Saturday 4 July 2015


                                                     Image search result for "russell brand"

There are idiots everywhere, but some idiots are more idiotic than others. Some even think they have deity-like qualities.

A case in point is this twit above. A certain Mr Russell Brand. Brand has declared himself 'Saviour of the Universe', and has associated himself with all sorts of lost causes; the most momentous being his recent support for Labour's Ed 'Carved in Stone' Miliband.

Recently The Children's Wing of the Labour Party held a pre-pubescent banner waving love-in through central London (and elsewhere), against the present government's successful policies for tidying-up the financial mess left by the last bloody lot (Labour). I expect they wanted the UK to take a leaf out of Greece's anti-austerity book, and go bust yet again..... And guess who turned-up to support them?

No sooner had Brand approached the podium (to preach his puerile version of communism) than he was told to 'Fuck Off', in no uncertain terms, by the junior crowd. It seems that he was then seen scurrying for the safety of his Rolls Royce.

And as if that wasn't enough, his latest outburst was against yesterday's minute's silence in memory of the victims of the Tunisian Beach Massacre, which he referred to as a load of BULLSHIT.

I suppose this only goes to reinforce his vile nature. Is there no end to this man's idiocy? I think it's about time he just SHUT-UP, and went away.

The only excuse one can offer for the fool's behaviour is that hard-drugs have completely addled his head (Heavens; I almost used the word 'brain').


  1. Who would have thought it - for once young Labour actually have the right idea !
    Great post, Cro. The man (can't call him a comedian can you) embodies all the worst of today's so-called show biz "celebs". Loved the bit about scurrying back to his Rolls Royce - a good socialist principle there - not the number 9 bus !

    1. It's not only his stupidity which gets to me, it's the hypocrisy too. Can't stand the man (or any of his ilk). Yes, well done those misguided marchers; at least they got something right.

  2. He is an egotistical lunatic. Can't stand the chap. Sadly there are some naive youngsters who hang on his every word.

    1. Not those ones on the march, thankfully.

  3. I wish that" the media" would stop giving him publicity and he might just go away!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Luckily there's a hint to the origin of the Kalashnikov in its name; and it ain't 'The West' as you suggest.

      I just knew he still had to have at least one supporter. You win the prize!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. You are right, I do pour my bile on much of the world, simply because they don't seem to know how to behave. As an example, some believe that during this month of Ramadam it's forbidden to eat between sun-up and sun-down, but perfectly OK to chop off women's heads in the street. I shall continue to pour my bile against such practices until I'm dried up. It may not change the world, but I do hope it brings attention to its realities.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. He may sometimes say things that are right or could be considered at least. But his style of anti-intellectualism on a massive scale of what we or the politicians should or shouldn't be doing with his yeh yeh yeh, easy peasey I'm telling you man, full of himself and when it comes to the crunch he has no answers. That is why whatever he says, right or wrong, will never get him anywhere with the young, the old, the politicians, Jemima Khan or anyone else.

  7. I read through all these comments carefully - there is so much in the content that has truth in it. And yet - and yet - I just feel that about the whole issue we only know what we are told and I think there is but a grain of truth in this. What goes on behind the scenes is what
    is really happening, and about that we know nothing.
    All I know with certainty is that the whole world is in uproar. Some folk ride around in flash cars, own multi houses in the posh parts of London and other cities in the world. Other folk risk their lives with babies and pregnant women, crossing the Mediterranean, drowning, scrabbling ashore into countries where they have been led to believe they might have a better life. All they are doing for sure is making the trafficker who deal in this sick trade able to buy houses in posh streets - and so the cycle goes on.

  8. Russell Brand in my opinion is a buffoon.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. The truth is often hard to swallow.

  9. We got it the first time round, Cro. You don't like the guy.You don't like the guy to a degree which makes me wonder what your actual bug bear is. Close up and personal I dare say - irrational.

    Please do not dismiss people just because they don't fit your views, your opinions. It makes you the "idiot" that you are so fond of calling other people.

    There are those of us, including Brand, who are actually trying to do something (as ineffectual as some of our efforts may be). And then there is you shooting from the hip with one of your absolutely adorable vegetables harvested in the Haddock.

