain with her forever - I am sure you are enhancing her childhood Cro. Happy new year.

    1. I do hope so; especially her baking time with Lady M.

  14. Awwww just a lovely gift.
    What a wonderful friendship with your family.
    She is adorable.

    Happy New Year.
    cheers, parsnip and thehamish

    1. We certainly treasure her gift. Lets hope that 2016 is kind to us all. Best wishes, Cro x

  15. I wish you and yours a very Happy 2016, and would like to share a treasured memory from my own childhood.

    We lived in a small town and there was still quite a bit of open fields behind the house that lined the town's streets and avenues. Yes, those streets and avenues were paved. Anyhow, an elderly lady named Mrs. Smith lived next door and had wild strawberries growing behind her house. She and I had a regular routine in which she held the bucket that I would fill with the strawberries I picked. It's a beautiful memory.

    Another elderly couple lived across the field and I would visit them and talk to their parrot.
    All this is very long ago, and I wonder if I might now be older than those elderly folks who were so kind to me.

    Clearly, Sara is forming lots of wonderful memories, as are you and Lady M.

    Best wishes.

    1. Yes, memories like that are very important. I had a neighbour (when I was very young) who made a wooden swinging Parrot for me. It had a weight in its tail, and if placed on a perch would swing to and fro for ages. You've made me remember a real kindness. Best wishes, Cro x

  16. I imagine that the young neighbor gives you and Lady M many smiles.

    I hope this new year brings you many blessings, Cro.

  17. Oh what a lovely young girl. You're surely blessed to have this visitor from a young age. BTW is Bok a Labrador?
