Monday 8 June 2015

Boot Sale Booty.

At this time of year, a Sunday wouldn't be a pukka Sunday without a Boot Sale or two.

Yesterday's was the turn of nearby village Prats du Périgord; a pretty little village where the stalls are mostly run by locals, and not professionals.

My haul? Just a couple of things to demonstrate my love of all things 'rustic'; an old wooden grain shovel and a 2 litre brown jug. The jug I shall use for lunchtime iced-water, and the shovel; no idea. ,

Both were bought from an old acquaintance (M César), at a combined price of €7. I nearly bought some beautiful old kitchen scales for the barn's new kitchen, but Lady M said no.

There's a much bigger sale next Sunday..... what larks!


  1. I particularly like that shovel.

  2. If that is a two litre jug, then yes that is a shovel and not a scoop.

    1. I measured the content this morning. It does look small in the photo; it's actually quite big.

    2. You forgot the knife for scale.

  3. I love the grain shovel - beautifully crafted.

  4. Gorgeous grain shovel. At least it can be an ornament if you have no other use for it.

  5. Love the shovel. My post tomorrow is on my car boot bargains!

  6. You can use the shovel for r the chicken food.and scattering it around.

  7. I would use that grain shovel. It's lovely!

  8. That brown jug reminded me that I used to have a very similar one - looks almost the same - and I have no idea what happened to it. I must hunt in a few cupboards.
    We do have grain shovels lying around but sadly they have woodworm.

  9. I like the jug very much. Good shape, attractive colour. I do so enjoy seeking treasure at boot sales, jumble sales (a dying tradition alas), thrift shops, school fêtes and the like.

    1. I've just used the jug for my lunchtime cold water.... it works perfectly.

  10. I LOVE a boot sale Cro although I need more stuff like I need a hole in the head !!!!
    Good finds and they compliment your home beautifully. XXXX

  11. Ahh the joy of car booting, and always far more pleasurable when it's not over run with traders. Nice shoval by the way.

  12. Replies
    1. Lady M's not over keen on the jug either!
