Sunday 7 June 2015

Siesta season.

Imagine, if you can, a pleasantly warm June day. It's 2pm and about 30 C in the shade. Now that my plastering duties are over, what else would a discerning ageing layabout do than take an afternoon nap.

I head to the 'tower', throw myself down onto its big comfortable bed, and at once find Bok, curled up, lying by my side.

Any slight breeze makes the flimsy curtain billow up, resembling a sail-boat's spinnaker. I hear buzzing of bees, and songs of birds, as both Bok and I doze off for about ten minutes. 

Getting back to work again is the worst part. I always feel more sleepy after a quick nap than before. Something tells me that I should abandon my summer post-lunch siestas, but I know that when it's hot again, Bok and I will return to the 'tower', and snatch those few very pleasant minutes relaxation time. It's a hard life.

I'm off to an early morning 'Boot Sale';.... I'll let you know.


  1. There is nothing like a siesta whatever time of year. Missed mine today as I went and bought a computer instead.

  2. If there is second life i want to live like you.

  3. Must confess I've also developed the siesta habit.

  4. I enjoy an afternoon snooze too - I find it re-vitalising - ten minutes is not quite enough for me - more like half an hour.

  5. I haven't reached that stage of life.

  6. Extra special to have Bok with you too. It sounds idyllic!

  7. I always feel dreadful if I take a nap. I'm more the sort of keep going until you drop sort of person.
    When I do rest I usually have company from the cat and the odd dog too.

  8. Medical evidence suggests that those tenminute naps are important as we get older. Well that's my story and I am sticking to it.

  9. A nap doesn't help me...feel groggy afterwards...but I could make an exception for somewhere so enchanting.

  10. Those afternoon siestas can be very tempting on a warm afternoon. But I try to fight them as, like Frugal and Libby, I feel groggy afterwards.

    1. I'm just up from a very short nap (and yes I feel groggy), and found that Lady Magnon has cut the satellite TV cable with her secateurs, whilst cutting back ivy. C'est la vie!

    2. Oh no! That is bad news. She'll say it's your fault for sleeping instead of cutting the ivy!

    3. How did you know? ESP I suppose.

  11. We call this time of day Happy Hour.

  12. ten minutes is definitely not enough...twenty minutes should do it.....

  13. Love a little siesta myself. Even have one at work in a big old office chair that we inherited off a retiring consultant. It causes much amusement with my colleagues but sometimes has to be done.
