Monday 16 November 2015

The Doorway to Gateway.


Back in my London days, I spent several months living in a small flat (large broom cupboard) in Chelsea's Bramerton Street. I worked just around the corner, and although very convenient the flat wasn't particularly memorable.

Just recently I was looking-up Nancy Spain on Wiki and discovered that she, and her partner, frequented a famous Chelsea Lesbian Club called The Gateways Club.

The Gateways Club (above) was on the corner of Bramerton Street and King's Road. I remember the building well, but had no idea what was behind it's mysterious single door; or even that it was a club.

Amazing the things one learns by accident. I wish I'd known this at the time; although I don't quite know what difference it would have made!


  1. Well Cro, even if your hair had been long in those days, it's unlikely that they would have let you join !

    1. Ha ha; and it was! It's just strange that one can live a few yards away from somewhere, and have no idea what's there. I expect it's more common than we imagine.

  2. I am sure it ism ore common that we imagine - but of course we don't know, do we?

  3. I love the way London is packed with little hidden places like that - being a lesbian in those days must have been like being a Jacobite, but more fun.

  4. I took a photo of a gay club door the other night on my way to the train.I was taking photos of pubs on my route through the back streets and found what I assumed to be a gay club. There was one word on the wall, Flaunt.

  5. Maybe Lady M can have a look inside on her next UK sojourn and relay back to you?

    1. She may be converted. I wouldn't want that.

    2. Ha.....unless she returns with the new friend?......ooer missus!

    3. Sorry Gary, I had to delete your comment to Ms More, because I am deleting ALL of hers.

  6. In 1970s, I worked in Justice Walk, Old Church Street, Chelsea and this backed onto Bramerton Street. The building was the old Chelsea Gaol, and about a year or so ago, I saw it had been renovated and converted into a house. Price tag £14,500,000. A snip!
