Tuesday 30 December 2014

Goodbyes of 2014.

In 2014, the world of entertainment said goodbye to Joe Cocker, Robin Williams, Joan Rivers, Mickey Rooney, Shirley Temple, Billie Whitelaw, Rik Mayall, Lauren Bacall, and Bob Hoskins (amongst others).

A few notable British politicians also bade their farewells. Irish rabble-rouser Rev Ian Paisley will no longer be treating us to his 'dulcet tones', naughty ex Liberal MP Jeremy Thorpe will no longer enthrall us with tales of skullduggery, and the man that the KGB apparently referred to as an 'unnecessary simpleton', Anthony Wedgewood-Benn, is no longer 'The most dangerous man in Britain'.

Others I would like to pay homage to here are the passengers and crew of Malaysian Airways flights MH 370 and MH 17, and AirAsia QZ 8501. The 145 schoolchildren and teachers of Peshawar. And all those who were slaughtered by ISIS, ISIL, IS, Boko Haram, Hamas, Al-Shabaab, and all the other myriad terrorist organisations.

There are countless others who deserve mention, but as usual I refer just to those that I made a point of noting in my diary. Rest in Peace all.


  1. You missed out Jack Bruce. This was of course an oversight I'm sure.

  2. A kind and comprehensive catalogue. I wish the world was safer, saner. Best hopes for the new year.

  3. It's been a rough year....

  4. I echo your comments. When I was young Benn was one of my heroes.
    I hear on the news this morning that bodies have been found from the airline on its way to Singapore. At least some evidence has been found unlike the earlier one which just disappeared.
    To that list of yours i would also add that very brave lady, Debbie Purdy, who died this week aged just 51 and who campaigned for the right to die for so long. That is a cause close to my heart.

    1. Benn was a hero to many, but rather spoilt things with his 'footpath' debacle. Considering that he was a Trotskyite, one would have thought that the KGB would have been kinder to him; he was usually nice about them.

  5. ….. and, there are so many more Cro ….. poets, politicians, sportsmen, actors ….. Philip Seymour Hoffman, Jack Brabham, Maya Angelou, Phillip Hughes, Eusébio, to name but a few.

    1. Every year I leave important people from my list; it's not that I don't think they were worth mentioning, it's that I try to keep it short.

  6. Many varied people to remember and nice of you to think of them. (I said to Mr Twigs yesterday, I still can't believe Rik Mayall is dead).

  7. Cro, every year brings life and death. Many births in my family have increased the number of my lineage. Deaths come unexpectedly and some times slowly. There has been some of deaths in my lineage as well. Robin Williams was such a surprise to me especially the way it happened. I would never have thought that he would go out that way. Transportation deaths are very quick and unexpected. I've often wondered about whether I would like to snuffed out in an instant or have time to make things right in my life before the end. It's made me aware of just how quick life can be finished and live a bit more relationship oriented than stuff oriented. When I leave this world, I hope people will have good memories of me than those of some of the people you have on your death list. So here's to a new year of long prosperous life filled with receiving and giving generously.

    Have a great 2014 reflection day.

    1. Well, they say that the last people to remember us are our 'Grandchildren', so maybe we should all be extra nice to them!

  8. Crikey Cro ! I'm feeling very mortal this week anyway! Some good folk there.

  9. We all have our time. We just have to make the most of our days and show kindness to others so that life is good for us all.
