Monday 16 November 2015

Who is (the now banned) Mia More?

                                                 Résultat de recherche d'images pour "internet troll"

Many of you will know the name Mia More; many of you will have witnessed her bile. So who is this person?

Ms More is an enigma; one minute she writes in 'broken English', then occasionally she uses sophisticated language worthy of an average English O Level student. Is the faux-foreignness simply a red herring?

She claims to be German, but who knows. She claims to have children, but I can't imagine anyone with children being so bloody impatient and contrary.

Does she have a job? Does she have a husband? Does she really live in Berlin? Who knows; perhaps we'll never know.

Trolls guard their privacy, they are super-secretive. It is quite possible that Ms More is a man, living in Barnsley, and is a 25 stone professional darts player.

Put-up at piece about cute kittens, and Mia will find something nasty to say about them; she/he's that kind of person. Look at her 'profile', and you will find nothing.

But in her defence, imagine yourself in her uncomfortable clothes. Everything you see in the world is black, everything invokes anger, everything induces argument; it can't be easy being Mia More. 'Angry of Tunbridge Wells' has nothing on this very sad woman.

I recently posted an innocent piece about my vegetable garden (Haddock's), and even this she tried to turn into a political argument. I'm getting very tired of her.

So, should we be kind or cruel? I've made my own decision about Ms More, and that is to ban any further comments. Her verbal diarrhoea has become too much . May I suggest we all do the same; she might then simply fade away, and find some other targets.


  1. I simply don't understand people like her/him/it, are their lives so miserable they have to spill their vile onto others? Hope she's gone for good.

    1. They have anger in their blood. They probably feel that life has treated them badly.

  2. Perhaps they come from different media like Facebook et al. I can't imagine someone repeatedly commenting rudely to others. What would be the purpose? Seems like one would simply not read a blog that offends them or quit following.

    1. I might occasionally say something critical, but only if I feel it's warranted. She does it as a matter of course. She cannot help herself.

  3. She/he went beyond the bounds of reasonable debate being rude, ignorant, deceitful and a liar.

    1. I'm having trouble with her today too.

    2. I guess that answers my question. Most of the blogs I follow are for my entertainment. I hadn't even thought of blogging as a means of debate. I'm kind of slow sometimes. You have to draw me a picture.

  4. She seems to have blackness in her soul and wants to paint the world with it - vile creature !

  5. Well i had trouble banning one of my trolls........they still leave garbage and abuse from time to time........ Best to delete and ignore
    But its hard when your dander is up

  6. Mi amore is Italian for 'my love', and yet love is the least likely thing to be expressed via that sad troll's keyboard.
    No doubt it will soon resurface under a different pseudonym to try and make everyone else's life as miserable as it's own.

  7. I have a live feed that shows where visitors to my blog come from. Hers (his?) always seemed to show up from England. The last comment left by Mia didn't show up on my tracker at all, though. It's obviously an unemployed person, because who else has enough free time to leave that many nasty comments on multiple blogs each day? What a nasty piece of work he/she/it is.

    1. Miamore has a hidden IP address and no location and no blog.

  8. I apologize but I actually stopped reading several blogs for a while because of the constant barrage of troll bile that was left by Mia. Then rational set in and I realized my reaction was exactly what it wanted.

  9. It doesn't have a profile, It doesn't have a blog, It doesn't share anything worthy but complain about what others are... life is too short to waste time making nasty comments or reading them... RIP trolls.

  10. I haven't see her/him but I always get someone quoting the Bible and someone trying to sell name-brand purses and shoes.
    I hope she is gone now.

    cheers, parsnip

  11. Well written, Cro.
    Reading the comments, the thoughts are the same as mine. I also wonder what possesses people to be rude, aggressive and vitriolic. Unfortunately blogging is an ideal platform for their particular brand of hate, and I wonder how much satisfaction they gain from it.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Cro, it's your blog, you can do whatever you chose. I'm sure you like a good hearty discussion occasionally - who doesn't - but really, good riddance I say.

  15. Cro, I wrote this as a warning in Sept

  16. well done, Cro, we all know that she-he will come with some other name, as she commented here as aron or sara miller before. She came here in the summer of 2014

    after she saw me commenting on some other Israeli blog,she was a stalker of bloggers who commented on my blog, she he lives in Germany,
    I think it is about time to ger rid of her.

  17. I have not been found by a troll yet. I think life on a smallholding seems not to be very interesting to this species of human being. But I do look at all the comments before they are posted up on my blog, so if I did become trolled then the comment would not get on to my live blog because I would firmly press the delete button. Vx

  18. I feel sorry for trolls.
    Imagine this, you're on your death bed and all you have to look back on as you breathe your last few gasps is that you stalked perfectly nice people and did your best to make their lives uncomfortable, if not a misery, with your venomous words.
    Pity them, they have such unfulfilled lives.

  19. As John said, just delete and ignore. When she is no longer shown in anyone's comments, she will go away. Never read, just delete as you would do with any spam.

  20. Great idea, but if Yael is right it may not be so easy.

  21. Mia more
    was shown the door
    and is no more.

  22. My sad pathetic troll hasn't bothered me for ages. Stick two fingers up and delete.

  23. Thank you everyone. Unity is the answer.

  24. Excellent decision on your part, Cro.
