Wednesday 31 December 2014

Cro's Review of 2014.

It's been a pretty good year for The Magnons.

2014 began mildly; unusually for here there were no snow storms or hard frosts, then a wonderful Spring arrived, bringing with it our little 'Bunny' (now not so little).

Summer was good too. We had our two North London grandsons with us whilst their parents got on with earning their crusts. The parents took them off for a trip to Béziers before leaving the boys with us again for a further week. It was great having them to ourselves, although I don't know if they'd say the same.

Luckily the boys were here for the Plum harvest, and for the first time Harvey J's birthday-tree excelled. Here he is surveying his first very own crop of fruit, which Lady Magnon had converted into a Plum Tarte Tatin. Proud boy; delicious tart.


Throughout the summer our work on the barn advanced. Slowly, but with determination.


Knocking down what seemed like most of the southern wall was hairy; but it had to be done. We now have front steps, a new roof, drainpipes, windows, a staircase, a new floor, water, some electrical work, a certain amount of insulation, and upstairs beams that are no longer blood-thirsty. We're getting there! This is how we leave the barn as we head into 2015; it's beginning to look 'almost' like a house.

Whilst Wills was here he even ordered a very nice looking wood fired range cooker, with back boiler, for the new kitchen. It hasn't arrived yet, but shouldn't be long.


The Cèpe harvest this October was wonderful; in fact there were almost too many. As my main aim this year was to produce plenty of conserves I was in heaven, and we now have stocks for months ahead (below). Cèpe omelets... Oh yes.

Unfortunately 2014 has also had its nightmares. Everyone will have been horrified by the advance of the murderous IS fanatics through Syria and Iraq. Something radical needs to be done about them, but by who and when remains undecided. Meanwhile they grow ever stronger and become ever more barbaric. It's a world-wide disgrace. If there is one collective message to our so-called leaders, it has to be 'sort it out, and quick'.

                                     *      *      *      *

Exceptionally fine weather continued throughout October; something I don't remember ever happening before. Then November had its moments, and even December, although evening fires were eventually lit.


We have a good stock of firewood, we are both in reasonable health, the coffers will allow for an adequate amount of thin gruel through January, we have a new grandson, and we can still put our backs into reasonably hard physical work. We have a lot to be grateful for.

So, I will leave 2014 with a very recent picture of our lovely Bunny. Grown, ain't he!

Not everything has been perfect. My good friend and neighbour, José, was burgled two weeks ago, on a pre-Christmas Sunday afternoon, and it has shocked the whole neighbourhood. Hopefully our 2 dogs would see off any unwelcome visitors, but we are being extra cautious.

As usual I wish everyone a very happy and peaceful New Year. Keep in touch, and may we all be together again to celebrate the end of 2015. Cro xx


  1. What a big boy Bunny has become! All of your grandsons are adorable (they must have good genes!) and you and Lady Magnon seem to be the best kind of grandparents. Your grandchildren are lucky to be so loved!

    I wish you and your family another happy, healthy year in 2015!

  2. No doubt about it...Aussie sunshine produces bonza kids:)

    Bonne Annee to you and Lady Magnon. Thank you for sharing the French version of the Darling Buds Of May with us...cheers a person no end through some bleak times. God bless...squeezes and French pecks
    Rall X

  3. You have had a very good year. Great to see a photo of Bunny.

    Happy New Year.

  4. Wishing you and Lady M a most wonderful 2015 and here's to more blogging friendship. Much love Cro. XXXX

  5. Happy New Year Cro, thanks for an entertaining year and here's to the next. Froogs xxx

  6. Happy new year to you and your family.

  7. Bonne Année à toute ta famille! It sounds like you had a good year - although you are right to remind us all that the year has not been so good for others. The rise of ISIS et al has been a terrible and worrying thing: what can be done? What WILL be done?

  8. Happy New Year to you and your family, you have very lovely grandsons

  9. Happy New Year Cro, and Bunny certainly is a bonny boy.

  10. Happy New Year to you and yours, Cro. It has been an interesting year, for sure. xx

  11. Life is good when you have a full pantry, a babe in your arms, and the strength to continue to build. Happy New Year, Cro, and may you do well in 2015.

  12. I can't believe you have actually put out a Round Robin! Happy New Year, Cro.

  13. Look at that little guy...he is sooo cute. Health and happiness in the New Year Cro...and keep those doors locked.

  14. We just found out at Christmas our youngest son and wife will be welcoming their first babe, our fourth GK, in August. What gifts these babies are. Happy New Year Cro, so love your blog and can't wait to read all your 2015 posts.

  15. Happy New Year Cro, from another faithful reader.

  16. You do have much to be thankful for Cro. Happiest times to come I think. We will be welcoming grand child #3 in February, Penny. The barn looks wonderful. My seed catalogs are keeping me from noticing the cold. Here's to waiting for spring to arrive in the new year.

  17. Lovely review of your year. Thanks for sharing it with us. Happy New Year to you and your Lady.

  18. Love reading your blog. It persuades me that life in France during retirement is the way that I definitely want to go!

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Blogger and this blessed iPad are not communicating. Very best wishes to you and yours. I so enjoy visiting your corner of France.

  21. Happy New Year Cro. I feel a bit homesick now after reading your blog!

  22. That barn is looking majestic, your grandsons look lucky, those cepes, look tasty and the fire looks inviting. Wishes to you both for continued good health and a year of bounty.

  23. All up you've had a very good year...Wishing you and yours good health and joy for 2015. Love the photo of Bunny !

  24. Bunny is adorable!
    Happy New Year to you and yours!!!
