Tuesday 9 June 2015


They're cheap, quick, and delicious. The perfect al-fresco lunch for a hot day. Just one kilo between the two of us; that's plenty. 

Five minutes cooking, ten minutes eating, and they're gone.

And how about a few new-season's Apricots to finish off with (before the cheese, of course).


  1. Perfect - We often have mussels here. Your apricots are looking good.

    1. Lady M will make jam this weekend..... Apricot jam is her favourite.

  2. Beautiful! And I like that green plate.

    1. I can't resist a rustic dark green glazed plate.

  3. I note the presence of the knife and the jug for your water. I have never eaten mussels. My mother made lovely apricot jam, her favourite too. Crabs for tea tonight with a jug of water.

    1. In all 3 pix no less. I was looking at the Crabs when I bought the Mussels, but decided they looked too complicated.

  4. You certainly know how to live Cro - you can't beat a dish full of mussels. And those apricots look mouth wateringly tempting.

    1. I think they make better jam than just eaten fresh; the flavour seems more intense when cooked.

  5. Moules, apricots and cheese - perfect Cro. I must say that your apricots look so much better than the rather pallid ones we get over here.
    Interesting about that word 'aftermath' - shall do a bit of research as I am very interested in word origins.

  6. 'Aftermath' is a favourite, along with 'Anosmia'.

  7. My husband will join you for the mussels and I will be happy to help you with those gorgeous looking apricots. We'll both have the cheese thank you.
    You are welcome to join us for home grown pork tonight.

  8. Can you point me to where you posted a "tutorial" for salting belly pork please?

    1. If you type 'Home Cured Bacon' into the search strip top left, you should find it. Be careful not to leave the Pork too long in the cure; maybe 4 days only.

  9. When we went to France with our then 6 year old [he's 17 now] son mussels were his favourite food. He remains to this day a huge seafood fan.

  10. I LOVE mussels and had mussel and prawn spaghetti a couple of days ago in a new seafood restaurant in Crouch End. In the ' olden days ' when everyone went to Calais to get their wine, I always brought back a few jars of apricot jam as you couldn't get it here then.
    A lovely lunch Cro and very healthy. When are you intending to go back to the red wine ?
    Oh, and, cleaning crabs is not that difficult, just time consuming. My husband used to be a diver and crab and lobster was a regular meal for us so I know my way around a crab. What's for dinner tonight ? XXXX

    1. The red wine has been shelved for a year at least; I'm just proving to myself that I'm not 'hooked'. A bit like when I gave up the cigs.

      Dinner tonight? Merguez sausages with taboulé and salad.

  11. Healthy and simple grub. You can't beat it - unless there are eggs involved.

  12. I've never had mussels, but those apricots look divine! I love summer fruit!

  13. My husband loves mussels and would would gladly join you for lunch.

  14. Landlubbers (in the heartland of America) don't get to eat mussels, etc. unless they are frozen and shipped thousands of miles away. It looks mouthwatering. We do have apricots and I make a freezer jam with them that taste like fresh fruit. Must be the cooking that changes the flavor.
