Thursday 20 November 2014

Peanut Butter.

Certain culinary exploits continue to amaze me.

About 6 months ago I bought a cheap 250gm pack of dry roasted and salted Peanuts, specifically with the aim of one day making Peanut Butter. Yesterday that day arrived.

I suppose it's pretty obvious how one makes Peanut Butter, but it had never previously crossed my mind to actually do so.

It's a strange process. For quite a while it looks as if it's just going to remain as a sand-like pile at the bottom of the whizzing machine, then after about 4 minutes it suddenly turns into a smooth paste. 

Nothing was added; just plain old Peanuts. Tastes very good too. I shall buy another pack of the same Peanuts for the winter store cupboard. 

All I have to do now is to discourage Lady Magnon from putting jam on the top of it..... She picked up some awful habits whilst living in Washington DC.


  1. Of course one must have jam on peanut butter - what else would one have?

  2. Peanut butter is to me what Nutella is to you. Ugh!

  3. It doesn't get any better than fresh processed peanut butter slathered on fresh bread. My dog gobbled up a piece of dropped PB toast the other day and it got stuck on the roof of her mouth. So crazy funny watching her trying to get it off with her tongue and paws.

    1. Our Monty loves it too, but I always turn the toast over for him first. He licks his lips for hours.

  4. Peanut butter and honey makes a delicious sandwich, as does peanut butter and banana.

  5. Nutella and peanut butter with a small spoon of jum.

  6. I can see that I'm surrounded by peanut butter-n-jelly fanatics.

  7. I'm with you on the peanut butter and jelly Cro. What is that all about. Never made it myself, but might have a bash now.

  8. I had never thought of it as just butter and peanuts - might even try it as I do rather like it (not with jam though.)

  9. Peanut Butter with Marmite on toast is a good combo.

  10. I really like peanut butter and, I also like almond, hazelnut and cashew nut butter ….. all are delicious. Did you go for crunchy or smooth Cro ? XXXX

  11. I want to make some Cro. How much butter did you use with the 250 grams Peanuts ? Our dog loves it too so he can lick out the mixing bowl afterwards ! Marion x

    1. NO BUTTER. Just Peanuts whizzed for 4 mins or so.

  12. MMMM peanut butter.....with jam or honey or bananas. The hubs used to make peanut butter, mayo and lettuce sandwiches.

  13. Peanut butter must have jam. It is the law in America.

  14. I once made peanut butter, to avoid the added sugars in off the shelf stuff. Sadly, it cost just as much and was a damn mess to clean out of the food processor, so I gave it up as a bad job. I eat my PB on apples, especially a new variety, Honey crisp. So much juice you might inadvertently drown.

    1. I didn't find it too messy; maybe my whizzer was easier to clean. Strangely, PB on apple sounds nice.

  15. I buy this from the wholefood shop. Just peanuts, nothing added. Surprisingly oily, you have to mix it thoroughly before scooping your spoon into it (and onto the bread, not straight into my mouth!).

  16. Sloppy reading on my part Cro - sorry!

  17. Both Lady M and myself have been working extremely hard today, and both of us have completed projects. Lady M suggested that we drink some Champagne that's been in the fridge for a while; she's afraid it'll go off. What better excuse!

  18. Cro, I like my peanut butter on hot toast so it can semi melt into the bread. The best way to start the day ever.

    1. I shall be doing just that in about an hour's time.

  19. Oops sorry “Starting Over” I broke the law, eating peanut butter on lightly toasted white bread …my bad!

  20. Personally, I love peanut butter and jam! My sister loves peanut butter and bacon! And I have a girlfriend, a Yorkshire lass, who has it with marmite. My father's favourite was peanut butter and lettuce on toast! I do believe it is not a bad idea to add a teaspoon or two of oil to make it creamier.

    1. There's no accounting for taste makes the world go round.

  21. Looks good! And I agree about the Nutella--never have gotten how much some people like it.
