Friday 19 September 2014

Harvest 2014.

The Butternuts are now all indoors. Not quite the crop I was expecting, but it'll see us through to Spring. I have 21 fruits of various sizes.

This, surely, must be the world's very best Pear. The Doyenne de Comice is sweet and juicy and delicious. If you have a spare corner somewhere, I recommend you plant one. A good Pear is a real pleasure to eat, but so often overlooked in favour of Apples..

This extremely red baby is a Reine de Reinette apple. Also known as the 'King of Pippins', it is often compared favourably to the Cox's Orange Pippin. Let me tell you now that it does NOT compare; it's a good apple but the Cox is far superior.

As with all fruits etc, it's sensible to have a selection of varieties. My very young Conference Pear was good this year, and my recently planted Jonagold apple produced just 3 edible fruits. 

It's been a decent fruit growing year, other than for my Bramleys, which were HOPELESS. Lots of Plums in the freezer, and we shall be eating Figs for quite a while yet.


  1. You will obviously have a good supply of produce for the winter months.

  2. Does Lady M sit by the pool all day reading?

  3. That what 'old granny' do all over the world. here too.

  4. No butternut squash for me this year - they do need oodles of room which I haven't got now. No pears either - my tree just refuses to hold on to the fruit.

    1. I have two newly planted Pears... I'm hoping they'll perform well for years to come. I'd almost forgotten how delicious they are.

  5. My squash didn't grow I had plenty on the plants but were very small. Will try again next year.

    1. I find they're usually very reliable. I wonder what went wrong.

  6. Everything in our potager has done well this year. The only disappointment was the tomatoes going over so suddenly. Fortunately a few rogue plants in other parts of the garden have supplied us with enough tomatoes for our salads. Got some magnificent red peppers at the moment.

    1. So have we, and the aubergines are still doing well. Even my tiny black chilies have started turning red. Desperate for rain.

  7. Replies
    1. Mother nature could supply a bit of water; it's desert-like here. All we get are promises.

  8. Looks like you'll be well stocked up.....

    1. Our apples don't seem to be keeping too well, but otherwise we're OK.

    2. Dad used to enlist us kids to wrap each apple individually in newspaper...then he would put them in a barrel in the barn. They kept that way until well after Christmas.

  9. If the squirrels and raccoon don't get all my fruits and vegs, then the deer clean it all up.

  10. Yum, butternut squash! And the pear and apple look divine.
