Thursday 27 November 2014

Misuse of Power?


Rarely do I think that Prime Ministers should be prosecuted as a result of their tenure, but in smug Tony's case I'll make an exception.

I'm desperately trying to look at his 'career' objectively. I certainly don't wish to knock him simply because of his blind adherence to Socialism, although it's sorely tempting.

His disastrous 'open door policy' on immigration has now changed Britain permanently. No consideration whatsoever was given to immigrants health, education, housing needs, or even their personal finances, and as a result things have gone from bad to worse. He has, at least, admitted that he underestimated the effects, but the resulting damage can now never be undone; his cheap apology changes nothing

He also lied to us about Iraq. Whether or not it was circumspect to eradicate Saddam Hussein is one matter, but it was certainly not acceptable to invent a pack of lies to warrant an invasion. Then, when the casualties began to mount, and the lies became common knowledge, he quit his job (shredding inculpating papers as he went) leaving inept Gordon Brown to sit in the uncomfortably vacant chair, as the economy went into meltdown.

As a direct result of his immigration and warmongering policies, many of those who rightly came as refugees from warring Muslim countries have now turned against the country that welcomed them, and have become a serious threat to the UK's national security. It is hardly imaginable, but England now lives under a permanent 'heightened alert' of random beheadings and other atrocities, and the fault lies entirely with Blair.

I have nothing against anyone making serious money; most of us would love to boast even a fraction of Tony's bank balance. But somehow one feels that Blair has used his post-PM influence to stockpile not only a huge property portfolio, but also a bag full of financial retainers. He claims to be not only a Socialist, but also a devout Catholic; closer analysis might prove that nothing could be further from the truth.

Fettes, Oxford, and a Champagne Socialist lifestyle, is nothing unusual in today's Labour Party (or in the past), but forever changing the face of our once 'green and pleasant' Britain is probably the most disastrous of all political acts; ever.

Rather than swanning around the world in a cloud of ever increasing uber-wealth, I suggest the man be prosecuted; and pronto!

p.s. Since writing the above I see that 'wonder boy' (the darling of the left) has been honoured by The Save the Children Fund with a 'Global Legacy Award'. Well deserved too; his 'Global Legacy' is being enacted on the streets of Syria and Iraq as I write; a rare achievement for just one man.


  1. I think they're all dodgy it's just the degree of corrupt that differs x

  2. I so despise that man and his wife. ( I think it was Jeremy Clarkson who said Cherie's mouth is more frightening than a wormhole in space.)

    1. Yes, it's difficult to knows who is worse.... I suspect CHEERY.

  3. I have to read it again when I have more time, just to be sure I understood every thing. But for what I understand I think that we never are satisfied with our so called "leaders". They are many things but leaders they are not. Also here.

  4. You are so right..cant stand to look at him ( or the wicked witch as one of our newspaper column writers named Mrs B !! Might have been Littlejohn in The Mail)

  5. Yes, this man did so much damage, sadly we've all got to live with the legacy of it, while he continues to live the millionaire lifestyle.

  6. The first thing he did when attaining office was to finish Margaret Thatcher's job of completely destroying the Labour party. With her, it was part of her job description, but him?! The man's ambition and greed know no bounds, and his hands are red with blood.

  7. He should probably be prosecuted along with his friend Bush for war crimes but sadly it will never happen. He was found guilty in non-binding a theatrical trial in Malysia.

  8. What a miserable mess.

  9. Cro, sadly our president is following in the footsteps of England. He just over rode our congress with a executive order to not only allow all the illegal immigrants from the Central and South America to stay but to allow their families to come here as well for the sake of keeping families together. I fear we have reached the peak of greatness as a nation and now we are on the down hill slide. Our national debt has doubled since our current president has been elected and re elected by landslide proportion. I don't get it. Why do we keep electing leaders that are clearly not doing good things for the country. Our statesmen of past decades are gone and have been replaced with politicians that spend billions on their main goal of getting elected. It's why I don't dwell on politics too much because it just makes me mad. Better to dwell on gardening and peaceful things.

    Have a great day in France.

    1. May I suggest that your present incumbent was elected through a nation's collective guilt.

      I think there's a notion afoot that 'we've had our day, now it's the turn of others', and we are shooting ourselves in the foot, almost subconsciously. Where it will end is anyone's guess.

  10. All I can say Cro is thank goodness I am not a young woman just starting out. My grandchildren have to wade through this legacy, but they (like all of us) are on their own. Times they are a changin'

  11. I don't even want to type his name !!! XXXX

  12. We were discussing this very thing at Twiggy Towers at the weekend. Deciding that not only has this odious man done nothing but line his pockets but also that he is a war criminal. I think that once he and Bush are no longer with us a lot of dirt will begin to appear.
    I saw a photo of him recently walking down the street with 3 bodyguards, says it all really. Slimey git.

  13. Interesting Cro, I did not know about all of this with Blair. I thought all the immigrants came in after WWII to rebuild England. We Americans are now supporting millions with the taxpayers footing the bills, but then again, we are an immigrant nation. I voted for Obama, but unhappily, he has been only average and since he was formerly a welfare recipient, he has put millions more on the welfare rolls. Taxpayers screwed again.
