Thursday 1 January 2015

New Year's Honours


Each year I hold my breath, chew my fingernails, and say a small prayer to the God of Gongs, hoping that I will get a call from Her Majesty asking me to come and collect some gong or other (that I've so obviously deserved for the past several years)..... But still nothing.

What I really want is a simple Knighthood... Sir Cro of Lumberjack... but frankly any old thing will do. 

And if you were thinking that she'd at last seen the light (above), it isn't mine. It was my late Father-in-Law's. 

Hey ho; there's always next year.


  1. Oh congratulations on your FIL's gong (VC?)). I hold my breath too and hope she'll knight-er-dame me as Dame Jo of Tanzanian Canine and Feline Care. Happy New Year! Greetings Jo

    1. It's an MBE. Recompense for having been poorly rewarded as a diplomat.

  2. If she would only read your blog she would give you also the reward. I have a relative who got the reaword and lives in London.

  3. I've just looked out of the window, and there is a very hard frost. Minus 6 C. I have to take the dogs out..... I may be some while.

    1. 15 c here . I allready took the dog out, went to Jerusalem, came back and talked to my father who told me that the relative is a Lord.I googled him and found out that he is quiet famous.

    2. How very exciting. Nice to have famous relatives!

    3. I think he does not that I am exist.never saw him or talked to him.

  4. I'd like to be offered one to allow me to turn it down.

  5. We have had beautiful frosts with sun, the last few days, but this New Year's morning it is dull and about 5c.

  6. Happy New Year to you both, gong or no gong, Cro.

  7. You will always be a ' Sir ' to me Cro !! My cousin has an OBE and my Dad was a Freeman of the City of London but that's it …. he could have, if he had wanted, herded his sheep over London Bridge, my sister and I could have married in St. Paul's Cathedrl and my cousins daughter was married in the OBE chapel in St Pauls Cathedral.
    A happy, healthy and peaceful New Year to you, Lady M and the rest of your family. Lots of love. XXXX

    1. Me too; I could have married in St Paul's, but I chose Gibraltar instead! Ha ha.

  8. Me. Am very similar to yourself lord Cro; except that I F***ed years ago when I refused to join the F/Masons ! :)

    1. I thought you Bards always had one trouser leg rolled up.

    2. Nay no bard am I.
      As for trousers, No !
      We Druids wear woolly robes much more convenient :)

    3. I get my 'bards' and 'druids' mixed; sorry.

  9. Happy New Year can be our 'Sir Cro of the tower'. By the way, it was minus ten with wind here yesterday. Count down is on for sitting on the porch with a cup of coffee weather.

    1. I think we'll have it a little better tomorrow; the worst is behind us (for the moment).

  10. Are you sure you are up for the company you would have to keep?

  11. Wow......Tom Hippo. You are still alive !

  12. Good luck with that one. Of course, you could start now, canvassing your friends, relatives and anyone who'll listen to send in your name as a suggestion. I'm told that's how it's done!
