Friday 3 July 2015

Food Glorious Foo....

I thoroughly enjoy both preparing, and eating, food. One I find very creative, the other very satisfying.

My latest delights are these long thin mild peppers, so common in Spanish tapas bars. Simply fried in olive oil with a tiny splash of white wine and a sprinkling of gros sel; when served tepid they are stunningly delicious.

But marry them with some roasted Lamb, and oh my goodness I'm in heaven; it really doesn't get much better (or simpler) than this.

In this present heatwave, our cooler evenings are gloriously relaxing, and one has to take full advantage. Simple tasty 'meat-n-one-salad' evening meals are de rigeur; and, as practically no actual cooking is involved, I even get to relax too. 


  1. Padron peppers are hard to come by here but I'd leap on them if I could find them. There's a red version that Asda sell. Good...but not as good.

  2. We here in America have our Independance day festivities starting tomorrow and through the weekend. No lamb, but the peppers sound terrific and doable on grills. I'm not against lamb, just wouldn't know how to prepare.

    1. I rub mine with a paste made from Harissa, garlic, salt, and olive oil; then bung in the oven for an hour..... it cooks itself.

    2. No ovens for this weekend-but will remember this for fall when cool weather comes. Sounds tasty.

  3. We have the red version of the peppers here, they are good.

  4. Oh, that does look good Cro ……. I wish that you were my neighbour ….. you'd never get rid of me !!!! XXXX

  5. Am salivating copiously Cro - keep those foody photos coming - they do give me ideas.

  6. That looks delicious….once I had got my eye in, and was seeing peppers not some ghastly slimy creatures swarming over the meat!!

    1. I would have arranged them nicely had I thought you'd be seeing 'nasty slimy creatures'.

  7. I love lamb, you can't beat a roast leg of lamb. I haven't seen those peppers before, but I would like to try them sometime.

  8. The lamb on it's own will do just fine.
    Agree with Frances, the peppers do look a bit like slimy creatures at first glance.

    1. Thank you Coppa's girl…..glad I am not the only one!!

    2. You're ganging up on me; It's a plot!

    3. ...sorry Cro, at first glance I thought frogs...(well, you are in France....)

  9. Never had lamb. Keep thinking of those cute little lambies. It would kind of be like eating a squirrel to me. I asked a man in a park in Paris where all the squirrels were and he said they don't have them in Paris. But, that dish does look delicious. Baaaa.

  10. Serve anything with lamb and I would consider it perfection.

  11. Looks heavenly, I love lamb but the wife refuses to eat it so alas never to be seen on our table.

    1. My German daughter-in-law won't eat Lamb; gawd knows why, I think it's the best meat around.

  12. I can only see lamb on that plate!! dribble!
