Thursday 11 June 2015

New Machine.

It's arrived, and thank goodness it DOES have that QWERTY keyboard I wanted. My fears were unfounded.

I attempted the set-up myself, but soon realised that it was best to call in an expert, so I asked my friend Craig to help. I feared all sorts of viruses creeping-in uninvited. Craig, of course, is a genius with such things, and the machine is now 'safely' up-n-running. 

It's slightly different to my previous machine, but I'll get used to it in time. The only thing worrying me at the moment is Picasa; I've managed to download it, but it's very different in operation to previously. The old machine is still working (just), so for the moment I'll use that for processing my photos.

So, I have Email again, I have Skype, I have Spotify, I have weather forecast, I have all of your blogs, and the screen behaves itself without its ghastly flashing. I wonder how long this one will last!


  1. Snap - I have just finished setting up my new Acer all-in-one desktop. Very different as I previously had
    Windows Vista and now it is Windows 8.1.

    Will take some getting used to and I haven't attempted photos yet.

    Good luck with your new machine which looks good.

  2. Things move on very quickly in computer-land glad your new machine lives up to expectations it is always a gamble.

    1. Especially buying it 'blind' on the internet.

    2. This one is much like the old one, only more expensive, and without a touch screen.

  3. Hope it lasts longer than mine seem to. Everything is wonderful to start with but it never seems to take long for niggles to creep in. Damn the things but we can't do without them can we ?

    1. They get 'full up' Briony, one needs an emptying button.

  4. My previous one lasted eight years before it began to be so slow that it drove me mad. As to Picasa - I have never had it downloaded on to my new one (like you I called in an expert) - I just use 'my pictures' and it seems to work just as well.

  5. A Parisian friend of mine tried to sell her Apple laptop, then people noticed the French keyboard...

    1. I'm past learning to use the French keyboard.... why can't they be like the rest of the world and use QWERTY.

    2. I thought they were…
      But, back to my first reaction to this post … wot, not a MAC???!

    3. I don't know much about Macs.... I'm sticking with what I know.

  6. I learned to touch type back in the 1970s and the qwerty keyboard is as much a part of me as an extension to my hands. I just CANNOT get on with the French azerty keyboard, no matter how hard I try!

    1. I'm a reasonably fast two-finger typist, brought up on QWERTY. There's no way I'm going to change now!

  7. I have found that even before I learn how to work the newest technology, it has been updated and I have to go through figuring out the changes. Nothing stays new for long.

    1. You can already sign-up to have Windows 10 downloaded as an update when it's launched.

  8. Good for you Cro. My hubbie thinks I'm a computer wizard because when we moved recently I was able to reconnect our two pc's. Green to green, yellow to yellow, Dell computers make's it fairly idiot proof but STILL when I have issues it's my 34 year old son I call for help. I figure since I potty trained him the least he can do is virus proof me.

    1. Offspring can occasionally be of use. Are you now installed at The Poor Farm?

  9. When i have computer's problems i call my son in Finland and he tells me what to do...

  10. I fear doing anything with my computer and my new Mac laptop, so I have a long list for my sister and daughter coming this weekend. They get so exasperated with me. Download this, upload that, etc. And what is qwerty keyboard?

    1. It's a keyboard with Q W E R T Y on the top row from left to right. Presumably you have the other!

  11. That is just good for you. I also uses my laptop for bunch of things like free skype french lessons at

  12. How did we ever cope ithout these odd little bixes eh?

  13. Are you talking third row down on the left? Mine has qwerty there. I didn't know they made them any other way.

    1. Oh yes, and if you've been used to QWERTY all your life, trying to use a French (and maybe other) keyboards is impossible.

  14. I had an Acer before my Macbook pro ……. the MAC is not a lot different to use but so much better re viruses, speed etc. and they supposedly last a long time but I'm sure that your new Acer will be lovely. I have to get a man in to sort mine out ……. actully he looks about 12 !!!! XXXX

  15. I see you've got a brick ready in case of problems.
