Friday 21 November 2014

Black Peter.


I hear that there have been riots in the Netherlands as a number of the PC brigade have taken exception to the Christmas figure Black Peter, calling him 'racist'.

I'm getting pretty pissed off with all these claims of racism. Black Peter is no more racist than I am. He is simply a black faced traditional figure that, in certain countries, is associated with St Nicholas.

Personally I think it's 'racist' to claim that people who put black make-up on their faces are 'racists'.

It is common amongst black women to lighten their skin colour (rather like Michael Jackson) in order to make themselves look more like white folks; are they racist? Indian mystics who cover their faces in white ash; are they racist too?

Can't we all just live and let live, and accept that there are countless variations of skin colour. Simply because someone dresses-up with their face painted black, brown, or multi coloured, doesn't make them a bloody racist.

Nor is a panto dame 'sexist'; they're just having fun.

The loony PC brigade really make me puke.


  1. There always seems to be someone up in arms about something these days - these are just old customs - what harm do they do.

  2. Claims about racism have gone nuts.

  3. My son tells me that the childrens nursery rhyme "baa-baa-black-sheep" is now banned in his sons playschool because it could be racist.

    What a load of twaddle.

  4. With you all the way. I am about as non PC as it's possible to get without being arrested! What gets me is the people up in arms are generally white middle class people, not - oh gosh, what is the PC term now for people of African origin? Black I think - since I got told off by one of my daughters for using the word "coloured" as we did in my youth . . .

    As for baa-baa rainbow sheep, dear God . . .

  5. I totally agree with you Cro.

  6. Yes. I agree with you Cro. As for BB's comment, I have had several years of hard work to stop my husband saying 'coloured' - there are very few black folk up here in The Dales, but for years I worked in a mixed race community - and I can assure you they prefer to be called 'black' - and they are proud of it.

  7. It all started going wrong and being ridiculous when you had to call black coffee, coffee without milk !!!!
    One of my best friends is white, comes from a very well-off family and speaks beautifully and she suffers a lot of abuse at work because of it ….. she deals with every nationality in her job, finding school places for children, is kind, wants to help under privileged families and, just because she speaks nicely, suffers quite a lot…. it never seems to work the other way does it Cro ? As you say,why can't we live and let live { as long as no-one is hurting anyone, physically or mentally } XXXX

  8. Well said Cro.
    Agree with Bovey.
    Years ago we were supposed to say coloured not black.
    There will always be "do gooders" who will support their perceived version of an underdog because it makes them feel noble.

  9. I should say, make an issue of their perceived idea of an underdog.

  10. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  11. That makeup must be a bitch to get off!

  12. In the US, there was a big issue over some university kids who went to a Hallowe'en party dressed as the Jamaican bobsled team. One of the 4 was black, but the other 3 painted their faces. The University was going to punish them. I lost track of the story, but it sparked many essays on what is now termed in North America as "Blackface" Basically, from what I have read, it is NEVER ok to wear blackface.

    1. Thank god we're not in the USA. You didn't mention anything about 'whiteface'.... One presumes that's OK!

  13. I guess" blackface" goes back to slavery times and has gone the way of "n...... brown" in the paintbox and Little Black Sambo. These things have never affected us because we are white (?) but it has hurt blacks. It is hard to understand bigotry if we have never experienced it ourselves at least not the way blacks have.

    1. Ah, Lizzie. Since you showed support for those delightful paedophile Catholic weirdos, I've missed you. Good to see you're still as bonkers as ever!

  14. Until the real racism and sexism disappear everything like black face and panto dames will be looked upon with suspicion. Sad but true.

    1. So very true; not a good idea to wrap-up the idea of racism where it simply doesn't exist. It does no-one any good.

  15. Luck you to not be living in the US.
    The looney toon PC group is in full force. Thanks to a a judgement in San Francisco, Home Base to the the PC. In California you can NOT wear any clothing that has an American flag on it in school. But the Mexican flag is fine. Ummmmmm it make the Hispanics sad to see the American flag in America.
    And so it goes.cheers, parsnip

  16. I'm with you Cro on this one. I hate anyone being picked on for whatever reason. But the pc concept has been taken to ridiculous extremes.

  17. Cro, I find it rather odd that wars have been fought over skin color when skin color is less than one percent of the physical body's composition. I didn't know that skin color was supposed to make a difference until I moved to the big city at 10 years old. Up until that time I had lived on a farm that was among Native Americans. I went to school with them and had a best friend that was one. I didn't have a clue that we were supposed to be different. It didn't seem that way to me. Now we here in the States are facing a national riot over the shooting of black kid by a white cop that was defending himself. I hope it doesn't happen but our lovely news media seems to be stirring the population into anger. The court's ruling will come out soon and all hell could break loose when it does. The sad part is that the news media keeps reporting that it most likely won't matter what the ruling is. Has the entire country gone mad?

    Have the best day you can.

  18. In the US, I'd probably be tarred and feathered for saying this, at the least be called a racist, but the Ferguson kid was a thief, a felon, and a bully and had other run ins with the law, but that is confidential since he was a minor, yet they say he's a poor unarmed teenager. BS. I'm glad I don't live there.

    1. It's a load of bs, alright...and the rioting and lawlessness have already caused the governor to all in the national guard to deal with the aftermath when it's announced that the police officer won't be indicted. It's awful.

  19. May I finish this piece by saying that the 'crime' of racism should always involve INTENT TO INSULT. If there is no INTENT TO INSULT then it's not racism; probably people just having fun, play-acting, or participating in traditional events.

  20. A friend identifies as 'coloured South African' rather than 'black'. She is a mix of black and Indian and white. Apparently being labeled 'coloured' (in her eyes) is okay. She doesn't want to be identified as 'black'. She owns up to her own racism!

    1. I believe that the Chinese in S Africa are now officially classified as black.... Strange!

  21. It is stupid isn't it ! They try to ban Golliwogs too. People spend a fortune on fake tans to look brown. What a crazy world we live in Cro. Marion x
