Thursday 28 August 2014

The barn; a progress report.

I receive thousands of Emails each day asking how the work at the barn is progressing (like hell I do).

Well, work has started again and we are busy putting up the new beams and joists for the ceiling/upstairs floor.

As wood and aluminium are to be very much a part of the whole final design, I have decided to use these industrial type fixings which will be left showing. The downstairs will be very hi-tech, and the upstairs more rustic and 'cosy'. 

As with all amateur builders/architects, I am problem-solving as I go along. Problems are plentiful; solutions less so. But we'll get there! 


  1. Even me being a new reader asked my self how the work at the barn is progressing. If it was built here you should have built also a protected room , misiles froof. which is very expensiv.

    1. The room below the upstairs bathroom will be entirely thick concrete, but whether that would protect us from a Hamas/ISIS/al qaeda attack is unsure.

  2. Its like a Grand Design show - only very slow!

    1. Thank you Lynda; you've noticed. I'm afraid it has to be as slow as our pockets allow.

    2. We dont have "barns" here, only corrugated iron sheds. One of the disadvantages of living in the "New World" is that we dont have really old buildings dotted around the place. Hence our love of programs like Escape to the Country. Im not complaining, just making an observation. How could anyone complain about living in Oz.

    3. But you have all those lovely wooden houses with fancy fretwork all around. Stunning.

  3. It looks as though it will be wonderfully spacious and 'loft' like when it's finished

    1. Yes, as it's simply an open space we feel no obligation to follow any particular style. It should indeed end up with a 'loft' feeling.

  4. I love it Cro and find the whole project so interesting. What are you intending to do with it when you finish it? Are you going to live in it/sell it/let it/ keep it as a holiday home or what?

    1. My youngest son and his family will live there. They're quitting Oz for his native France.

  5. WOW Cro ….. it's going to be amazing and, I love that the downstairs will be high-tech { and it sounds a little industrial } and that the upstairs will be more rustic and cosy …. the best of both worlds. Has your son had a lot of input as I think that he will be living there, wont he ? I have to say that I'm a little envious …. ! XXXX

    1. We discuss almost daily by Email and Skype. Not ideal, but it works.

  6. What a beautiful building, Cro. This will be fun watching the progress. Your family must be very excited about their future plans. We are about to take on a building project, too this Fall. Deb

    1. I hope you'll do a cats-n-building progress report on your page!

  7. Is any section of it going straight up to the a great room???

    1. Yes, the upstairs will have all the beams showing. They're not the best in the world, but we'll keep them anyway.

  8. That is quite a project and one that must be so much fun(and hard work) to plan.

  9. It's really starting to take shape now with windows and floors. Keep the photos and updates coming.

    1. The downstairs room is now beginning to feel like a big room. It's all quite exciting.

  10. Excited to see how it all comes along. I'm a big fan of barns. In the northeastern US ours are for storing hay and animals so have a different feel to them but I've had the opportunity to see some lovely tobacco barns in the south east; they seem ideally suited to conversion to living space.

    1. We used to own a huge stone built barn, but now sadly gone. There is now no more tobacco grown around us, hence the availability of so many of these redundant buildings.

  11. Have you considered a checker plate staircase?

  12. It's looking good. V impressed.

  13. I read somewhere that every artist was once an amateur. Here's hoping the same applies for builders/architects too :-)

  14. Love seeing the progress! Coming along very well indeed