    Long dead kipper greetings,

    1. Hello BOTB; P'tang Yang Kipperbang to you too!

    2. And by the way, a lot of my very good friends are both Labour and Green Party supporters, and you'd be surprised how much we agree about.

  10. Look, I'm really not in the business of arguing with a bunch of lefties. I was just stating my opinion that to dishonour yesterday's 'minute's silence' in memory of those innocent holiday makers, by saying that it was all a load of BULLSHIT, does not have any place in my world. I have more respect for those poor people and their families than I do for that IDIOT Brand.

    If you support his attitude, just say so. It takes all sorts. But don't expect any decent people to agree with you.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I am not a leftie. I am in politicals' no man's land. As opposed to you who makes it very clear where you stand on the political spectrum of the UK.

      I wouldn't go as far as Brand to call bullshit on a minute's silence. Though - arguably - it is bullshit. If we were to fall silent on all the world's woes I dare say 24 hours in the day wouldn't be enough to silence us - and bring us to a stand still. As an aside, Cro: What makes anyone in the world (holiday makers et al) "innocent"? Why does being hit - by whatever misfortune - and dead make us "innocent", other than children who, by definition, are [innocent of the sins of their fathers]?

      I so would like to call your bluff, Cro. Nothing to do with Brand or your politics. Just with the wider world and your very narrow view of it.


    3. I used the word in its wider sense. The unfortunates had nothing to do with Middle Eastern conflicts; just caught in the wrong place at the wrong time. Maybe it would have been more fitting had he targeted Blair; somehow we would all have understood, and the difference between innocence and guilt more obvious.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. And what, I wonder, would Sir Winston have made of Brand? No, don't tell me; I know already.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. And yet you presumably side with his ingenious 'don't vote' preaching. Never give up? Brand doesn't even want you to start!

  12. May I just remind you that this post is about Russell Brand, not the rights and wrongs of the world. For those off you not in the UK I can assure you that he is a buffoon, nit very often I agree with Heron, an idiot, vain, very ignorant. When Labour lost the Election he immediately tried to distance himself from them and everything he had said in support of Miliband was we are to believe nothing to do with him at all. The man is nothing but an ignorant tosser.

  13. If you are wondering why Mr Smith has deleted all his comments, I presume he suddenly realised how stupid he was making himself look. It's not easy being a Russell 'Idiot' Brand supporter.

  14. I was wondering that very thing Cro. I know nothing about RB and thusly, can't comment on him. Just what I am reading about here. Could it be a generational thing? The young ones are going to be in a ton of trouble when they have to take the reins. They just don't make them like they used to. By the way, I'm a nihilist. Just kidding, trying to get a rise out of some of the readers.

    1. He's a so-called 'comedian' who causes controversy by being outrageous; usually in some uber-left wing/anti-social way. Not a very nice person.

    2. I don't know very many British comedians except for Ricky Gervais. He makes me laugh. Even if I can't understand what he is saying his hardy guffaws make me smile. There was a show about him sending a friend of his around the world that was so funny. Karl Pilkington was his name and he was hysterical.

  15. Well, I think everyone excels at something. THAT dude obviously excels at idiocy.

  16. Cro I agree with you, he has a big mouth and jumps on the band wagon. If he is as good as some think, why have we not heard from him before, he is NOT on to keep his mouth shut!

  17. Reading all the comments, I am reassured that my decision to stay away from politics on Blogger, was the right one.

  18. His insistence on not voting is a no-no. Non-participation certainly will not lead to change.

  19. He disgusts me.
    He epitomises so much that has gone wrong with life in the UK, that acting like a total nerd, being as offensive as possible and upsetting people will get you all the kudos and attention.
    I had hoped we'd seen the last of him after the upset caused on the Jonathan Ross radio show but the slimy toad seems to have slithered all the way to the bank on the back of it.
    I wonder how long it will be before that other odious idiot, Clarkson, manages to get his ugly mug on regular TV.

    1. Please dint offend us all and speak of Clarkson in the same breath as Brand. Brand is totally ignorant, Clarkson is not. It totally spoilt your otherwise sensible comment.
