Wednesday 19 November 2014

Tyre trouble (US Tire trouble).

The compact Royce was recently taken for its biannual test of 'roadworthiness'.

It passed OK, but with a recommendation that I change the front tyres on account of uneven wear.

I'd already noticed that if left to its own devices, the car would pull to the right, and I'd wondered if the tyre baldness had anything to do with it.

With new tyres fitted, the car now drives in a perfectly straight line, so the answer to my question was resolved; it was definitely the tyre.

All four tyres had been replaced about 2 years ago, so they were all of the same age, and same type. Why just one should wear so badly I don't know. Maybe the culprit was just badly made. I notice that it was worn on both the inside and outside.

I usually change my tyres every 2 or 3 years, whether they need it or not. I don't do a great milage so it's enough.

Above are the two actual tyres in question; one can clearly see the difference.


  1. For me cars had always have their mysterious behavior.

    1. Terrible news from Israel. It doesn't take long for the Palestinians to show their true colours!

  2. Yes. It is getting bad again.Thank you Cro (what a funny blogging name you chose) for being one of the few people in blogland to understand the reality as it is and not just blaming us for being crule and ugressive.It is so depressing hear.

  3. ooo er Cro I was going to talk about tyres, but that lovely piece of spam (above) caught my eye. it's a classic! Made me laugh anyway.
    Re. the tyres Quite scary really, especially when you have purchased a whole new set. You would expect even wear.

    1. I deleted the spam at once. Yes, it was just one out of 4 that was totally worn down.

  4. I was going to talk about tracking on tyres, and the dangers of throwing cars round bends both left and right... but...

    Hamas just refuses to surrender against all the odds so comes close to condoning these horrible acts of murder. One side commits an atrocity against the other as an act of revenge, and so the whole thing is perpetuated.

    What good is it going to do to make two more Palestinian families homeless by destroying the houses of the two murderers shot dead by the police? What are the repercussions of that going to be?

    1. If anyone has the solution please inform Yael, and she'll pass it on to the relevant authorities.

    2. I always thought Yael was a man until recently - don't know why.

    3. I commented once in your blog as a grandmother and I think you knew. And like Cro said, if you have some better ideas you can pass them to authorities here .

  5. I'm not too sure what to say on a post about tyres ….. all I know is, mine are bloody expensive !!!!
    Thinking of Yael. XXXX

  6. that happened to us from me driving through pot holes. new tyre and had to have them all realligned.

  7. Do you have your tires rotated every year? That might help the tires wear more evenly. Good tires should last longer, especially if you do not have high mileage.

    1. As I said above, I think it was just a duff tyre.

  8. It would have been duff all the way across. It looks as if it has been run under inflated. If not then ask for a new one free.

  9. Cro, Adrian is right. It does look like under inflation wear. When tires wear excessive on the sides it's usually inflation or alignment issues. I hope your new tires fix the issue.

    1. I think you may both be right. I never check my tyre pressures. They are done when I buy my new set every 2 years, and that's it.

  10. We don't drive all that much so our three year old summer tires and winter tires are still like new......last week the service man checked over our brakes and asked me if I stopped much lol. He did say our front end alighment was a tad off and that would make our tires wear unevenly.

  11. These sorts of problems go right over my head Cro - I leave cars and everything to do with them to the farmer - from the buying, to the maintaining to the selling. If I got a puncture (heaven forbid) I would sit on the side of the road and cry, hoping some man would stop and help me out.

    1. I once encountered a woman doing just that. I changed her tyre for her, then she asked me how much she owed me. I was so angry I nearly took it off again.
