Friday 19 September 2014

All over, bar the hangovers.


Well it's all over. The bloody Scots want to remain British; and who could blame them.

Somehow we all knew they would vote 'No', but it would have been fun to watch them on the brink of disaster had they voted 'Yes'.

A big waste of time, a big waste of money, and more than enough hot air.

Off to your bed now Jock, and dream of what MIGHT have been, had your fellow countrymen not demonstrated their common sense.


  1. And I've just heard Dave promising to look into 'The West Lothian Question'. At long last English Members of Parliament will vote on English matters, just as the Scots, Welsh, and Irish already do. About bloody time too.

  2. I feel sort of relieved that is was a 'No' vote - but I think the aftermath is going to be a bloodbath.

  3. Thank goodness they voted ' NO ' , although, we were all looking forward to seeing how they crashed and burned if the result had been ' YES ' !!!!
    Bloody Nigel Farage is putting his two-penneth in now on the news !!!! XXXX

  4. That's a bit harsh! At least they have forced Westminster into developing further devolvement for not only them, but Wales and Northern Ireland.

    1. Yes, The West Lothian Question will at last be addressed, which is one good result I suppose.

  5. Anglophilia is now a recognised disease.

    1. Maybe, but I doubt if it will spread to Eire.

    2. Oddly enough and sadly, there are one or two severe cases in the present Irish government :-(

  6. Sad I think that Scotland has less power and autonomy than States in the U.S.; one can hardly blame them for trying. We drank a dram last evening regardless of what the outcome would be because it was still a momentous occasion, and money is only just that.

    1. They do already have their own parliament (which England doesn't), and they also have free university education for all (which England doesn't). Not bad for a start.

  7. Apparently the "no" vote is the usual outcome in most referendums. A good result, or so it seems looking at it from Aus. Hope it hasn't created a huge division in the country for the future.

    1. It's bound to have caused a bit of 'them and us' division. I expect we'll see more kilts being worn by the unhappy 'yes' brigade.

    2. I'm entitled to wear a Welsh kilt you know.

  8. I'm glad they voted NO...

  9. Yes voters need not worry. Putin has declared the election a fraud and is sending his tanks and warships to grant the Scotts the independence they desire claiming long historical links between Scotland and Russia.

  10. I am so pleased they voted to stay as one.

  11. Good try on their part giving 16 and 17 year olds the vote but it didn't work did it. I just hated the thought of losing the Union Jack. lol

  12. I love seeing the royals in skirts. I am glad the vote went that way.

  13. And I see that Salmond will resign in November; good!
