Saturday 21 February 2015

Vin Rouge.

I suppose I have to come clean; I'm a slave to the red wine industry.

I do enjoy an occasional beer when it's hot, I hardly ever touch spirits, but red wine suits me just fine. It also happens to be the basic locally made drink, and it's priced to suit my pocket.

Very occasionally I think that I should completely stop drinking the stuff, but then common sense returns and I regret my time wasted on such futile thoughts.

I'm told that wine has many beneficial properties, but probably not in the quantities I consume. I drink about a bottle a day; enough to benefit from its winter warming qualities, but not enough to make me stagger on a white line.  

The only disadvantage I can see to wine drinking is that my daily dose contains about 700 calories; without which I would probably be super-svelte and desirable..... damn it.


  1. Cro, I won't ask why you would have a pair of handcuffs at hand for today's pic. I will just assume they belong to one of the grandsons.

  2. I also wanted to ask does the handcuffs come with the wine?

  3. It's not necessary to be super svelte to be desirable! And I too am intrigued by the handcuffs.

  4. Bondage eh? Have you been reading Fifty Shades of Grey?

  5. I find it best to have the handcuffs attached to something a bit firmer than a wine bottle.

  6. My doctor actually recommended me to drink 2 glasses of red wine daily, seemingly the medical profession no longer demonises moderate alcohol consumption. So I follow doctors orders happily.

    1. Once when my father left hospital he asked his Doc' if he could drink wine. The Doc' replied (I think jokingly) "Only Champagne". My father took him seriously.

  7. 700 calories - goodness - that's like another meal.

  8. We gave up all alcohol for January and after it finished decided. To never touch the booze again. I miss the odd glass of red but we pay a lot for wine here and it's just too expensive now. We were spending £260 a year on wine!

  9. neither the farmer nor I can drink red wine as it doesn't agree with him and my medication forbids it. However, we both really enjoy a nice glass of a good white wine with a piece of blue stilton and a small bunch of grapes - food of the gods.

  10. Re you comment on town planning on my blog Cro. I agree, although it is surprising how many of our towns have very broad streets - a left over from the days when the farmers parked their horses and carts down the middle on market days. There is a super one in Lincoln, called Broadgate.

  11. We stopped drinking for 2 years due to medication. However although we don't drink much we are fans of really good, real ale in our house. I'd much prefer a really nice bottle of beer than a glass of wine but we do drink wine sometimes.

  12. Replies
    1. I thought that said we'll share your bottle!

    2. People share my bottles all the time, but never my battle.

  13. A little bondage going on there?

    I choose fine white wine, as I tend to spill after one glass. A grandmom with red stains is not looked upon well.

  14. Jeez and there I thought I was overindulging by making a 750ml bottle of Two Buck Chuck last three days between two of us. Admittedly though it only gets consumed at dinnertime, while you are likely partaking at lunch. Does it not mess with your diabetes?

    1. Only in the evening; NEVER at lunch. Not sure about the diabetes, but I'm sure it's not recommended.

  15. In many countries you would be considered to be an alcoholic , but not in France. Lol !
    I love wine . Nothing better than a good camembert au lait cru, une baguette croustillante and a glass of Merlot ! Enjoy.

  16. I can't drink red wine like I used
    to as I get a thick head if I have more then a couple of glasses. Now whisky on the other hand....
    I make gallons of wine though, which are not too bad and appreciated by our friends

    1. Our 'rouge' is 100% natural, made a few K's away, and bought 'loose'. You NEVER get a thick head with it.

  17. Are the handcuffs part of the accessories for HMS Dangerous Fun, walking the plank and all that? Or perhaps they are part of your Jules Maigret kit?

    Round here I have to chain my booze up as well lest it disappears.

  18. Love good red wine and white wine too. I won't say no to a good scotch whisky, Barbados rum, or a good aromatic, herby gin! Life is short. Just live it and Live it well! A little red wine is a big pleasure! I consider a bottle 3 glasses. At least that is about the amount in a bottle in the US! I've said time and time again the bottles have gotten smaller than they used to be! More money for the wine companies! Would love to try some of your french wines!!

    1. Or the glasses have got bigger.

    2. Our 'daily wine' is quite rustic. A simple mix of Merlot and Cabernet, made in an old fashioned bucolic way. Not at all 'fine wine', but good enough for me. It also costs €1.10 per litre.

  19. I am still trying to figure out why I have gone right off red wine. Your bottle pic reminded me that I don't want it any more. Strange, eh? I still drink white though.
