Sunday 22 February 2015

Sundissimo Lunchissimo.

Sometimes I amaze even myself.

Take 3 slices of toast; butter them, spread with mustard, top with good quality mature cheddar, pepper, herbs, and a couple of chilli flakes, then zap in the microwave for 1 minute.

So good. So quick. So cheap. Could my Sunday lunchtime snacks be simpler,or more delicious, than this?

You can come out of that cupboard now Nigella; as long as you behave yourself.


  1. Looks good - frittata with kumara (sweet potatoe) fresh sweetcorn, spinach and bacon here - delicious. I thought your normal Sunday lunch was a roast dinner.

    1. The roast (as you say) is for Dinner. This is just a mid-day snack.

  2. You cannot beat cheese on toast, however you fancy it up, good solid, basic food, never goes out of fashion in my eyes.

  3. Ah, the North/South divide - you're having your dinner for tea then ;-)

    1. No Wanda, I have breakfast at breakfast-time, lunch at lunch-time, and dinner at dinner-time. How can you eat roast beef and Yorkshire pud', and drink wine, and then call it 'TEA'? Next you'll be telling me that 'dinner ladies' serve lunch.

    2. And just to confuse things some more, among old timers here in Maine the morning meal would be breakfast, the mid day meal would be called dinner and your evening meal would be called supper.

    3. In the UK, Supper and Dinner are almost interchangeable; but both are eaten in the evening.

    4. And here in France, Lunch is always referred to as 'La Soupe'.

  4. That sounds utterly yummy - if there is any cheese left from my week end cheese board I shall try this for Monday high tea.

  5. This looks like the perfect Saturday lunch before Twiglet's swimming lesson. Must try it next weekend.

  6. I agree whole-heartedly. I am sure I've done a post almost identical. Only sans chilli et plus des gerkins haché.

  7. Oh yum. I'd be on that like a cat on a mouse. Glad you added pepper. It always makes it better. Deb

  8. I just turned over a new leaf and had my Sunday dinner (at midday) without a glass of wine. I might have a glass tonight when I have tea.

  9. We had cheese on toast yesterday, grilled with sliced tomato on top, served with Worcestershire sauce…..yum !

  10. I am wondering how Bok is doing?

    1. He seems quite indifferent Raz. We were expecting him to show some signs of sadness; but nothing.... strange.

    2. When we lost one of our labs, one of the hardest parts for me was worrying about our Gracie left behind. She really did not notice at all. Sadly I am writing this as I wait for our vet to come and let our old adopted boy go today. Glad Bok is ok.

  11. A perfect combination -- Looks and sounds delicious for any meal or snack!

  12. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  13. YUM ….. you can't beat a bit of cheese on toast can you Cro ? …… the simplest things in life are often the best. XXXX

  14. Right, that's tomorrow's lunch. Fantastic.

  15. Yummm. Jamie Oliver's Welsh Rarebit eat your heart out.

    1. Gerroff! Grilled cheese on toast is commonly known as Welsh Rarebit. Oliver is a TV celebrity cook. He makes Welsh Rarebit but it is not as appetizing as Cro Toast photographically speaking. Taste might be otherwise. Who can say?
