Saturday 20 September 2014

Why do I feel like this every September?

Oh, it's a long long time from May to December
But the days grow short when you reach September
When the autumn weather turns the leaves to flame
One hasn't got time for the waiting game.
Oh the days dwindle down to a precious few
September, November.
And these precious days I'll spend with you.
These precious days I'll spend with you.

As I was walking the dogs yesterday morning, I swear I could hear Lotte Lenya singing the above inside my head; I believe it was written for her, and she definitely produced the best rendition of it.

N.B. If you don't know Lotte Lenya's 1957 version of 'September Song', it's on YouTube.


  1. That's absolutely gorgeous. And yeah, I feel like that, too. Nice pix.

  2. That why I like bloging so much. I know her now. did not before I read your post. I shall listen to more later.

  3. I love this song and I love September too

  4. I suspect this time of year makes everyone feel reflective and a tad that song too.

  5. That was the year I was born. A rather melancholy song non? I adore autumn and in contrast, I find this time of year exciting. I cannot explain it, the chilly mornings, the crackling stove and savoury aromas of soup and potatoes baking in the ashes. And the colours of nature! oh, what's not to love :-)

    1. I thought Autumn was supposed to be melancholy. Unfortunately for me it heralds winter, and I'm not over keen on winter.

  6. Such a sad song and one that is more relatable in this season of my life. When I was a girl, I remember Jimmy Durante singing it.

  7. It's starting to look more like October here with the changing leaves and grayish skies. I miss summer a little bit but not completely.

  8. Lovely post .Autumn always sings a sad note...the end of summer is like a loss.

    1. My thoughts exactly; and it always seems so long before life starts again.

  9. No leaves changing color here, the days are shorter, that just means the nights are longer and hot. Oh autumn please come, don't wait till November or December.

  10. I always, always start to feel melancholy this time of year. The shorter days and dying vegetation has had that effect on me since I was a child. Autumn has many beautiful aspects, but will never be my favorite time of year.

  11. Why is there this incredible nostalgia for September. I think we all feel it and I would agree Cro - noody sings about it better than she does.

  12. I think we are supposed to revel in the Autumn melancholia. I try to.

  13. It's pretty good here. That's all I can say.

  14. I dread the thought of another winter without my husband.
    Strange how we come to rely on another person to make us feel safe. I never worried when he was here because he took care of everything. Now I worry about everything from frozen water lines to power failures.
