Sunday 5 July 2015

More on Walnut Oil.

Considering that I live in a big Walnut growing area, I find it extremely frustrating that I've recently had great difficulty finding the very best quality Walnut oil, on which I insist.

I've tried all the markets, the supermarkets, and even all the local 'Bio' shops. My searches have been in vain, and I now have several bottles of 'average quality' oil lingering in the back of my cupboards.

My problem is that I drink the stuff (two teaspoons each morning), and I can tell at once if it's 'the real thing'.

Then, bizarrely, Lady Magnon spied the above in our nearby 'emergency' bakery. There it was on the shelf, shining like one of Rupert Bear's bottles of sunshine.

Madame La Boulangère enthused about it, and was very insistent that once open it should be kept in the fridge; in fact I usually wrap the bottle in foil and keep it out. Maybe with this new bottle I'll follow her advice; I do like it when people are uber-enthusiastic about their own products, I take it as a good sign.

This stuff is effing delicious. 


  1. Looks good - pity it is not "just down the road". I use a blend of avocado, olive and flaxseed oil on my morning porridge.

    I am sure the walnut oil would be even more delicious.

  2. Replies
    1. About €7 for 225 mls. €28 per litre..... so yes!

    2. Just found some in the South Island converts to 27.5 euro for 250 ml - so yours is very cheap

    3. That's crazy. I was watching a TV programme about Aussie prices (which I imagine are much the same), and was amazed by how expensive things were; especially fruit and vegs. Why is that!

    4. Goodness knows - another one here is milk - very expensive and it is one of our main exports in one form or another.

    5. I am glad milk is expensive. You respect your farmers. Here the opposite.

    6. I would happily pay much more for milk.

    7. According to the farmers they are not being paid well and all the money is going to the big supermarket chains.

    8. All my neighbours have stopped milking. Too much work for no return. Who can blame them!

    9. New Zealanders respect farmers. The English don't.

    10. And they receive NO subsidies.

  3. Fruit and veg are very expensive here in NZ, I agree. And so is meat, particularly lamb which is ridiculously expensive. I wish I could find a local source of quality walnut oil, I hesitate to buy the imported stuff in case it is rancid.

    1. And yet we occasionally buy frozen NZ legs of Lamb at very low prices. It's a funny old world.

    2. Yes, NZ lamb is much cheaper outside New Zealand. Madness.

  4. I think i shall go and look for walnut oil today.

  5. I often dress simple salads with walnut oil as I do enjoy the taste. Never thought of it as a possible morning pick me up.

  6. Have never tried walnut oil. I fear it would go rancid as my oils often do. I think I'd rather eat the walnuts.

  7. Hi, I went on a mission to try and find some of this after learning from you about the health benefits. I can't find it anywhere. None of the health food shops I tried stocked it and neither did the supermarkets, so am about to start on line. I've heard that good quality is topaz in colour?? How would I know (apart from the colour) that it is good quality? Is there a ratio of one ingredient to the other(s)?? Here's hoping I'm lucky.

    1. I'm afraid that the only test is TASTE. They should all be 100% Walnut oil; but who knows!
