Saturday 29 November 2014

The New Freddie.

Freddie is just over 10 years old.

Like most cats he's always been aloof, independent, miserable, and arrogant; a cat apart.

But recently he seems to have changed. Suddenly he's friendlier and almost affectionate. He's taken to jumping up onto my lap every morning at 5.30am (he's on there now) as I do my computer stuff, and, over the last few days, has even begun sleeping in the comfy cardboard-box bed (above) in the studio; something he's never done before.

Dare I say it, but he's even tolerating the dogs; well almost.

I've always liked to have a 'tabby' around the place. Apart from mouse catching duties, they just make a house seem complete; especially out in the country. 

I was brought up with cats (not dogs), and have a natural affinity with them. They seem to understand that I understand them. 

We're not sure what has prompted this sudden, but very welcomed, character change.... but I hope it lasts.  


  1. He must be mellowing with age.

  2. He looks so comfy in that box. Perhaps he is just realising what he has been missing.

    1. Maybe after 10 years he's just realised that we're not as bad as he first thought.

  3. I have had 5 tabbies over the years in varying patterns.The present incumbent is a semi longhair aged 15. He eats like the proverbial horse, but is thin as a rake. I would take him to the vet to see why, but in my experience a trip to the vet by an old cat ends in their demise a week later! He seems perfectly happy ( except when the dog tries to play with him!!) My cats have all had very differing personalities.

    1. Probably all down to feline morphology. I suppose there's no reason why a cat shouldn't be naturally slim; like me!

    2. He was always " slim", being slightly oriental, but he is positively skeletal now under all his fur!

  4. There is no accounting for cats, as I am sure you know Cro.
    I love tabbies too. My dear old tabby, Maxie, was run over when he was eleven. I now have two farm cats - Blackie, all black apart from a white triangle under his chin, and Creamy, who is Siamese crossed with Tabby, so is pale cream with faint tabby markings - and boy, is he aloof. Blackie comes to the door for milk, Creamy hides around the corner until we have gone indoors and then comes out to share the milk.

  5. He's retired. Next thing you know he'll be demanding an indoor potty box.

  6. At 10 he is a senior now so the comforts of home are more enticing. A warm lap, comfy box and the fact that he feels safe with you all appeals to a cat that is heading into retirement.

  7. Do you think Freddie's OK ? …. perhaps he's sickening for something or, maybe because the colder weather has arrived and he's getting on a bit, he fancies a bit of mollycoddling !! …. I'm sure it's the latter. We had three cats and they acted differently all the time. XXXX

    1. He purrs a lot so I don't think he's sick. As suggested above I think it's probably a combination of advancing age, and advancing winter. Whatever it is, it's nice to have him around a bit more.

  8. I suspect it is the colder weather as much as anything. My four have been staying in and sleeping all day and last night I started with one on my lap when I was typing and then another climbed on and P had one on his lap and one on the floor nibbling his feet and one has just walked over the key pad as I type now and the other three are "resting". She knows how to miss the keys and walk along the outside.

    1. Freddie has yet to walk on the keyboard, but I wonder what he'd type!

  9. Our 4 Tabbys are always walking on the keyboard to get my attention. It does ! If it is cold out they stay in after popping out for about a minute. Freddie looks warm and happy. Take care. Marion

  10. My guess is feline andropause, Cro. Since I became a senior, I've gotten a lot friendlier in general too.

  11. Like many men, as he grows older, he is getting more needy.

  12. My experience with cats has been this: as the cats grow older, they've become more affectionate. It's as if they don't need to prove themselves anymore. We had one tuxedo cat that wanted to show her dominance, and had her last big fight with another cat when she was 17. Her opponent, though younger, bigger, and stronger was very afraid of her after that and did not dare to step in our yard afterwards. She died at 19, and for the last two years she was on the planet, she was incredibly affectionate with us.

    Grace, my very much feral kitty, also a tuxedo, decided to become a lap cat in the last seven or so months she was with us.

    Phoebe, now 14, has grown more vocal and even more of a diva, which hardly seems possible, but she also wants more rubs and petting than before.

    Jo is the youngster these days at 10. She's a grey tabby like Freddie, and she has always liked jumping on my lap for some rubs. If not daily then at least thrice weekly.
