Tuesday 17 November 2015

The Blair Legacy

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When making a point in blog-land, one risks the wrath of the left, the right, atheists, Christians, or any others who hold rigid beliefs. But what the fuck; occasionally one has to tell it how it is, and today I am still very very angry, saddened, and frustrated. So much so that I haven't previously been able to express my thoughts about the recent events in Paris.

Forget Tony's New effing Labour, how about Tony's New Bellicosity? Since leaving party politics in 2007, Fettes and Oxford 'toff' Tony Blair has left the world in an extremely dangerous state; whilst in the meantime, lining his own pockets extremely efficiently to an estimation of about £100 million.

Tony will always be remembered for these 4 things.

1. He opened the floodgates for uncontrolled UK immigration.

2. When people started to ask difficult questions, he quit his Prime Ministerial post and dropped poor inept Brown into the shit (having shredded all his own official papers)

3. Some joker made him a Middle Eastern 'peace envoy' (if that doesn't make you laugh, I don't know what bloody would)

4. He (along with his chum Bush) began what will more than likely end in another quasi World War.

What an amazing legacy for just one Labour PM!

The knock-on effects of the Bush/Blair Iraq war can now be seen almost everywhere; the most recent example having just been witnessed in Paris.

Fanaticism is everywhere; hardly any 'democratic country' is unaffected, whether it be by a few individuals hidden amongst the floods of nameless immigrants, or their final acts of terrorism. Comfortable European (and other) residents are running off to fight for ISIS by the score (already an estimated 800 from the UK, and 2000 from France), then many returning as hardened Jihadis to continue their atrocities in the countries that generously gave them (or their parents) refuge.

In Germany where Matron Merkel had invited an unlimited amount of immigrants into 'her' country, there has been an appalling rise in far right anti-Muslim vigilante groups; sadly I can only see this getting worse. In France I read that Marine Le Pen's nasty NF party are busy planning equally unpleasant reprisals.

Well-meaning liberals are still inviting unlimited amounts of anonymous immigrants into our midst, whether this be in Europe, Australia, or the US. So let me repeat what I've said before; 'Be very, very, wary of what you wish for''. We have no idea who these people are, or what are their intentions. Most are genuine refugees, but hidden amongst them are people with very different agendas.

Blair certainly has to take a hefty responsibility for what is happening. That initial trumped-up claim about non-existent WMD's has resulted in between 500,000 and a million deaths in Iraq alone since 2003. I hate to imagine how many others have lost their lives in Syria, Libya, Pakistan, Afghanistan, etc. The bloodshed has been horrific.

A lot of people voted for Blair and supported his Middle Eastern aggression; I am very proud to say that I was NOT amongst them.

The Chilcot inquiry into the Iraq war will eventually be published in July 2016, after which I shall expect Blair to be prosecuted for war crimes at The Hague. If not; there's no bloody justice in this world.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Togetherness/ Unity is indeed the key to defeat terror!
    Not alienation, not finger-pointing, Islamophobia, ‘Arabphobia’ or any other form of xenophobia.

    1. I agree, other than my finger-pointing at Blair.

    2. I do certainly go along with you re Blair.

  3. I saw in the newspaper last week that he has re-appointed himself as Peace Maker in the Middle East, his previous official office having come to an end in the summer.

  4. Can't disagree with any of that Cro.

  5. Oh I hope he gets his comeuppance. I very much believe it depends on what strings are pulled and in what direction.

  6. It's all too much for me to wrap my head around. I despair of the whole human race.

  7. Me too Jennifer ....... I just don't know what to say anymore. XXXX

  8. he has always been far too shiny. Justice is an elusive creature, hunted by the money makers to the edge of extinction.

  9. Whilst I agree with you about Blair such fundamentalism in Islam is nothing new. On many occasions during its history such barbarity has inflicted itself on the rest of the world. Sadly in modern times fools have seen fit to arm the middle east with the most modern of weapons. The bulk of which come from Russia with the US following close behind.
    Islam really needs a reformation but the very words of Mohammed prevents this from happening. Indeed such spoke thoughts in many islamic countries bring charges of apostasy usually followed by an untimely and rather messy death!
    Given what we know it is foolish beyond belief to let in so called refugees, most are really economic migrants, enmasse without being sure of wh they really are.
    Will it turn out badly for the British public, almost certainly. Such acts will drive deep and lasting wedges in British society.

    1. One of my major gripes about Blair is that he's changed the very fabric of Britain (for the worse); none of which can now be undone.

  10. Could not agree with you more. I hope one day to see him on trial for crimes against humanity -- but at the same time I've become too jaded to think it will happen.

  11. Bet old mia more is busting a gut trying in vain to comment on this one

  12. Why countries can't united to stop the horror when and where it starts instead of letting things getting out of hands? No of course multinationals got to make more cash selling weapons and supplies and then again the worst it gets the better it is for them, all these people running to safety in the near future will buy cars, houses, furniture, clothing, food and everything else they need for their daily lives.

  13. Diane I have to point out that over 90 percent of the weapons in the islamic middle east are russian or soviet design. The companies that produce these are either wholly owned or have majority stake owned by the Russian government. Let's nt be naive either, putin must be a bumbling fool or fully aware of where his products are going. I certainly would not put him down as the former! All of africa is awash with the same, it is no coincidence that terrorist groups worldwide favour the AK. They are so easily available. Yes many countries make their own variation but overwhelmingly for the past 5 decades russia has been the key supplier. The USSR and now Russia needed hard currency and they have little other than natural resources and weapons to sell!
    Sadly folk continually blame Europe, the UK or the USA even while the provenance orpf the weaponry is in full view. Without them they would be pretty much back to poking each other with pointy sticks!

    1. As I've said in the past; the clue is in the name. Kalashnikov!

  14. Every time I see photographs of T Blair, and some of ours too, I remind myself that voting can, but does not always make a difference.

    And I do keep on voting. I've even volunteered on some candidates's campaigns in past years. I don't think any of them actually won the election, but please draw no conclusions.

    Best wishes.

  15. Whoever came up with Teflon Tony hit the nail on the head.

  16. At last someone has put my thoughts into words
