Friday 28 November 2014

Lady Magnon; artist's model.

Like most painters, I was lucky enough to use my wife as a model. She was attractive, was usually somewhere nearby, and didn't overly complain.

When we were first married, I used her on many occasions. These were not necessarily for 'portraits' as such, but usually as a figure in a composition. The one above lives in our bedroom; she particularly liked it, so it remained unsold.

I have always hated sitting for portraits, I become bored after just a few minutes. Even photographic portraits I find tedious. Lady M was always more relaxed, and could sit for about 30 mins without complaining. I also tend to shout a lot when working, which doesn't help.

My children were all terrible fidgets especially when they were very young, which was the age when I preferred to paint them. I was lucky if I could get them to sit still for 10 minutes which meant I had to work quickly. Most of those portraits remain unfinished.

I've also painted portraits of dogs, but that's another story.

It's been years since I painted a self-portrait, but I'm thinking about it. Maybe the time is right (as long as I haven't forgotten how it's done). I'll probably become bored quite quickly, and no doubt start shouting at myself.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Ijust wanted to say that I like the painting but it came out wrong I think.

  2. A bit of Matisse; what sort of things do you shout?

  3. With reference to our wood burner Cro - your is probably a front loader. We load ours from the top and never open the door once it is lit.
    Will comment on your today's post later as it interests me in lots of ways and no time this morning.

  4. She is a beautiful lady. I like the batik type prints too. I'm glad I'm not the only one with a potty mouth while working something out! It seems to help somehow work through that primitive brain layer on your way to a "higher state". Or, it can just be fun to be a potty mouth.

    1. I've been building/plastering recently, and it helps with that too!

  5. I find sitting for a pose so unbearable that the only drawings of me done by H.I. were made when I was asleep - usually at the kitchen table.

  6. I think of all of your paintings you have shared here...I like this one the best.


  8. Lovely painting. Id be keen to sre how you see yourself.

  9. I love your work Cro ……. you have a very distinct style and, of those I've seen, they often have a sunset glow about them ….. do you tend to work a lot with those colours ? XXXX

    1. ….. and, many happy returns of the day Bok ….. hope you get spoilt rotten !! XXXX

    2. I've always loved those rich pre-raphaelite colours. Very enveloping.

  10. I like that painting and Mrs. Cro looks much better than Dora Maar.

  11. A beautiful portrait of a beautiful woman, much loved by the artist methinks! This painting and the self-portrait you published the other day remind me somewhat of Gaugin ...

  12. Well ,people above compare you to Matisse and Gaugin - how does that make you feel - annoyed or indifferent - I personally think your style is your own.

    1. They are both painters I admire hugely, so maybe something has rubbed off somewhere. It happens to the best of us!

  13. I love how you paint, and would sincerely like to see a self-portrait, swears and all!

  14. I'm with Cathy. Love your work (thanks for sharing it) an would love to see more. What do you shout when you are painting? That intrigues me.
