Thursday 31 December 2015

Cro's review of 2015.

2015 started badly for us. Poor old Monty seemed permanently unwell, and eventually left us on the 9th of February. He was just 4 years old, and we still miss him terribly. Doggy kidney failure. RIP old friend.


Otherwise the year began milder than we'd anticipated, and Spring arrived early. The above 'amusing' photo was taken on March 21st; the first day of Spring. When I spotted its perfect circle, my world changed very slightly.

Most of early 2015 saw me elbow deep in plaster and mortar, as work up at the barn advanced. They now have a bathroom, a beautiful kitchen, a tiled floor downstairs, and a very efficient and complicated heating system that uses wood, sunshine, and electricity; using whichever is appropriate at the time. Wills and family eventually arrived in July, and I'm pleased to say that they were delighted with everything.

Summer 2015 was one of the HOTTEST, LONGEST, and DRIEST that I can remember. In mid July we even left the Solar Cover OFF the pool at nights. hoping that the water might cool down a bit before morning. This was the first year that the water temperature has risen (and stayed) above 30 C; with daytime temperatures above 38 C (in the shade), the pool was the final refuge. I'm not complaining.

Even Bunny had his first swimming lessons; I'm very pleased to say that he absolutely loves the water. I think you can tell by the picture below.


It remained dry until August 9th when we had enough rain over two days to bring up these beauties (below).


The Cèpe harvest was phenomenal. We bottled, froze, and ate them for almost two weeks; every morning gathering more than enough for all of our needs. Occasionally Mother Nature is exceptionally generous (except with Girolles this year). We now have bottled Cèpe supplies for about 2 years.

Life through Summer was hot and lazy, even the cows in front of the house agreed. Then Autumn.

Haddock's once again was bountiful. We were able to fill the stores with Butternuts, Pumpkins, Apples, Onions, and various other crops that were either bottled or frozen. It's at this season that one appreciates all the hard work.

I usually find the tail-end of the year slightly depressing. The return of cold weather, the falling of leaves, the closing of the pool, and the wearing of winter clothes; it's not to my taste. But 2015 was altogether different; we had wonderful weather, with most of October, November, and December seeing temperatures around 20 C with cloudless skies. Right through to the new year it's been very mild.

The lovely Bok (above in the woods) celebrated his 5th birthday on November 28th. A few more grey hairs around his muzzle, but still a real pleasure to have sharing our simple lives.

Wills and Kellogg still have itchy feet and they left France for Oz, well before any expected cold weather. They change hemisphere to follow the sunshine. They're now in Surfer's Paradise until the ice melts back at home.

So, instead of Christmas with Bunny and family, we were alone again. I don't really mind this as, although I love the big day itself, I find the whole Christmas overkill rather distasteful. Here's a picture of Bunny taken just before their departure (trying to escape from prison on a tractor).

Let's all hope that 2016 will bring some peace to an otherwise blood-thirsty world. I can't see it happening, but being an optimist I am keeping my fingers crossed.

Meanwhile, I'll leave you with one of my favourite photos from November, when we had a couple of frosty mornings; sunrises such as this always speak to me of new beginnings.

In many ways, 2015 has been a remarkable year.


Have a good 2016, and be sure to join me again in January 2017 to see how things went.

Cro and Lady Magnon xx



  1. What brilliant memories Cro. I missed that perfect circle the first time around somehow! May 2016 be remarkable x.

    1. The daisy circle amazed me. I could hardly believe it when I saw it. Best wishes.

  2. All the very best to you all for 2016, and may Haddocks prove ever more abundant.

    1. It's been reduced in size over Autumn, but I'm hoping it will be even more productive. We'll see!

  3. Beautiful and nostalgic memories, Cro. Sad that you lost Monty at such a young age. We lost dear old Megan but she was 16 1/2. We also acquired a new pup who is eight months old tomorrow. I hope to see you visiting my blog next year! Happy 2016 to you all. Greetings, Jo

    1. I'm looking forward to all your news from Tanzania. Cro x

  4. What a lovely summary of a year. Thanks, I really enjoyed that. All the best for the next calendaryear!

    1. It's been a good year for us, I just hope the next will be the same. Cro x

  5. Great summary Cro. Happy New Year to you and yours.

  6. Happy New Year Cro. I look forward to reading your blogs throughout 2016.

    1. I look forward to knowing you're there. Cro x

  7. What a wonderful summation of a very good year - wishing you all the best for next year - let's hope it's as good. I always enjoy reading your posts every morning and am happy to have made your acquaintance.

  8. Happy New Year Cro and Lady M. I shall most certainly be reading you again in 2016. X

  9. All bloody gardening and fancy mushrooms. Where's the knife?

  10. Wills and family? I thought you were entertaining the royals for a your blog Cro, you brighten my day, happy new year to you both!

    1. They are like royalty to us; especially Boo Boo. Cro x

  11. Happy New Year- thanks for sharing the fabulous scenes of where you live.

  12. A Happy New Year to you all and thanks for detailing the rural pleasures of France along with a few grumpy old rants!

    1. I'll try to do less of the Grumpy rants; promise. Cro x

  13. Happy new year Cro to you , lady M, Bok and Fredy.

  14. Glad to have discovered your blog Cro. Here's to a more peaceful world, and more red wine!

    1. I'll go along with both of those sentiments. Cheers!

  15. Happy New Year to you Cro and to all of your family ..... may 2016 be everything that you wish it to be.
    I look forward to continued blogging friendship in 2016.
    Sending you a virtual New Years Eve kiss and hug from the UK !!! XXXX

    1. Thanks Jacqueline. If 2016 is as good as 2015, we'll be very happy. Cro x

  16. Happy New Year Cro and family !

    1. Thanks Helsie; very best wishes to you too. Cro x

  17. With the exception of the beautiful Monty, you had a very good year. I hope that this new one brings you much happiness.

  18. Happy New Year! I am impressed by all the hard work you do on your land. Your pool is phenomenal!

    1. I try to keep busy. Happy new year to you too. Cro x

  19. lovely recap was indeed an eventful year. Happy New Year to you and yours...peace and joy.

  20. Happy New year old bean , hoping 2016 will be a cracker xxxxxxx

    1. I'm hoping so John. I'm looking forward to more news from Trelawnyd. Cro x

  21. A very happy new year to you and to Lady M Cro. Here's to 2016!!

  22. Happy New Year my friend! I hope 2016 is wonderful for you!

    1. Thanks Jennifer. We'll make it wonderful together. Cro x

  23. Happy New Year to you and yours, Cro! I look forward to reading your blog for many years to come. xx

    1. Thanks Ninaschen. I hope I can make it worthy. Cro x

  24. Happy New Year Cro to you and Lady M, I have enjoyed reading your blog this year as previous years although haven't commented much... there have been a few things going on that make me less likely to make much comment. I sincerely hope that 2016 brings everything good to your neck of the woods.

    Jo in Auckland, NZ

    1. Some just read, others comment; I'm grateful for both. Cro x

  25. Enjoyed that lovely photographic review Cro. Happy 2016 to you and your good lady x

  26. Good to read about your memories of 2015 - may your 2016 be filled with peace and contentment.
