Wednesday 10 June 2015

Appleby Horse Fair 2015

                              Local businesses agreed to reduce their opening ours in anticipation of the annual fair in a bid to stave off anti-social behaviour 

Appleby Horse Fair finishes today. In case you've not heard of this, it's one of the major annual UK gatherings for the 'travelling community' (Gypsies, tarmac spreaders, heather saleswomen, etc).

I remember many many years ago seeing an interview on TV between Fyfe Robertson (remember him?) and an elderly Irish Gypsy gentleman. It was recorded at the time of the Appleby Fair, and went pretty much like this.....

Fyfe: They say that you leave an awful lot of mess behind you when you come to Appleby (you have to imagine Fyfe's broad Scots accent).

Man: Yes Sir, we do do that (you have to imagine the Irish accent here too).

Fyfe: And they say that you break down fences and camp illegally on private farming land.

Man: Yes I'm afraid we do do that too Sir.

Fyfe: And some say that you steal their chickens and vegetables.

Man: Yes, I must admit, we do that too.

End of interview. There was really nothing more for poor Fyfe to ask. I wonder if the interview is still available somewhere; it was a perfect demonstration of honesty.


  1. And back to Cliff Michelmore in London.

    Cliff: Thank you Fyfe for that valuable insight into the Appleby Fair. And now I believe Cy is waiting to bring us his latest calypso.......Cy

    1. CM was rather cardigan and slippers, but it was a great era.

    2. Yes, for those talking about great days of the BBC those were they.

  2. Yes, it's some event, there's been an accumulation of caravans in our area (about 50 miles from Appleby) but they all disappear for the fair weeks.

  3. I had a quick look on YouTube but couldn't find it { although that doesn't mean it's not there !!! } Found one of Fyfe on his way to interview Barbara Cartland { who lived near me ….. lucky me !!!!! NOT !! }
    Loved Fyfe …. I remember when he interviewed someone on the street in Scotland and you couldn't understand one word that he said !! It was really funny. Loved Alan Whicker too.
    That's all for 'Tonight', the next 'Tonight' will be tomorrow night. Until then, goodnight !! XXXX

    1. I once met BC in Hyde Park, she seemed keen to chat; I didn't.

      Have you seen the AW Appreciation Society? They all dress like him, wear the same glasses and moustache. Very funny.

  4. Sadly Cro I don't need a reminder of the Fair as a good few of the folk travelling there from far and wide cross the top of our lane. Many of them are law-abiding, live in houses for most of the year and just bring their beautiful vardos and their sleek horses to Appleby and meet up with their far flung relatives who they only see once a year.
    Doubly sadly there are those who are not like that at all, who travel with no thought for others, mistreat their horses (two died this year), fight and generally get into trouble - and leave a mess (that photograph was in our local paper too), As a friend of mine (who is herself related to the travelling community) says - the few give the whole a bad name.

    1. The 'few' managed to leave a whole lot of rubbish.

    2. And sadly, they are judged by those 'few'.

  5. That picture says it all really.

    1. I'm afraid it does. You'd have thought they'd be more conscientious about such litter.

  6. Even so my friend The Pirate came from that neck of the woods and he spoke fondly of the fair and the 'proper' travellers.
